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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well all the techniques and lessons Satelight learns while working on Kissdum series will be translated into their work on the new Macross series. BTW, when is it expected to premier in Japan anyway?
  2. Anything from Artmic is fine with me...
  3. Hmmm, makes me wonder if HG will try to block the import of the CM versions like they did with all the Macross Yamatos? Not that they have any legal leg to stand on, the toys being imports and all... They don't like their cheap versions getting competition...
  4. The thing that has always made me curious is the notion of "stealth" in the post SW1 eras. The VF-1 was built with an active stealth system despite it's fuselage configuration. The VF-17 was specifically designed to resemble the F-117 which utilized a delta wing radar signature as well as signal absorbing composites to "fool" radar into representing it as a flock of birds, now birds don't fly in space and one would hope that the sensor equipment of a space based society (be they human, Zentreadi, SA or PC) would be more sensitive and powerful than radar! "Lidar" for instance doesn't use radio waves at all and is more sensitive with greater range. All the "stealth" measures visibly seen on the fighters would be effective in the 20th century, not necessarily in an OTEC powered 21st Century. The only real purpose for internally mounted ordinance is so that the fighter doesn't have to drop it's missile pylons to re-enter an atmosphere. As for wing mounted missiles/bombs I personally believe that in an all out conflict, all the fighters are capable of carrying under wing ordinance, if the fleet commander deemes it necessary. As Sketchly has already pointed out that in a Nue sanctioned art piece of the YF-19 and YF-21 it is strongly implied that they are capable of carrying wing mounted ordinance such as the High Manueverability Missiles. If the most advanced fighters of the day are capable of such, then one could conclude that it is also possible for the VF-11 line fighter to be able to do the same.
  5. Well they could do the whole announcement and then regularly "leak" new images to the media to garner interest. People become more curious about getting information on a "perceived" secret as opposed to a media blitz.... She is still well known in Japan, but she doesn't get as much exposure as artists from bigger labels. Her albums are published by an independant label here and Japan if I remember correctly. http://www.marimusic.com/
  6. The one on the left reminds me of the Nirvash head from Eureka 7...
  7. Dude I thought you knew, these are full contact forums...
  8. LOL. but that is exactly what he was asking for...
  9. Maybe. However, traditionally Macross tends to jump generationally and we do not generally see "sequel" stories picking up events immediately or shortly after the previous show. Maybe we'll get something in the era after the events of VF-X2. With Satelite involved we know the mecha animation will be quite cool!
  10. Your wish has been granted. See: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443771/ Enjoy...
  11. They were useable when in fighter mode they'd be exposed just below the tail fins.
  12. GAWD that is so true! A friend of mine started dating a Japanese girl last year based on the assumption that Japanese girls were, shall we say "adventureous" in bed, dispite what I tried to tell him he went ahead anyway. Shortly in he was somewhat disappointed with their sex life. . They eventually broke up, mostly due to the language barrier, but she still keeps in touch. Very sweet lady, but not what my buddy was "expecting" based on his misinformed stereotype.
  13. Not if it is "imjported" directly from Japan. Then it falls under import laws and HG has no legal leg to block it...
  14. http://members.aol.com/LongZhu/Shoji.htm
  15. Call me shallow, but I just could not get past his hair style!! he looked like astroboy to me.... Though he was a relatively non-character who ironically grew the most in the series, along with Sivil. Well I don't blame them for having such a cynical attitude. If they did to our iconic shows what we've done to theirs we'd be a bit jaded too! Shows like Macross, Mospeada, Gatchaman, Space Cruiser Yamato, Harlock, etc.... all have been butchered under the guise that Western audiences wouldn't understand it as presented or it was too mature in theme for audiences. There is a reason why the French enjoy a better relationship with the Japanese studios than we do. They respected the content of the shows they licensed from the beginning compared to our "Americanizations". ADV's dub of Macross is still ripe (as in garbage heap) with that attitude and it is an insult to the original material. Culturally you are probably right, but from a business point of view, the need for outside funding for productions in an era of shrinking domestic budgets has to be immense. To gain such funding there would be a need to make the characters and even the stories a bit more international in appeal to merit a financial injection into a project. The western licensers only have so much money to spend on securing a series, thus that well is fairly shallow. Japanese based multinationals like Sony and Bandai could do it, but in order for it to be viable outside of Japan, the series needs that wide appeal as well as the cultural one. I am wondering in future if series will begin to have multiple story or character threads. One to appeal to Japanese fans and one to appeal to Western fans. That would be interesting to watch for.
  16. No thanks.... There are so many other Variable fighter designs that come to mind before that thing.... For those that like it, more power to ya. I can't be counted in that list of fans...
  17. It could have been that they lost contact with the Megaroad much sooner than in the Nue universe and the powers that be concluded that emigration was too dangerous to risk any more population on until a better equipped defensive fleet could be sent along (similar to the Mac 7 fleet). With reconstruction taking precidence over colonization, ultimately no more expeditions took place. Hence the isolationist mentality of the population and the construction of several defence fleets that would patrol the Sol system.
  18. Yes there is similarities however the mecha from Kissdum is part of a larger fighter aircraft whereas the "Logan" was a fighter unto itself.
  19. That "star" statement seems a bit misleading. The two movies in the Mac 7 universe were essentially milking the popularity of the most recent show, what BigWest failed to do after DYRL. If one were to look at new merchandizing there is little to no "new" Mac 7 merchandise being released, compared to other shows in the franchise. I wonder if it is more about Basara's youth as opposed to his demenor. He was very confrontational probably as much as Dyson was, however he was a younger man as opposed to the more mature Isamu, someone the target audience could better identify with.
  20. It really isn't a matter of whether it counts or not, but more that it simply can't exist in the same chronology of the Nue universe as it is written. In order for the franchise to be free of limitations from a show that would otherwise bind it to a vision of the universe that would last 70 years. The vision Mac II presents is much more bleek and hard compared to the Nue universe. It presents the Earth as struggling to recover for decades as opposed to the near miraculous recovery made in the Nue universe within a 20 year period. I find it more facinating to examine the differences in the two because both visions are consistent and faithful to their own concepts of what happened during the reconstruction period in the universe. I've always believed that Reaction weaponry was either a hyper powered nuke or some kind of nuclear detonation that only OTEC can produce. When you consider that OTEC reaction weaponry was able to destroy ships over a km long it is a testament to how powerful they are and it does bring into question if a modern conventional nuke is capable of such distruction in the vacuum of space? Without atmosphere conventional nukes are much less destructive.
  21. Is it necessary? Sometimes, in order to shake some out of a blinded train of thought not being discussed. I had already posted, it is pointless to compare the equipment without comparing specs, because then it becomes an argument about preferences. There are those who prefer the Mac II approach, others do not, both are legitimate opinions, but opinions nonetheless. I am not interested in debating which is better since both are very different in their approaches to the universe post SDFM. I do find it fascinating looking at the differences.
  22. In B-Club magazine June '92 the SAP's large gun is described as a Large Rail gun, NOT a beam cannon. Therefore that "fact" is not a fact at all. The animators got the look right since an actual rail gun would propel a projectile so fast it would appear to look like a plasma burst. Someone actually did some homework on the subject before animating it. http://www.powerlabs.org/images/shotstrip.jpg (An experimental Rail gun shot) Which begs the question why didn't Studio Nue consider using railgun technology as opposed to the traditional chemically fired projectiles? They allow more ammo to be carried in the weapon, they fire at outrageous speeds (up to 4000+m/s) and in space would have extremely long range. I guess only they would have that answer... Hardly a "fact" since whether they can or cannot has never been established. It's like saying the VF-1 could never go into combat without it's fast packs because it is never seen doing so in DYRL. Such an assumption based on a lack of known data does not constitute a "fact". Same goes for the atmospheric flight. We don't see it therefore claiming something as fact without evidence is actually called "speculation" or a "guess". However, my post is about correcting inaccuracies, not about comparing the two sets of fighters because I simply don't care who's dick is bigger....
  23. Hmm, Evangelion , Samurai Champloo, both examples of "buddy" series or small "teams" with individualistic tendencies. Hell even Basara was more loner than team mate, Shin the same way. I get a distinct impression that Studio Nue is trying to stretch the boundaries of traditional Japanese philosophies. In that instance I do have respect for them trying to pose the question of "Is strict adherence to the group necessarily the best thing?" Always a interesting dramatic premise to leap from. Possibly, but even Japan with the legitimizing of their anime in the Western markets, which adds to it's "coolness" factor cannot remain so willfully blinded to a potential new market. If that were always the case then we wouldn't be driving Toyota, Honda, or Suzuki vehicles here. There wouldn't be any Sony or Panasonic brands here either. The next Appleseed movie is being produced by an internationally known director John Woo, that is an indicator of a changing perception of the studios. Particularly with their shrinking domestic budgets for productions. Miyazaki and Studio Gibli's international success helps to fuel such perceptions and the idea that foreign investment in the anime industry is possible. Among the public this may not be the attitude, because like us with our shows and movies, we are fairly indifferent about it and no doubt so are they. A friend of mine has a Japanese girlfriend and when he puts on anime, she get's fairly bored, but if he puts on a North American movie then that's another matter. I don't know what the next Macross title will be about, however SDFM went against the demographics of the day with a more "gundamesque" type serious story and it was a monster success. Mac 7 was a cookie cutter type kids story with lots of J-pop and it was a success too, but not as lasting as SDFM. Makes one wonder what is on the drawing boards this time?
  24. It also depends on where they plan to market it as well. Japan only or internationally? Appleseed used western musicians on the soundtrack which made it infinitely easier to mass market the movie here. With the Blueray format having a shared region with the US it makes things much easier to market new Macross titles in North America as import discs, getting around HG's blockade. All that is required is to hire translators to put together English subs and off they go. Mac Plus is much more appreciated here as opposed to there and I'm not sure how well recieved Mac Zero was in Japan. Both featured mature characters and mature themes, similar to SDFM which appeals to the fairly sophisticated attitudes of Western audiences including our youth. So who knows, maybe they are planning a series similar in tone to Mac Zero and Plus. I mention Bandai simply because they seem to be a regular distributor of Macross titles and I admit I made an assumption they'd be involved in sponsoring the new show.
  25. You make it sound like I wasn't expecting you to comment regardless of what I said.... I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. Anyway, there is no evidence, printed or otherwise as to how the PD employed mind control, only that they did and what broke their mind control effect were anima spiritia powers. In Mac II, non-emulator song only confused the mind controlled Zentreadi. Now it really wasn't clearly shown whether Ishtar's final love song actually broke the mind control over the Zentreadi or simply changed the their focus. There is. The Metal Siren's lance uses a pinpoint barrier to slice into ship hulls, it is also fitted with what appears to be a barrier overload weapon that has the same effects as the Macross' barrier overload in Burst Point. Both barrier weapons allow it to infiltrate a capital ship and blow it up from the inside out. It never destroyed itself while being fired. The ARMD platforms were wrecked and apparently disabled the whole system. Considering the canon had not been fired in an apparent long time and the level of corrosion, even firing the thing was a dangerous and desperate act. They bought into Ishar's belief that it had super powers of some kind. Clearly it didn't. The VF-2's "SAP" used a Rail Gun (much more effective over long range), long range and mini-missiles as well as AAB's or Squire automated attack drones (which never saw enough screen time IMO). They never had beam weapons, the only fighter that did was the Metal Siren, which packed some serious firepower for a fighter. Unless we were to compare the specs and capabilities of both sets of fighters It's pointless to present anyone's opinion as fact... Then there is the factor that the Nue universe fighters are more role specific while the Mac II fighters are more combat theater specific. With the exception of the Metal Siren.
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