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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Why would the Asuka II need AG generators? What I am reading is wild speculation as to why. There is no evidence other than similar looking generation units in one shot. The ship has open elevators and catapults, which is fine for an atmospheric AC, but are senseless for space based ACs. The ARMD carriers launched aircraft via launch arms, none of that is present on the Asuka II. There is no visible space thruster system which would allow the ship to manuever in space if it were to fly there and once outside of the Earth's gravity, would NEED them to get back. The idea of a submersible carrier is a stretch, to take it to the level of a purposely built space capable naval AC is going way beyond credible IMO. The Macross had AG fields because it was a SPACE SHIP, we don't see transatmospheric ships in regular use until the 2040's. Then there is the story aspect to it. Why bother showing Sara's ability to levitate stones if the AFOS doesn't share that ability on a larger scale? If the AFOS with all it's incredible ancient technology (the technology that was apparently capable of creating bio engineered space monster weaponry shown in Mac 7) is incapable of levitating a group of ships similar to how Sara levitated stones, then that whole Sara scene was pointless and really didn't further the story at all. It wasn't any sort of foreshadowing, just a cool effect to show the audience Sara could sing stones into levitating. Big deal... Somehow, I suspect SK is a better story teller than that...
  2. Zinjo

    Megaroad Walls

    As per requested, the raw scan: http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Pics/Meagroad-00-raw.jpg A scan of the Megaroad with the bridge: http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Pics/F..._clouds-raw.jpg
  3. Well Basara is essentially Kawamori's superman IMO. He is able to project his emotion to his target via his music and apparently elicit an emotional response, which isn't hostile, agression, sadness or fear but benign peace and/or love. Their troops are made up of the crew and colonists of the Megaroad 13 mission under mind control, similar to how the Supervision Army started out. The PD themselves are bioengineered weapons, possessed by spiritia entities from another dimension. Thus apparently they and their mind control techniques were vulnerable to the anima spiritia affects that Basara and Mylene were capable of generating. Well the whole thing about the failure of the Minmay Defense was as you say, the complacency of Spacy and that the singer shown in the hologram was in fact a current Pop idol of the day, not Minmay. They used "culture" shock to gain the upper hand in every Zentreadi encounter. Because the singer didn't have the same emotional commitment to the song(s) as Minmay did, one could argue that the anima spiritia potency was absent from the music and easily defeatable by the Marduk's emulators. I tend to believe the story was meant to be longer, but disappointing ratings cut it short. There is no public evidence of this, but it is the only explanation why experienced writers and producers would leave so many loose ends and dropped story threads in the 6 - 1/2 hour episodes. I would love to know what the whole vision for the series would have been and how long it was planned to run. Dude, Sivil may have looked odd, but she was the best of all the PD! IMO, all the PD should have looked like her and had special abilities. The whole space monster thing didn't impress me at all, in M7.
  4. Seems to me like the line should be, "It's controlling gravity", implying it has power over gravity as opposed to some unecessary AG generators.
  5. Pffft, it's obvious they found them around Pluto after they folded... Hmm, careful grasshoppa, some folks around here consider that site their "bible"..... However, nothing is perfect, so it's possible there are errors here and there.
  6. Why equip ships with AG generators and fly them into space with no apparent menuevering thrust system present, at all? The idea of sending equipment and such into space could have just as easily been accomplished via some sort of space station anchored tether system utilizing any AG generators as the means by which a lift bed was elevated into space. Much cheaper and more efficient that building individual ships with separate AG generators. If this were so then the Asuka and the Prometheus would have had different meathods of elevating fighters to the catapults as well as launching them, as opposed to the traditional way in which we see the fighter are moved around the carrier. The way they do, we would tend to see fighters float away into space when the elevators reached the flight deck, something a "covered" elevator or even a cowling similar to the CV Series of space carriers shown in Macross 7. Now the idea of a submersible carrier has always seemed a bit like explaining away dramatic license, however the Deadalus being a submersible vehicle is entirely possible in that the russian navy was developing submersible troop carriers during the cold war, which looked quite similar to the Deadalus. Which brings me back to the fact that the lifting of both the Asuka and the AUN stealth sub was the work of the AFOS to give us a parallel to Sara's ability to levitate rocks. There is no overt or covert evidence in the story to suggest that either vessel were equipped with AG generators. IMO the generators shown were a form of OT reactors used to power the super carrier and most likely one of them was used exclusively to power the beam canon weapon.
  7. I tend to agree. It would make the most sense. Spacy performs a stellar naval role while the UNSAF performs a more localized based role in colonial systems or even outposts. The Space Marines would fill roles within Spacy as well as terrestrial duties. I'd suspect the role of planetary based divisions would be more of a civil defense role to defend citizens planetside as well as quell any revolutionary tendancies. I don't recall exactly, but I believe the "New Edwards" base is a Spacy base, eventhough the origin of the name is US Air Force.
  8. Yes, I bought what "they claimed" was the FX version and all it was, was the AC version. When I called them on it, they couldn't specifically "prove" they had the actual FX edition. They seem to think that if the box art looks like the FX version, it actually is. It's up to you if you wish to risk it. I don't trust those clowns.
  9. Please provide pictures of both assertions as I don't recall either instances. Particularly the Dead and Prom in space in SDFM...
  10. Zinjo

    Megaroad Walls

    Yeah me too, but that was the scanned image I had to work with so I made lemonade...
  11. Well SK was going through his "Let's make the Variable fighters look Gundam" phase.... Hopefully he is over that now...
  12. **Shutters** Sacrilege!!
  13. Zinjo

    Megaroad Walls

    I found a really nice resolution of the megaroad in drydock and decided to make a wallpaper out of it. It isn't much, but I like how it turned out... If someone can point me in the direction of the thumbnail instructions I'd appreciate it... Different glows, but essentially the same image, http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Files/...8_Wall-blue.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Files/...8_Wall-gold.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Files/...8_Wall-gree.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Files/...68_Wall-red.jpg http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Files/...8_Wall-yell.jpg EDIT: Another one, a bit more optimized: http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo3/Index/Pics/M..._Wall-Zinjo.jpg
  14. I haven't seen her concerts in person, yet. I have seen some videos of performances she has done here though. http://www.fansview.com/2000a/022600m.htm http://www.fansview.com/2001/nekocon/102601b.htm http://youtube.com/watch?v=BTwYLqo2oYM http://youtube.com/watch?v=ltJCBZb3hwA http://youtube.com/watch?v=GR3T1BFueSQ http://youtube.com/watch?v=OILWXfAMeXE http://youtube.com/watch?v=8cTuQAudE2c&amp...ted&search= http://youtube.com/watch?v=uwXMAtgB4EE http://youtube.com/watch?v=8cTuQAudE2c Enjoy!
  15. Zinjo

    Wall Art

    They could be a Robowreck fan....
  16. Very nice fusion of the VF-2 and the VF-0's reactive armor! Too bad you weren't able to modify it to look more proprietary to the VF-2... Very nice nonetheless! BTW, don't refer to the VF-0 as the "Phoenix", some on this board will bluntly point out that the VF-0 has never had a canon name attached to it by Studio Nue, so at present it is just the VF-0. If I had to name it, I'd call it the "Loki", staying with the Norse gods theme and implying it's tricky nature as a variable fighter, but that's just me...
  17. Isn't that the Zentran macross canon gunship? I could be wrong.... Though I DO want to know where the arcadia is in DYRL love (assuming it IS in there to begin with)... Lord Brettai
  18. There hasn't been any mention of future grand canon construction since SDF Macross. It may have been considered not worth the risk. Having such a powerful weapon planetary based, puts that world at risk. With all it's power, the risk to the world it fires from would face is most likely bombardment from space similar to what happened to the Earth. However that is pure speculation, since nothing further is mentioned about the weapon system.
  19. Actually that looks like the old Animeigo release, just repackaged. How quaint, the RT store is selling the Mac Plus movie DVD (I guess they figure if enough people are fooled into thinking they own the rights to the show, they actually will... ). Manga Ent. will let anybody sell their product...
  20. I bought the Bandai release (as the FX version had been out of print for nearly a year and nothing new was on the horizon) and needed to use 2 different decrypters to get a clean region free copy to master on to a DL DVD, but it is definitely worth it!! I then subbed it using Hurin's project files. He did an amazing job, but I am still disatisfied with the menus . Hurin, any word if you will be doing a remaster of the subs using the existing Bandai menu screen?? Hint, hint, nudge, nudge... Anyway, if you want to truly appreciate the new animorphic widescreen and audio transfer on your home theater system, I'd suggest biting the bullet, get the R2 release and subbed it using Hurin's project files. You won't regret it-- well maybe the bland menu screen... !
  21. Cool thanks man, I didn't take the time to look it up. The only other explanation is.... "Max was just a badass"
  22. Macross: - Anime Eigo- Super Dimension Fortress Macross DVD set (Out of Print, but still available around) ~or~ - ADV SDF Macross (Dubbing "takes too many liberties" with the story, mis-pronounce character's names and the Macross name frequently) not recommended, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it. I would recommend you watch the subbed tracks instead of the english dialogue). - Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love - Perfect Edition FX (Out of Print, but some copies around-beware ebay sellers like Sundevil claim to be selling copies, but they are the run of the mill HK bootlegs, so if you get one don't expect the FX versions quality. Other sellers claim to have it, so be careful. The only one who you can trust is Valkyrie Exchange, but he no longer has any. - Manga Entertainment- Macross Plus OVA's 1 - 4 DVDs (Decent dub of the series) - Manga Entertainment- Macross Plus Movie DVD (Not a recut of OVA series, but a movie version of the series with new scenes not seen in the OVAs- subbed) - Macross Zero - The HK Perfect edition (Has all the episodes on a 2 disc set, available everywhere) [There are fansubbed torrents on the web, so if you wish to download them, you will get superior translations compared to the HK bootlegs. You will have to convert them to DVD format to watch them on your TV] - Anime Eigo- Macross II: Lover's Again DVD (You can watch it either dubbed or subbed) Southern Cross: ADV- Super Dimensional Cavalary Southern Cross series DVD set Mospeada: ADV- Genesis Climber Mospeada series DVD set. Robotech The ADV Remastered Robotech series the Protocultue Edition (has a disc of the RT II: Sentinels premier on it).
  23. I tend to foster the idea that the BDI system wasn't abandoned, but rather scaled back to "enhance" a pilot's ability in the cockpit as opposed to allow total control. Max's helmet in the VF-22 is similar to Guld's and I tend to believe it is because the BDI system is used to speed up reaction times between the pilot and the fighter, thus allowing the fighter to "intuitively" respond to the pilot's control nearly instantaneously. IMO.
  24. Kawamori has created line art of Valkyries and Destroids with UN Navy, UN Air Force and UN Army labels on them, so it would appear that such forces did exist on Earth prior SW1, but after the war nothing is really mentioned about it, AFAIK. Most of the series' after SDF Macross centered around UN Spacy.
  25. Mari doesn't sing any of the Macross songs in the English version of Macross. She should, but the company doing the English version could not get permission from Victor for the music from the show. She is doing the English speaking part of Minmay though. She is singing some of the songs from the show and the movie as well as her own music at concerts here.
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