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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Gah, please no! The "non-Anime Friend" episodes of Macross are far better animated than the talking-head cartoons we see today. Not as a full blown TV series, because production quality has to suffer in such a project. I am suggesting an OVA series, similar to Macross Zero....
  2. Yeah that reload theory is the most logical, considering the chassis is modular. With 3 out of the 5 destroids utilizing the same chassis.
  3. Kawamori has already gone through that personal divorce from the series that made him famous. Even Macross II didn't shake him out of that funk. It wasn't until the studios wouldn't give him the money to make his Top Gun in space story, unless it was in the Macross universe, that he accepted the fact that he had leverage with Macross and could use it. Thus Macross Plus was born. That may be the reason why we don't see as many Macross productions as other series, in that if SK doesn't have a Macross story that interests him, he doesn't persue / develop it. I do agree that it couldn't hurt for him to collaborate with other story tellers, with respect to the franchise. Such partnerships tend to find fresh angles to tell stories from.
  4. Well we need to keep in mind that SK himself said that he takes 3 years to develop any of the Macross stories (which I'd suspect he does in his spare time), coupled with market demand and the apparent limited control the courts have given Big West over SDF Macross, it may be a few more years. If I were the execs at Big West I'd want to get a chance to re-do SDF Macross with new animation technologies! There is plenty of room left for stories in the universe. Mac Zero is a fairly open ended chapter, the fate of the Megaroad 1, colony stories, etc....
  5. Before starting you "love in" of ADV, actually listen to the dub script compared to the Animeigo script, you'll be a bit surprised with the "liberties" they took with the dialogue...
  6. **Sprays beer all over screen** ROFLMAO!
  7. Not to mention it would have been a great opportunity to showcase how combat effective the Valks are in GERWALK mode...
  8. Really? Where is that stated? I always thought they used OTEC composite ceramics, which would provide the same protection as thicker materials with substantially less weight. They mentioned "Hyper Carbon Steel" in the series, which one could assume is an OTEC alloy.
  9. Yes, much like prisoners who've been tortured into capitulation. They are brought to a point where they "want" to help the bad guys...
  10. I never destroy original kit - I always make a copy myself and use only copied parts in my projects. Ryjui's version of Rei!!! The Doktor is in!! or maybe this is more like it?
  11. I agree, considering her gun pod is only a regular one that has had the gun barrel cut down by half... However, after seeing other projects, I doubt that gun pod is the final version...
  12. Well Dr. Frankenstein, the results and the fanbase speak for themselves....
  13. Okay... I'll take it from the silence that he obviously makes exhorbitant amounts of money off this stuff, and I should be in-the-know, yet I am one of the ignorant few. He sells limited run resin casts of his work at Hobbyfan (I believe). Though I am sure you can imagine they are pretty hard to find once they see the light of day. His last project of Komilla was offered as a pre-order here on MW... I'm not sure if he released that one on Hobbyfan or not. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=13855&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=17583&hl= And his yummy Minmay in a Chinese dress figure! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=18881&hl= A commision he did: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=19479&hl= Just do a search on his name on these forums and you'd be amazed at his work...
  14. Actually, if I remeber correctly she and Kaifun are Chinese Japanese in descent. Their fathers' are of Chinese lineage, hence their last names.
  15. Watcha want for the the squadron patch???
  16. No... (she is better without ) Too bad... it would be a cool "optional" piece for those who want to build a 3D replica of the picture...
  17. Ryuji, did you know you are god-like to those of us who can't built figures like this? (Just couldn't resist adding to the questions theme... )
  18. I like the first one! Unfortunately (to me) the second one looks like the fighter is taking off without a catapult, since you can see the steam from a catapult launch moments before. Nice work though...
  19. It's possible. I do know that the modern Russian carrier has an upturned bow deck for fighter take offs.
  20. The very first star wars special? I've got it in an AVI file from a torrent site. As for the MW DVD, colore me there too!
  21. True, and how many albums did "Backstreet Boys" and "Insync" release or how many "Land Before Time" and Mary kate and Ashley Olsen videos have been released? There is quite a strong market for "kids" shows, everywhere...
  22. By the time they were "officially" dating Misa was no longer the SOO, she had been promoted out of that role. If I remember correctly, Vanessa was promoted to the new SOO after SW1.
  23. Just goes to show that Chris Roberts should never direct!!! He can write until his head explodes, but not direct... It's one thing to direct interactive cut scenes a completely other thing to direct a full blown movie! His ego was nearly as big as Lucas'
  24. You can also get it here, but Ali Sama's CD Japan site has a better price. http://www.animecornerstore.com/macmovdvd.html However, the shipping costs may make up the difference, so you'll need to do some research.
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