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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Not sure what you mean, all I did was use a blue toned grey for the back part. The canopy however was a gradient which turned out pretty cool...
  2. Colored Kawamori cartoons: These first two were colored by grebo guru- This one I did and consider it an ode to Mac 7 fans... - I'd love to know what the writing means on the nose though...
  3. His VF-2JA has a fugly head, but the VF-2SRA works.
  4. Well I was going to call you to task on your "viewers are stupid", until I read the post script. Audiences may be treated as stupid, but how many "stupid" films are canonized as classics 20+ years later? Pandering to the stupid doesn't make quality tv, BSG, Lost, CSI & Any Sorkin show all assume the viewer has a brain, and they tend to do fine... However, your point about escapism is very true and thus I must agree with. In terms of callsigns, I don't think it is necessary, Macross has an international cast of characters and there is no reason to use a typically American radio system of callsigns in the show. It may be cool here, but that doesn't work for the rest of the world.
  5. The VF-17... the only VF that should never tranform out of Battroid mode...
  6. All I've ever heard SK say about Mac II is that he's never seen it, therefore has no opinion of it. Now I suspect that's just his way of avoiding any commentary on it, but I expect he's seen it out of curiosity, as anyone would... Kawamori minions tend to "assume" he hates it, eventhough there is no published comments made by him about it .
  7. They didn't. Prior to the destruction of Bodolza, the Meltrans and Zentran Zentreadi had separate fleets and did not serve aboard the same ships. They worked together but never spent any recreation time together, lived with each other or even touched one another. As far the the Zentrans were concerned the Meltrandi were nothing more than males with fat chests and to the Meltrani the Zentrans were nothing more than annoying flat chested females... Essentially both sides were as innocent as children with respect to sexuality.
  8. It is kind of sad they didn't think to throw micro missiles into the airbrakes similar to the ones used on the Wasp fighter in Gall Force II...
  9. Actually if you are going with the DYRL control set in the cockpit, there are no HUD plates on the console. The HUD info is displayed directly on the canopy. Georgous work though!
  10. Hey dude, try the head off this battroid and see if it doesn't work... http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo4/Index/PIX/VF...A1_battroid.jpg
  11. Was it this? http://www20.brinkster.com/pariahpress/lensman/anime.htm http://lensman.freeshell.org/ Then it is indeed "Lensman": "SF Shinseiki Lensman was released in Japan in 1984. Lensman: Kozûmosu no daisensô , a TV series, followed it from 1987-1989. Carl Macek's company, Streamline Pictures, dubbed the movie into English and released in America as Lensman in 1991." . . . .
  12. I am not sure but is this an M3 pilot suit? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=13855&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18307
  13. I'll try to make a few scans , this weekend, of what's been animated. BTW, amazing work!
  14. Come to think of it, had the PD been scarrier, I may have accepted them more... As it was, they were more Hanna Barbera cartoonish than viable antagonists. I won't blast the transforming Battle 7 (I've done that already, elsewhere), it was simply tragic to take Miyatake's amazing carrier design and insist it turn into a rifle toting Shogun Warrior... In terms of design IMO this series was Miyatake's triumph in space craft design. Really brilliant stuff.
  15. Actually a very good point! I hadn't separated the skills of a VF pilot, as it is conceivable that a person could be better in one form over another. Max and Millia were ace pilots in any mode. If I remember correctly the manuever was in regard to being able to dodge multilple missile and weapons fire through barrel rolls and various defensive dodges in battroid mode. Basara only fired his gun to shoot his speaker pods at the beginning of his run, it wasn't often he would fire after beginning his song.
  16. There is also the aspect that the Zents were bred for war and fighting. Why waste the material on maintenance staff where repair facilities (possibly like Bodolza'a base) were available. As already stated, they probably just scuttled a broken ship and the crew were re-deployed among other ships to continue the fight.
  17. I never really noticed, I'll check again, but SK may have used the cockpit canopy as a virtual HUD as in later shows... Edit: Yes indeed. The DYRL cockpit uses the canopy as the HUD, so there are no HUD plates on the console.
  18. NOW THAT makes more sense to me than a civillian rock musician, for some inexplicable reason, being able to out fly trained, seasoned, career military pilots... I personally always felt that the complex VF fighters required computer assisted control and that the better the pilot got the less it was needed. That was part of the unseen differences between the VF-#A series and VF-#S series', was either the level of computer control or the ability to modify the amount of computer assist.
  19. As opposed to feeling stupid expecting it now???
  20. The only thing missing is the HUD display on the console. You may want to make the canopy reflection more from the outside rather than of the console itself. Still beautiful!
  21. Wow just doesn't quite do it anymore...
  22. Ummm, WOW!!! The canopy reflection can be removed, but the render is sweet!
  23. Well said, I can think of nothing to add...
  24. Actually it's nice to see ANY ORIGINAL ANIMATION from HG... I hope it takes off for them, then they'll stop trying to usurp legitimate anime series' into something they aren't.
  25. Maybe, or maybe it simply needs a fresh perspective. SK and his Studio Nue group have had exclusive control over the franchise for over the past decade and that can be a good thing as much as a bad thing. Another post already pointed out how the Star Wars fanbase feels that George Lucas has lost touch with his own creation, the same could be speculated of SK and Studio Nue.... With Anime becoming more and more an international commodity, what works in Japan may not work in the rest of the world. Hence Sketchly's point that Macross 7 was a hit in Japan and has been completely panned by international distributors. How Mac Plus is largely forgotten in Japan, whereas in North America is usually listed in the top 3 of any Macross fan. Personally, I suspect the biggest detriment to the Macross franchise is all the legal woes surrounding Big West and Tatsunoko. Should Big West win the rights to the series' story they'd have to reanimate SDFM to claim sole ownership of the show. Not such a horrible idea, since it would allow them to relegate the original series as a dramatized TV program about SW1 in the franchise canon.
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