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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. True, the gun makes it wackiest IMO, the head actually works to an extent. What role a head like that could serve might be that of a VF-12T or even a VF-12E or quite possibly a VF-12K for special ops missions... Though for a spec ops version, it would need some better armamanets and gunpod...
  2. Ahh I see...
  3. Macross Plus is Kawamori's interpretation of "Top Gun"! It is very action oriented and a perfect showcase for some pretty cool VF designs. From a story point of view it is rather weak, but the action makes up for that for Western audiences. It's weak story may be why it wasn't nearly as well received in Japan as it was here.
  4. Hmm I would have thought you'd call it the VF-32 or something like that, since the time of Mac II takes place approximately 80 years after SDFM...
  5. FUGLY VF.... Sorry dude, not my favorite design AT ALL....
  6. THAT has been the only real redeeming quality for Mac 7 (as well as the Miyataki capship designs), the characterizations are vintage Studio Nue, one of the aspects that made SDFM great, the premise and development outside of those stories left me completely flat! On the contrary my friend, you have numerous times attempted to present yourself as some sort of Japanese expert and from that "seeming" pedestle you've put yourself on, have repeatedly stated that our opposing opinions are based on how we don't get it because we don't live there... Well that may be true in part, however our opinions are no less valid than any supporter of Macross 7, be they ones who understand the cultural roots of the show or not. I suggest both of you tone it down, dismissive comments like: ...and it's derivatives, only invite responses like: ...and it's derivatives. They are both veiled flames, hiding them in pleasant wording doesn't take away their dismissive and therefore combustable natures. Opinions are relative and subjective and equally valid no matter what side of an issue you are on. Make your points and agrue them on that basis alone please.
  7. Was the textrued color on purpose? Kinda like a cloud effect?
  8. Prolly because both are equally panned and criticised by the Western fan community. Mac II is slammed by the SK minions as it didn't have his "holy touch" and Mac 7 because it was essentially a kids show that some try to elevate beyond it's station. Both failed in areas and both succeeded in areas. I like 'em both, but tend to lean toward Mac II over Mac 7.... (any further comments can be seen in many many threads on these boards... )
  9. See any list of Keith quotes, it'll pop up at least once or twenty times!
  10. Nice!
  11. Yeah I am getting that feeling too... Well the crappier the dub of the original is, the less likely it will compete with Robowreck....
  12. I don't recall Battle 7 getting destroyed in Mac 7, but Battle 5 was and so was the Stargazer Stealth Frigate. An emigration fleet consists of 1 City Class (New Macross Class) ship and various other ships with specific functions, Begin Hill Class, Riviera Class, Mark Twain Class, etc... each with a corresponding CVS, ARMD or Stealth Cruiser attached. Only the City Class (New Macross Class) ship gets a Battle Carrier attached to it and there is only one per fleet. The bottom picture looks like a shipyard where the City Class (New Macross Class) ships are being built. Each will then be set up with a fleet of other ships to go on their journey into the galaxy.
  13. I've got the untranslated stuff... I'm particularly interested in Miyatake Kazutaka's notes about the Macross 7 capital ships...
  14. Yes that series had to be Miyatake Kazutaka's best work so far!
  15. Battle 5 is essentially the same as Battle 7 with the exception of the Zentreadi-centric design elements. I don't recall Battle 13, what is that from? Anyway, Bris you mention multiple Battle 7 type carriers in any given fleet on your site, when actually there is only one. The rest are CVS or ARMD type carriers which are considerably smaller ships than the Macross Battle class cruisers.
  16. On THAT we agree brother! However, I do agree that Kawamori is becoming the Lucas of Macross. As a director he is brilliant, as a mecha designer- amazing, as a story teller- he could use the fresh perspective of a new set of eyes. Macross Zero was better than 7 IMO, yet it didn't capture the essence of the original, since he really didn't write the original, he wrote the outlines that the staff writers followed and the Director embellished on. It was his story to be sure, but the details were fleshed out by others, similar to how "The Empire Strikes Back" was written. I would rather see what would come out of a collaborative effort as opposed to SK himself. We also have to remember he has other stories outside of the Macross universe he'd like to tell, so his focus no doubt is on getting those projects off the ground rather than another Macross show. I suspect there will be a fair bit of merchandising for the 25th, similar to how they did the 15th and then the 20th, but it's hard to say how much...
  17. Kamikaze_kamujin, that is what the quote is saying. To those who don't know how an advanced technology works, it looks like magic. What would a gun look like to a cave man? Magic... However, the point that some are making is that Sound Force IS magic, there is no basis in reality for a "song" on it's own to have the power to sheild a macross cannon type blast. That is only one example. briscojr84 made a point. If "Spiritia" is in fact the electrolyte energy generated by the human body then that changes things, however it doesn't explain how such energy could be amassed by one individual to such a point that it attains physical properties such as an energy shield or energy beam... It is also a condition that can be treated medically and doesn't require musak to be pumped into a hospital ward. So the vampire victims didn't need Basara to recover... The character of Basara is written like a superhero and that works for kids, but not necessarily adolescents or young adults.
  18. That would be Arthur C. Clarke and I somehow don't think he was refering to Basara and his Kai... I tend to believe the chances of running into a SA fleet would be far more likely since Bodolza's armada was effectively wiped out by the battle over Earth and the mutiny within his ranks. That would give the SA a distinct advantage in our slice of the galaxy.
  19. Yeah, kinda like sand in your shorts at the beach, very irritating... However, I see no need to resort to name calling just because a few Mac 7 fans got a bit silly with Roman numerals (you know the other way to write numbers ) ... Mac 7 is a decent kids show, not aimed at adolescents and young adults like SDFM, but good enough for it's target audience. There had to be some explanation for the copious amount of j-pop in the show. Mac Zero was definitley aimed at exploring the enigmatic abilities and biotechnology of the Protoculture in a unification war setting. Sara's telekinetic abilities and the uber powerful biomechanical AFOS that was capable of extending and directing it's own AG field to other objects as well as it's own macross type cannon. Not to mention it's brainwave type of control systems previously introduced in Mac Plus. I agree, that SK could be at a level in his story telling that he is capable of writing a fully layered show that would require multiple views to fully appreciate it.
  20. Now THAT "A" head works much better!
  21. As promised the uncolored image:
  22. Well how many toons has SK done of himself? Maybe the hi-res version will offer better legibility.
  23. I'll hook you up when I get home... hang tight...
  24. Hmmm not too fond of this head, it doesn't look like the actual VF-2JA head. You colored the bottom part of the two part heat shield as if it were the exposed canopy, that part is the other half of the canopy shield... FYI Though, I do look forward to the VF-2JA head transplant on the VF-2SS...
  25. I understood the heat shield cover was found under the back plate and deployed during transformation.
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