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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. The Gold Book is a required book for any DYRL fan. It is quite comprehensive with lots of pretty pictures. However $200.00 is reasonable for a "complete" book, including band, poster and film strip. Otherwise look for a better price.
  2. Well it is also a design issue of variable fighters. If you look at the Zentreadi mecha (not so much the pods), the pilots are essentially strapped into the cockpit and become a "part" of the unit as opposed to the Valkyrie pilots. Now the the flexibility of the variable fighter design is arguably superior, but there are limitations to it as well, that dramatic license has taken care of in subsequent productions, such as how to deal with inertial G-forces. The designers of the Mac II fighters dealt with this issue by designing limb restraints into the flight seat. The Studio Nue answer is shock treatment to condition the pilots' bodies against the forces of inertia. Now back to Project Nova, considering how few of the VF-19s and VF-22's were apparently fielded one could assume that these were special opps fighters. The whole of the Mac 7 fleet only had 1 flight of 19's , along with the flight of 17's and only 2 known VF-22's in service with that fleet (possibly 3 to make a flight of 22's as well). This leads me to believe that none of these were meant to be general service fighters like the VF-11s were or as mass produced as the VF-11s apparently were. When one considers how complex the transformation sequence are for each model, one can conclude that it would be cheaper to build the Thunderbolts as they follow a simplified transformation sequence similar to that of the VF-1.
  3. That's the theory I subscribe to. That the PC's tried to copy nature, which in turn lead them into bio-engineering and ultimately creating the instruments of their own demise.
  4. Very good points! That is the most reasonable explanation for the need to develop more specialized variable fighters. Spacy didn't really have to deal with variable vs variable fighter combat since the Mayan Island incident over 25 years prior. There was no way for them to be able to anticipate the hijacked VF's that the Mac 7 fleet encountered later, thus such aircraft must have been developed to deal with colonial conflicts with like equiped combatants.
  5. Well the ones I can clearly make out are: Sivil = Search and Destory & covert ops Gavil / Glavil= Anti-Capital ship weapon with recon scout. Valgo = Anti-ship weapon capable of replicating itself as well as an apparent add on to the Glavil unit (however it isn't clear if this is because of the PD or if it were designed into the unit). Possibly designed for anti-fighter applications. Gigil = Captial ship combat, with the capability of a kamikaze device. Zomd & Goram = Capital ship combat, with advanced fold and regenerative capabilities. Gepelnitch = Galactic Doomsday weapon? I agree nothing is really revealed about this particular model. I managed to find a bit of what I was looking for at: http://unsd.macrossroleplay.org/protodeviln.html as well. I don't subscribe to the idea that the Ginga Kujira were "created", but a naturally occuring species in the galaxy. The fact that they produced usable by products was more of SK's enviromental themes as opposed to anything PC related, IMO.
  6. Clearly the advent of High Manueverability Missiles addresses the agility of the variable fighter issue. Missiles can never be replaced by energy weapons because eventhough energy weapons are faster, they can't course correct or intercept a target like missiles can and they loose potency the farther they have to travel. If a sufficient number of missiles are fired they can overwhelm any target. Essentially SDFM had it correct in that the more missiles are fired the greater the odds a few will get through. It didn't hurt that it was a target rich battlefield either. When Lap Lamis' fleet arrived with her mecha, it bacame more of a challenge for the Valk pilots to hit their targets. The Q-Rau was a perfect example of the idea of overwhelming a target's defences with a missile barrage. If the Mac+ or Mac7 fighters had a rail gun like the MacII fighters this would give the same punch of a missile with the comparable speed of an energy weapon. In our modern times, there still has yet to be an effective defence against missile attack, dispite all the rhetoric by the defence contracting industries. The only thing the modern fighter pilot has going for him is that it isn't cost effective or wise for an enemy pilot to fire more than one or two of his limited number of missiles at a time. If the same mini-missiles of the Mac universe were available today, fighter tactics would dramatically change.
  7. Zinjo

    VF X2 Ravens

    Just found this one on my hard drive:
  8. OK, I've always been curious about this. From a strictly PC bio-weaponry point of view, what were the weapons of each of the EVIL series and their purposes? Some are pretty obvious, while the purpose of others has eluded me. So I figured the best experts on the subject to ask would be the show's hardcore fans...
  9. If it's role was that of a dedicated bomber, then it would make sense. The stability of the delta wing coupled with all the advancement made in the VF-19 design would make it a formidable bomber variant.
  10. Well the effectiveness of the missiles can be a direct result of the inclusion of pinpoint barriers on the new variable fighters, in the case of the older models like the VF-11 this would not be the case. I think is was more dramatic license that made them ineffectual in the series' more so than fighter maneuverability. In space any course correction verniers on the missiles would be MORE effective in tracking their targets as opposed to the limitations they would have in an atmosphere. The only other possibility would be improved ECM and targeting jammers that would affect the missiles' course. When one compares how agile a 40+meter long fighter would be compared to a 1/2 to 1 meter long missile, the missile will almost always win out, all things being equal.
  11. That is some SEXY work dude! Very nice!!!
  12. Zinjo

    VF X2 Ravens

    SWEET!! Thanks for the hires scan, we need more members willing to help out the community like this...
  13. Then it's essentially a VF-19MAXL, with a custom paint job... The real question is, where are the boobs on this one?
  14. As well as speaker boobs and a smile...
  15. True. Back in the day RT re-awakened my love for anime and set me on a quest to find more and if you were persistent enough and resourceful enough, there was plenty to be found, it just wasn't easy to get. Not like today where a few torrent sites could fulfill anyone's anime fix. My first exposure to pure Macross was a 3rd generation VHS copy of DYRL (that I only recently threw out ) and I loved it, even though the quality was crap. It was easy to fall in love with the songs and the beautiful animation. FB2012 left me disinterested with most of the videos, but the whole farewell concert with the Minmei's initial stroll through the empty stadium to the flashback to the "Angel Paint" number captivated me. When the 5 minutes was up I was left salivating for more, but alas that was it... I would have loved that, but the reality was that the concert was the envisioned ending to the movie, nothing more. Not to mention SK divorced himself from the franchise shortly after that. As I stated, I'd probably appreciated the videos more had they focused on the DYRL animation which was so superior to much of SDFM's animation.
  16. This is the first time I've ever heard of a group of people trying to "make sense" of a collection of music videos??? Were you somehow expecting some hidden protoculture theme with rainbow song beams making everything better?
  17. Keith? Is that you?
  18. Actually 4km long....
  19. One could speculate that "parts" of the ship falling off during re-entry is what destroyed several cities on it's flight to Ataria Island, however nothing is really mentioned. I'd suspect anime magic is the most likely situation. Backstories aren't really fleshed out according to science in Macross... One could speculate that it came down under some power, but then the question remains as to by whom and where are they or their remains now?
  20. Well the new direction RT is taking is very refreshing and much more respectable than how the show started. Hijacking other series' and rewriting them into something different is not respectable IMO. I don't hate RT, but I resent HG's retardation of the Macross franchise in the West. Instead of milking it they chose to sit on it and not let anyone else see the real show until they needed capital to fund their own projects.
  21. I believe they are second cousins once removed. Their father's were cousins. Only in Western (particularly, North American) cultures. Married cousins are common in asia.
  22. I never said that the fans around here are reasonable...
  23. I am leaning toward no more Kawamori penned shows. The man is tired of the franchise and justifiably so. He has his own projects he want to do and so he should. However I think the franchise is far from over and it would be a profound dis-service to the fans if it ends with SK.
  24. Those expecting a more mature story in the veins of SDFM, DYRL and Mac Plus tend to have issues with the idea that Spiritia is SK's version of a "magic battery" (to compare it to RT). It was a rainbow sunshine ray that made everyone / everything better. Capable of shielding pilots from the destructive power of a buster cannon blast as well as other physical properties that stretched the idea of "suspended disbelief" to it's very limit. Now as a kiddie show that works for the target audience in mind, but to those who prefer the more mature yarns told by Kawamori, Mac 7 tends to grate on us. The fairly "cartoonish" (in a Hanna Barbera sense) designs of the PD also take away from the perseption of their malevolence and actual threat to the galaxy, but that would be my personal opinion in that regard.
  25. That's exactly what it was. There were no new projects on the horizon and the show was still very huge with the fans so in order to keep the merchandising machine going they came up with FB2012. Wha?? I don't recall THAT particular pearl at all! The human emigration project was established, but nowhere that I recall is it mentioned that Minmay was going to be in it. Her continued singing career was established at the end of SDFM. Maybe so, but back in 1987 music videos were still all the rage and a collection of Macross videos based on the show's soundtrack was all about marketing to the insatiable fans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I like 2012 specifically for the new Farewell Concert footage and Mari's new song "Angel Paint" (which she wrote). It was nice to see them incorporate most of the concert into the end credits of Bandai's Perfect Edition of DYRL on DVD. The individual video segments were quite uninspired and clearly done "on the cheap" since very little new footage was animated for them, but rather existing series and movie footage was used instead. If they would have treated it like a video collection of the DYRL soundtrack and used that footage exclusively I'd probably appreciate it better.
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