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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Yeah I caught that after I posted...doh When one looks at the SDF-1, the main gun was discharged between two booms unlike the gunships where this reaction seemed internalized. The same could be here and as already stated perhaps the folding flight deck has something to do with how the cannon works on this class. I reviewed the screenshots and perhaps the Elysium is actually an SDF redesign. Maybe the NMCV class carriers have been considered too large for the purposes they serve or a 1200m warship has become necessary for fleets in the alliance? The resources to deploy a 1000m or 1200m (not yet known) warship would be less than a 1500m or 1600m carrier. The gun ship(s) may be the booms on the back of the ship. If you look at them they seem to be very similar to the SDF-1's and they may well be hinged to tilt down like the original. Whether they would fire independently or like the Macross is not yet known, assuming they are gun ships (pods)..
  2. I'd be skeptical it is a Quarter Class cap ship. The colony is certainly older than 8 years when the Quarter first made it's combat debut. I am inclined to believe it is a class between the SDF / NMCV and the Quarter Class. Perhaps one of the earlier attempts to shrink transformable capital ships before the Quarter was finished its development. It is clearly modular like the NMCV and Quarter series', but larger in scale with what appears to be fold capable Arm Carriers (both of which appear to be nearly 200m long, which is nearly the same length as a whole Quarter Class ship.). It may well have been designed by the same group who designed the quarter as many features found on the Quarter class appear in this ship. What this class is called is something that will be revealed sooner or later.
  3. I still think it resembles the MF-1 paint scheme more...
  4. Unless HG ups and dies or is bought out by a more friendly studio, don't expect to see any Macross on Western TV anytime soon...
  5. LOL, SK finally found a use for his placeholder "S" insignia I think the triangle(s) are going to be between Messer, Mirage, Hayate and the second would include Freyja. The VF-1EX is at total nod to SDFM and it was wonderful to finally see a CG animated Valkyrie. The paint scheme seemed to be a nod to Macross First and something Hasegawa can release a "new" VF-1 kit with the same old VF-1 molds...
  6. Wasn't also in Gundam where Newtypes were beginning to be perceived as threats because of their ESPer abilities? Maybe I'm cross referencing pop culture franchises....
  7. Yep. Looks like Well if the VF-1's were as awful to fly as has been indicated, it is the best way to learn. Getting accustomed to flying a barrel makes flying a more responsive aircraft that much easier.
  8. Well with each Macross release given it's own temporal continuity, having any sort of official continuity is rather moot... If internal fold drives do now exist, I would expect they'd be for short hops in order to keep the Mothership out of sight but the task force within striking distance of the target.
  9. I was toying with the idea that the "Runes" on the Windemerians are a PC invention and they are what is left of the Anima Spiritia army of ancient times. It would fit into Seto's theory regarding the adverse affects of negative fold song. As for "running out of time", perhaps their world is facing an impending ice age due to their own climate change issues.
  10. Essentially, it would appear the show is taking place at the opposite side of the milky way to where Earth is located, aka the "other" boonies...
  11. I would consider the NUNS fleets of the Federal forces to be akin to the modern NATO forces. They are the cops of the Allied worlds and as already stated, probably have the top tier gear that can swat mis-behaving colonies if ever called upon to intervene. One could speculate that Earth and maybe Eden would have the bleeding edge equipment, and other member states would have gear comparable, but not exactly as advanced. Those not directly a part of the alliance would be relegated to what we've seen in Frontier, having to develop their own equipment with the "released" tech. The Allied group of worlds would then deploy their fleets as tasks forces to whatever regions needed their attention. That isn't official, just an extrapolation of what may be.
  12. I'll have to watch that sequence again. It would be disappointing if the universe were to be moving out to another galaxy, thus diminishing the actual size of the milky way which vast enough as it is...
  13. It is anime after all. In reality it would take several generations for the indigenous peoples to adapt to a foreign culture and even then, there would be traditionalists who would resist or refuse to assimilate.
  14. I would favor the latter as well as the possibility that the spectre of Galaxy was somehow involved in the Windemere secession. The cold war has begun...
  15. Rail Gun or DEW's? A rail gun is a projectile weapon, it uses magnetics for projectile propulsion as opposed to chemical reaction. DEW's (Directed Energy Weapons) have been all over the Valks since the beginning. In space it would be an ideal weapon, but would loose some performance in an atmosphere (though still substantially superior to chemical rounds in the same environment).
  16. Considering the energy output of the engines, I am kind of stunned the VF-31 isn't using caseless rounds propelled by rail gun technology by now... It would have to be a more economical use of power than DEW's.
  17. Now that would make sense! Ragna looks like a more established colony and the Macross Quarter is a "new" Macross design that apparently first saw combat only 6 years prior..
  18. Maybe its the new Macross Half . It is certainly larger than a Quarter and sports twin fold capable larger carrier arms instead of a gun ship arm.Perhaps it is a new class after all. If the size comparisons on this thread are accurate maybe this world was colonized by a standard sized colony fleet instead of the "supers" we've become accustomed to since M7?
  19. Most likely an "F-181" would have been treated as a new design and thus subject to all the red tape associated with the procurement of a new fighter craft. Building the "Rhino", as Bug derivative was easier and faster to deploy to the Navy. Gotta admire MD's ingenuity...
  20. I doubt we'll ever see those unless they were needed for a production. Not necessarily. They could have only made it to the design or prototype stages. Designators are not re-used regardless of whether the fighter gets produced.
  21. Yeah, I've always believed the Federal Forces would have VF-24's in their fleets with all the bells and whistles not shared with the colonies. This is not unprecedented. The US F-22 has never been on the table as an export fighter, despite all the other models of fighters available to allies. Even the fighters sold to foreign allies are not usually at the same tech level as those used by the US military. Though close allies like Canada and Britain may have it.
  22. The only official releases with English subs AFAIK are the Macross Plus Remastered set that just came out, which has the original Japanese produced dub and subs and I believe MF Wings of Goodbye has official subs, I cannot recall if False Diva does or not...
  23. As of Frontier it still was. You got quick shot of it as Grace initiated her simultaneous attack on Spacy with the Vajra. I don't recall the episode # off hand though.
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