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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. How about the two of them converging with a caption "Pioneers" or "Prototype".
  2. If you mean the YF-19 wallpaper, that work of art belongs to "Thai Boxer 9901", not i...
  3. Yes and no, he wrote the episode outlines, and the script supervisor and a writing team penned the episodes. I believe he actually wrote only two episodes, near the very end of the series. Yes we know Keith... Light another candle on your SK shrine...
  4. Now THAT's what I call a decent fold effect!
  5. That is one of my favorite pieces of Mac Plus art too! Do you have a higher res scan we could work with? It's easier and better to shrink an image than it is to blow it up in PS.
  6. Mikimoto's designs are too complicated for animation, however get him to do all the art for the books, posters and DVDs...Oh YEAH! SK is a decent writer, however like Lucas, really needs a collaborator with a fresh vision of what is possible in the universe (that's the reason why ESB is one of the most loved of SW the saga, Lucas only wrote the story outline).
  7. BW owns the VF-2SS and Macross II, therefore it has a right to be on the Macross site, dispite what some might think... Though I'd prefer a more comprehensive site encompassing all the Macross series' The old one really didn't deliver much new content, ever...
  8. Here are a few "Reservations" appearing on Yahoo Japan. Some may be known, but a few I haven't seen before... 1/60 Scale 1/48
  9. Hmm I wonder if it was intentional, but the Valk pictures are chronological by production, going from left to right across the page...
  10. Yes screenies would be appreciated...
  11. Yes, inquiring fans want to know! He has a website...
  12. Yes, inquiring fans want to know!
  13. Well those who consider you a heretic may also be ones who believe SK is the infallible second coming who is the god of Macross... I think he's good and a visionary, but not the only one capable of wrtiting a good Macross story... Then again, there are also forces at work behind the scenes who will want to recapture the magic of SDFM, but don't understand that new magic may take the form of a different genre story withing the Macross universe. The "Alien" franchise showed how a couple of genre's were plugged into that universe and found success. The Macross universe is vast enough to support several genres and still find success.
  14. Is that how it is in the Japanese Airforce? (context is everything folks... )
  15. BTW, where is that rascally DVD anyway?
  16. Damn it! That was MY idea!!! *Sigh*
  17. So why not have the stories of 3 separate couples? There's a new take on the old "love triangle"! We have had mecha porn in Plus, we got J-pop porn in Mac 7, we got the enviromental story in D7, why not do a story with a horror theme or some other genre? What's stopping them from doing a truly gritty war story for a change, without all the warm fluffy elements of SDFM or Mac 7, a survival story... There are many genre's they haven't explored in the vast Macross universe yet. Since the Macross universe has established itself as a character driven franchise, the list of available story types is quite large, IMO. It simply takes being more creative with what they have.
  18. SK always seems to lean toward the hero mecha being the "pretty" ones and the bad guys being ugly or less appealing. The Battlepods and the fighter pods are his first published fuglies, but dispite his best efforts everyone fell in love with the Q-Rau.... Even the government LFO's in E7 were not nearly as interesting as the Gekko State's, with the only exception being Charles and Ray's LFOs. Unlike many of the latter Gundam shows which gave equal time to both sides to have cool looking mecha.
  19. The hybrid design is what leads many to believe they are "attached" NV's, however the NV is much larger or at the very least much "longer". The designer seems to have wanted to show a hybridization of the technology, in that humans designed and built the main superstructure and the Factory was tasked with building the buster cannons. The cannons themselves show no indication of being modified to fit, but rather look designed to fit. IMO Kazutaka Miyatake did a better job with the Macross 5 fleet ships to show the design asthetics between the two races. Yet the cannons fit in with the design aesthetic of "obvious" hybrid human / Zentreadi designs. Not the best executed design maybe, but consistent.
  20. There are no pics of the SDF-2 in the Gold Book...????
  21. I wonder if it was one of those designs he threw together for 2012 and never really expected to "have" to revisit. Remember, after 2012, he swore off Macross projects and was probably a bit annoyed that after nearly a decade he was expected to figure out how his uniquely cool looking jet fighter was to transform with what he may have considered a "throw away design" back in 1987...
  22. That is the chassis (approx. 1620m) upon which the Colony class ship was contructed. The colony class Megaroad was substantially larger than the original SDF-2 Battleship.
  23. Well Kawamori loves to use the Terrorist card as a way to create enemies in the Macross Universe. He's done it how many times now? The AUN started out as a terrorist group until Macross Zero, where they were upgraded to an army... Which is of little surprise to me as SK doesn't bind himself to the idea of a single immutable "canon" history as much as other writers. He simply re-writes the chronology to suit the new addition. I personally believe (based on no concrete evidence of any kind) that he and Bigwest would love to re-do SDFM and relegate the Tatsunoko property to "a TV show about SW1" status, similar to how DYRL is explained away in the chronology. Thus securing total ownership of the "official" story about the Macross and SW1...
  24. Hmm, not THAT much. 460m is nearly 1/3 the length of the warship... Now there are notations in Macross 7: Animation Materials that may shed more light on the overall length. We may be attributing 7770m as the length when it may very well be the azimuth of the outer shell of City 7...
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