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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. The problem with that is why would the Emigration Program deploy an inferior fighter in a Megaroad fleet? Only a few SV-52's survived the GSW. Resurrecting a fighter for production as opposed to simply building MORE VF-1's or VF-4's as fleet escort fighters would be counter productive, a waste of time and resources at a critical time. If I were given a foundry I could make a hammer. If someone gave me plans to make a corded drill, I could make a corded drill. That doesn't mean I have been given plans to make a cordless drill, but I could build a drill nonetheless. The Windermians are a smart people and appear to have built on the tech they were given with the SV series of fighters to construct the SV-262 a formidable fighter in its own right. I believe the UNG and now the NUNG have a policy of NOT providing advanced tech to colonies or emigration fleets. If the governments of these wish to develop more advanced versions of the specs sent (Frontier and Galaxy are great examples) then so be it. Only the Federal Government Fleets are deployed with the latest advanced technologies in order to give the "core worlds" a tactical advantage against any insurgencies or attacks from colony fleets.
  2. I see that as an extension of the precedent set in M7. Recorded music has an affect ala Minmay in the Great Space War, but Fire Bomber's singing had a profound affect on those under mind control.
  3. I keep getting the Miyazaki feel from her animation. She is very often shown having the Miyazaki toothy grin. She has a purposely goofy laugh and I enjoy the fact that Hayate keeps teasing her about it... On anther note, I suspect their runes are a bit more than deely boppers that light up. It appears they are a sensual organ as well. When Hayate touched Freyja's rune, she called him a perv...
  4. I doubt that. I equate it to US Cavalry having Winchester repeaters vs the Native Americans using muskets. Yes the Natives were given rifles, but they were nothing like a Winchester... I am however, warming up to the idea that Messer is indeed the Windemere spy. He had no compunction killing Var affected human pilots and being a buy the book kinda guy is one thing, but he seems to relish in it.
  5. The Emerald Boys...
  6. Well if the Wind Singer has an interstellar range and the artifact amplifies that, you could be on to something.
  7. I would bet the Windemer feel they are the "Rightful Heirs" because they never "tainted" their bloodlines with inter-species blood, like other races did. What they are not aware of is that is exactly what the PC wanted and that is how the heirs were to be chosen as we saw in M7. Only true PC or a hybrid bloodline could open the PC archive in M7. I wonder how the barrier is affecting their world's climate. The idea of trapped CO2 does not make a world "colder".... The NUNG isn't even close to reaching the habitable worlds of the old PC Republic... It took the PC millenia to accomplish that.
  8. Love that show, some of the best SF on TV...
  9. OK, now i've definitely missed someting. Was not Mao aboard the Galaxy during MF? The series never showed the Galaxy being destroyed, it was considered lost, but we never saw it. As for Freyja's benefactor, no one is insisting it was Mao, it was a musing. Some people need to relax about random speculations or they won't make it out of this series alive...
  10. It scares and simultaneously pleases me, that I understood that complex explanation...
  11. Because I am NOT assuming the engines are from the same source or design. We had this in MF, but we don't know the source or the Windemerian design or manufacture for their fighters. Their engines could be better or worse than the ones aboard the VF-31's. My point has been they could just as easily be smaller to accommodate the transformation or the same size as the Siegfried power plants, but at this point we don't know.
  12. I don't recall suggesting there was a single engine. The question is, are the engines similar in size and thrust to the VF-31 or are they smaller engines which require them to be "paired" into a single focused thrust stream for maximum speed in flight. If the engines are a similar size, you are combining a lot of heat through a single channel at maximum thrust, unlike the VF-31 which has an exhaust for each engine. OTEC alloys are not indestructible and in order to shape the materials they have to be melted using heat... Would full sized nuclear engines focused through a single exhaust generate sufficient heat to melt the Drakken Feet?
  13. Which episode of Frontier are you referring to? I wonder if the connection to Frontier will be that the person Freyja received the audio player (phone?) from was Mao?
  14. I wonder if the Drakken have smaller leg engines which provide comparable thrust when combined in fighter mode. This would suggest a weakness in the units while flying in battroid or even GERWALK modes. If they are full sized engines, then the vector nozzling in the feet would have to be made of superior heat resistant alloy to keep them from melting at max thrust. I guess the specs will clear this up when they eventually get released.
  15. I tend to equate this war to WW2 in that Germany started with a regional war, but it quickly escalated to a World War in Europe. In the first 3 years of WW2, Germany held the upper hand against superior numbers (I really don't believe Italy played any major role in the war in Europe except to maybe secure their own borders.) After their ally, Imperial Japan, attacked the US and drew the last hold out nation into the conflict it set up D-Day which began the momentum against them. Some argue that if Hitler wouldn't have made an enemy of the Soviet Union early on, that Germany would have successfully conquered Europe in the end.
  16. The Windermerians are very smart and appear to have a fold song weapon that evokes the Var, which IMHO is a mind control device capable of directing its victims to commit violent acts against their enemies by proxy. The SV-262 is no more complex a transformation than the VF-9 which pre-dates the Drakken by at least a decade. The transformation is complex to allow the fighter to ultimately "resemble" the fighter SK envisions. In this case the Drakken.
  17. Just watched the episode again and am convinced the Var is actually a form of mind control. When Spacy attacks, Mikumo is astonished that they were attacking in formation. To me this implies they believed the Var was a condition that created random acts of violence, but with the VF-171 Squadron attacking in formation was not seen a possible. So it would appear that the Var is an artificial condition evoked by the Windemere fold song and it can direct the victims to do specific tasks. Thus all the acts of terror and the attacks were orchestrated even before Windemere declared war. I believe in Japanese culture this establishes the Windemere as dishonorable foes. Freyja also recognizes the lord (can't remember his name now) and I suspect there is a connection there somehow.
  18. Hmmm, maybe we should look for conspicuous stone statues around the palace....
  19. Nah, no Daedalus type Arm Ship appears to be present on this warship. The Quarter used it's gunship in its Daedalus attack.
  20. She appears to have two prometheus (the carrier) arms which is consistent with the post refit Macross ships which had two ARMD carriers for arms. The main cannon(s?), if she has cannons may well be the booms on the back of the ship. I believe the Elysion is a redesign of the Macross Class Warship of old. A new model of a classic warship design, unlike the NMCV class which is primarily a super space carrier. The booms could be an updated cannon firing like the original or be twin gunships able to fire independently of each other. It was also mentioned that the design team for this ship also designed the Macross Quarter.
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