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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well considering we don't know if the Macross was carrying a full compliment of pilots or how many died in the first few weeks of hostilities. That could be simply a matter of necessary survival. If a teen has the aptitude to operate the aircraft, "sign him up!" Under any other circumstances it would be impossible for them to join until they were of age. You are referring to what exaclty? The Macross was a space ship, hence the plan to merge with the ARMD 1 & 2 carriers. The whole city section could be attributed to dramatic license since I could speculate why it was empty, but it would be a speculation. We see no long range missile capability by the Zents, and their energy weapons appear to have a maximum range. Actually we are never really given any perspective as to at what range the fleet and the Macross engaged each other. We know one thing, that any engaging cruiser had to be within fighter range of the target to launch it's pods and that put them within range of the main canon. Those who got too close would often find themselves on the business end of the Deadalus.
  2. Really?! Which one? I love that show, it's almost as over the top as Takeshi's Castle in it's particular genre! Imagine being a chef able to make a $5000.00 a dish meal (and that's only the INGREDIENTS)!?
  3. sketchley is being a wiseguy...
  4. Well considering their kids have the genetics of aces from two separate races, I'd suspect Max has at least one daughter or two who can match his ability, the odds favor that....
  5. Wow, when you have a website address please post it.
  6. I was under the impression that the Marduk war took place in 2080 and lasted months rather than years... More speculation on your part or is it from specific reference material?
  7. Exactly what I was thinking! A child of his clone or even a test tube baby of Roy and Claudia is another possibility.
  8. Prolly the one you bug the most will look into getting it in. If they don't think they'll fill any seats, they won't get it.
  9. Well at Anime Evolution this weekend Keever said the Beta (Tread) is looking at a SRP of $200.00 and from what he was saying, HG isn't sure if there is a sufficient market to buy it at that price, to merit the line. This from the same company who released $200.00 resin bookends.... Essentially he was fishing the audience for interest...
  10. Announcement for those who are interested: At the Anime Evolution Convention in Vancouver, Kevin McKeever announced that RT:SC will be coming out in theaters on limited release (only in Digial Projector equiped theaters) on October 20, 2006, the final number of theaters has not been finalized as of Aug 19/06. It will be showing at various film festivals over the month of September; NY, Chicago, LA... The DVD is scheduled to come out on Nov. 21/06. This if for real kids... FYI
  11. That makes sense. Many a design has been altered in the interests of budgets.
  12. It's called continuing along a metaphorical line. I referred to the Valks as "stars", anthropomorphizing them. Hence continuing along that example. As you have already stated, they weren't part of the main story, kinda like supporting cast members, but both the destroids and supporting cast have roles in the universe. I wouldn't dismiss their roles in the series' as marginal, simply not featured because the story didn't merit it. So the "angles" comment is referring to the redesigned wings? In my post it is...
  13. Well there are several dramatic design departures from the stock VF-11, but you can still tell what fighter chassis it was based on. I am not a fan, but that's me. There is no doubt the mecha stars of the show were the Variable fighters, but the destroyed weren't really marginalized, they were supporting characters at best. They served a role in Mac Zero and SDFM and then in subsequent series' they were really not necessary to the story, so we don't know how they were deployed post SW1. I agree, I prefer the YF-19 and the VF-19A configurations of the fighter. Since I don't recall what the purpose of the thruster cuffs were for or recall ever seeing them in use, I find them aesthetically displeasing (always wanted to use that word ) The shortening of the wings could be explained as necessary for re-entry purposes, but I prefer the early versions of the fighter best. Not really if you compare the old and new chassis, there is differences in the airframe particularly in the wings.
  14. The CMS figure of the giant DYRL max apparently fits perfectly inside the Blue Q-Rau toy. Now that's teamwork...
  15. Booooo, I like it...
  16. Hmmm, Millia the cougar..... nice.... Is would she be classified as a MILF?
  17. I understand it is a dramatic device in a fictional SF story. I am simply saying I don't feel it is a good control device for the vehicle and I am explaining why... Makes one wonder why SK would go to so much effort to design VF craft that are aerodynamically plausible... I find it ironic that I have been 'ridiculed' by some for making a statement and ending it with IMO, yet saying "It's just an anime show, exempt from <*place object here*>" is perfectly acceptable. Seems like the same thing just in a different form.... However, I am simply inviting debate on the subject. If there are no takers, then let's move on... Perhaps back to giant bras and those entities that inhabit them....
  18. This has to be a record! 26 pages of debate on Macross 7 and no need for asbestos suits. Keith is right, this is remarkable
  19. More physics... Inertia still works in space. If an object is travelling full speed in one direction and then suddently changes direction, there is a certain amount of inertial pressure exerted on the pilot when that change is made. Depending on the amount of that pressue, it could be up to and including several g-forces.
  20. If you reduce the responsiveness of the stick, then you have a fighter, travelling up to Mach speeds, with a sluggish control stick to allow for a pilot's over compensations. Both sticks rely on the same principles of control, there isn't any advantage of having a longer control stick. In WWI & II the fighter pilots flew with floor mounted joysticks, similar in length to the guitarstick. Such control devices were acceptable because the fighters flew well under mach speeds and because of this lack of speed the aircraft was much more forgiving to over compesation. The controls were also attached to wires that would require physical exertion to operate the controls, thus leverage was a good thing. There is also the fact that these prop planes never experienced being hit by a missile or a very high calibre round, which would have a greater kinetic impact on the flight of the plane. It's basic physics, not a matter of thinking outside of the box. If you hold on to a broomstick attached to a wall and someone pushes you, the distance the end of the broomstick travels will be greater than that of an 8" stick attached to the same wall.
  21. Based on what logic? Physics?? The fact that a guitar stick is approximately 5' to 6' long as opposed to a 8" to 9" hand stick typically used? One hit from an enemy missile could send a guitar sticked fighter spining out of control, due to the jarring of the impact as opposed to a possible veering off course or shutter from a hand stick. That's just the basics of physics and leverage. The larger the lever the more pronounced the movement. Besides, the bra and it's contents are the most dangerous part of that example... Well that's a personal preference I don't share regarding the MAXL...
  22. That's already been answered, "100 year old rice crispy squares"... sheesh pay attention...
  23. Well it is generally understood that the male of the species determines the sex of the offspring, thus Max is only shooting girls...
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