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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Which lends itself to my notion it could be in a war museum. Max wouldn't care about what happened to it as he'd have the newest Spacy toy to play with. Millia could have been a bit more nostalgic and opted to keep hers. That isn't to say a replica wouldn't be on display at some museum somewhere, most likely next to Max's old VF-1.
  2. It is a possibility that his VF-1 was placed in some sort of war museum back on Earth, thus not available for purchase.
  3. I don't remember Millia's VF-22, but I DO remember her kick ass VF-17!! The only VF-17 I ever liked.
  4. HG had little to do with it. They had no rights with respect to Mac 7, only SDF Macross and after the last court judgement all they own is half the international rights to the animated show, nothing else, not character designs or mecha.... Hence why Manga Ent. released Macross II & Macross Plus at around that time. So even if they wanted it, I doubt Bigwest would have licensed it to them, especially if the goofs were arrogant enough to expect the same rediculous deal they got from Tatsunoko for Macross...
  5. AH yes, human arrogance at it's finest...
  6. I thought Global was Eastern European, and Claudia was the most likeliest contender for French (last name = Laselle.) Crap... checked the Compendium - Bruno is born in Eastern Europe but of Italian decent, and Claudia is American. Though... max is European. http://macross.anime.net//characters/index.html Actually I'd suspect Claudia's family was probably from Louisiana, or at least of Cajun decent, I garontee... Thus is why I suspect Max is French, not to mention he named a few of his daughters popular french names, "Mylene" is one that comes immediately to mind... Not to mention the hair... We also have to understand the Japanese have/had closer entertainment ties with France than any other country and have collaborated on several anime shows.
  7. You've seen Macross Zero right? That had the best meshing of CG and animation I've seen to date. They toned down the CG and used less "cartoonish" character designs to bring the animation closer the the CG quality. It wasn't perfect but damn better than the majority (Yukikaze and Appleseed excluded). I would be very curious to see how the CG animators did the space battles and such. I couldn't disagree more. The music still resonates today. It is pop music with a catchy melody and it's well sung. I wouldn't mind seeing a few new songs by Mari, added to the repetroir, but replaced? Not on my watch... "100% Pure Macross, accept no substitues!" RT is what it is, I don't see any point in making Macross Americanized for Japanese audiences, considering the show featured many international characters as it was: Hikaru and Misa = Japanese Minmay and Kaifun = Japanese/Chinese Global = Italian Shamy = Swedish (I believe) Roy & Claudia = American Max = French (It's never stated, but many indicators point in that direction) etc... RT followed the Macross story quite closely except where Macek needed to plug in his "magic battery" and masters references. There were several scenes cut from RT that actually develop the Misa / Hikaru romantic interest more. Is there room to tweak the original story? Sure, but turning it into an RT clone is not an option.
  8. I never really saw the argument for anti-war sentiment in the original series. At the very least, it's far more subdued than most anime with the theme. Heck, one of the major story points is the anti-war Hikaru realizing that there ARE times where fighting is necessary, and becoming a highly-respected squadron leader. And the Macross itself, Earth's biggest and baddest warship, winds up saving humanity in a violent, if highly unorthodox, manner. It's really a refreshing change of pace from the standard "WAR IS BAD! STOP FIGHTING BACK!" of so many other shows(*cough*Macross 7*cough*), and I appreciate that they DID acknowledge that sometimes every peaceful solution fails and you just have to fight back. Actually I would disagree that the sentiment of SDF Macross was simply "anti-war", but more that "There is nothing glorious about war and it never ends well" would be a closer sentiment, IMO. Making it less about Basra-izing and more about the realities of war. That sometimes you have to fight, but be advised, it won't be glorious or pretty. Good people died, bad people died, the Earth was destroyed (= billions of humans) and the majority of Bodolza's fleet was destroyed (= billions of Zentreadi). There was no clear winner, humanity only simply "survived it". Hence the need to colonize the stars, to preserve the human race.
  9. Hmmm, looks like an attempt at Chibi to me... YOU be the judge!
  10. Zinjo


    Dude, you should skin that puppy and let the community make walls out of it. That is very nice work!
  12. Ryuji, you do realize that we'll want to see painted version of your wonderful work too?...
  13. Really? Which ones?
  14. Loved the shot, but something was bugging me about it and then I figured it out. There is no shadow underside the nose or the cockpit of the fighter so it seems a bit out of place, as if it were bottom lit or something. The composite work is pretty amazing though...
  15. BLASPHEMY!!! 100% Pure Macross or nothing...
  16. That's what I was thinking Congrats dude, have fun!
  17. So you are saying that Basara is drunk?
  18. That I can accept, but even then, Max was still able to fly through all the Varuta defences alone in his VF-22 even with his "diminished" ability. However I doubt it was age that blunted his edge, it was most likely his command. You don't get into too many dog fights in the Captain's chair.
  19. Yeah, she definitely is too tall for a Chibi... Though I'd love to see her renditions of the Macross cast as Chibi's that would be fun!
  20. Well if you use the "Carrier" class as your battleships and modify the code for their 'main guns', I'm pretty they are capable of producing fighter type units and smaller units. As for the mother ships, those could be bases that are within a system. I'd suggest have them at a fixed location around the fringes so as to create a base of operations from which to build capital ships but not necessarily close enough to the action to get in the way. As for whitewolfmxc's idea of the "Refinery Stations" or rather "Mining Stations", I'd agree that that would be a better route, in that your collectors would still have to go to them for materials, but wouldn't actually do the harvesting themselves.
  21. Now I HAVE to rewatch that episode...
  22. Don't you mean this?
  23. I'm quite sure he did. It was brief, but lethal to the CAG. I am not entirely sure if Max broke up the dog fight or not, though. I'll have to re-check that.
  24. Ultimately Max became the better pilot after he gained sufficient experience. Roy was the best initially with is ability and experience, but max surpassed him after a while. The best example of this is that Max "survived" his encounter with Millia, Roy didn't...
  25. More "Anime Magic"...
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