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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Huh? She was 15 years old with 15 years worth of memories and experiences as an mature clone (granted the variety of experiences would be limited considering she was Zentreadi). Where as Max had to grow from baby, to todler, to kid, to teenager.
  2. Very good point. Since the OVA series was redone as a well paced movie and the fact that the story has always been better received here than at home. Good call sir...
  3. I'm not saying she's older in years.... Experience is another matter....
  4. True but a fully grown clone at her birth, so technically she'd be older than Max in terms of experience. As for Mikimoto, I love his more recent work. His earlier works were great, but his style has really matured as a painter and it really works for me now...
  5. The British tend to be similar to the US but like their space ship stories more and also like the whole "secret wars" type scenarios compared to the in your face type conflicts seen in US SF. From what I've seen of European SF it ranges from post apocalyptic stories and futuristic anti-establishment stories to fairly metaphysically based ideas (the French like these). With the exception of Britain it appears most Europeans treat robots as harmless tools and focus the antagonism to biological creatures.
  6. OK, are there sources with a bit more meat for the VF-X series of games? The Chronology barely touches on the events of the games compared to the M3 descriptions . Well technically since all variable fighters are capable of space flight (VF-0 being the only unknown) and they use nuclear engines one could argue they all could acheive orbit unassisted. What the differences would be is in "how long" it would take to get there. In SDFM we see them use boosters, but that is a way to get the fighters into space quickly as opposed to taking several hours. Now the models of the 2040+ era have very powerful engines which allow them to reach orbit very quickly without the use of boosters as demonstrated by Guld and Isamu in Mac Plus.
  7. Well everyone has their own tastes. I liked Starship troopers before it became a cult hit. It was Verhoeven's action parody of the Nazi propoganda films he saw as a child in German occupied Holland. Aeon Flux was a "good" scifi movie, it had all the elements and was well executed, but it wouldn't be classified as a "great" sf film IMO. Doom was a decent adaptation until they did the "guncam" and that sent it from acceptable (dispite it's abandonment of the metaphysical part of the game) to downright stupid! If I wanted to see the a guncam I'd play the damn game! Wing Cmmander was the biggest disappointment for me (including the fact that they couldn't get Malcolm McDowell as Tolwyn due to scheduling conflicts) as I am a big WC fan and Roberts knows how to put together a compelling game, but needs to stay out of the directors chair for movies.... Spawn = yawn. Serenity, I loved except the whole River takes on the Reavers sequence. A total waste of time and it stole the fire of the climax IMO. I understand Whedon's reasoning, but he should have been more brutally honest to the story and allowed himself less guilt about putting Summer Glau through martial arts boot camp for those shots. Superhero films are far to subjective to really debate as everyone has their own preferences. I didn't care for the X-men and really felt that 3 pissed away one of the greatest nemesis the team ever had, "Dark Phoenix". I like Raimi's Spidey and Batman Begins, and liked Superman Returns (although they could have made the film for half of what they spent and it would still have worked). Now I expect others to disagree with me and that's fine, since these are my opinions... I don't think we are ready for a live action Macross yet. There is the issue of ownership and respect for the original material not to mention that ther would need to be a sufficient period of time to keep it from being dismissed as another "transformers movie". The effects are nearly at a level where it could be pulled off, but it would require the clout of Micheal Bay, Speilberg, Lucas, Cameron or any of the other big hitters to be inspired to do it and be interested before a studio would pony up the necessary capital to do the story justice. The reason why there isn't an Evangelion movie yet is because all the parties involved won't compromise on the story. That is why now they have split it into a trilogy as opposed to a one off movie. They want all the elements to be right and apparently schedules are what's delaying the film.
  8. Well, then there is that, or "Macross: The Unit"....
  9. No, the history as well as games are peppered with such terrorist cliches. If you want a story about terrorist, feel free to figure out how to do it...and good luck with that in a world that now knows and has seen first hand what terrorists do and how they operate.... Doesn't make for a very interesting story premise for a mecha franchise. Chasing after people with variable fighters as they sneek around planting bombs .... Just doesn't really work too well, but hey knock yourself out....
  10. Except NO cliche'd Macross TERRORIST group as the antagonists. A legitimate rebellion or an independent alliance outside the control of Earth Gov. would be far more palatable than yet another "terrorist anti-UN group"
  11. When waiting for new anima, one must have the spiritia and patience of a monk....
  12. Love the Ravens pic, any chance of seeing a high res version?
  13. Replacing models and allowing players to use them in game is not an unfinished Alpha. The mod will be completely playable only without all the extra mod specific effects included. That will come later and only enhance the experience for players. There are two ways to release a mod as far as I've seen. a) You release a basic beta (or "alpha"-depending on your definition) with swapped out models and build a fanbase from "users" who will get others on board via word of mouth. b) The other method is to regularly update those browsing your message boards and hope that enough stick it out until you have a stable beta with models and initial effects. The second is often preferable by groups but also takes much longer and the risks are the loss of most of the fanbase before the mod sees it's first release (I've seen that too), particularly for a group with no known track record to point to (even known groups run that risk dispite their previous accolades). The Battlefield 1942 mod Desert Combat did the model swap and worked that method for their first release (they didn't even replace all the models ). Then finally after 7 full releases and a huge fanbase following, the development stopped because the game publisher hired the team on. At the height of their popularity there were many well known modders who either joined them or asked to join them because everyone wants to be part of a popular mod.... But my point is that in modding if you don't feed the fickle fans, they tend to move on. Something to consider, but ultimately your call.
  14. Well I found I had to run the R2 through DVDFAB as well as DVD Decrypter to get all the copy protection off of the image, that could be the reason for the glichy result. Though Hurin I am still waiting for your version to be made available with the "original" splash screen from the Bandai release.... Any chances of that being done?
  15. Well I read no implication toward any particular one as it was pretty open to interpretation, hence my comments. Yeah, and it's one of the Mari written songs too...
  16. Maybe, and yet the best selling and longest lasting Macross merchandise are still the SDFM and DYRL goods.... The latest CMs figure series featured Minmay not Mylene, so I wonder.... Sorry, but if you are implying SDFM doesn't have as good if not a better story than the majority of the pablum in anime I have to disagree. The animation is certainly dated and poor in some parts considering it was made for so cheap. The music is a preference thing and really one can't seriously debate a preference.... This is most likely the case. Mac 7 is the last known series and you can't resurrect franchise exposure by rebroadcasting a 5 part OVA series on TV over and over.
  17. As frightening a prospect as that is, it is quite possible as an "import" title, unless Bandai wants to fight to free the Macross name.... As for the re-broadcast, it only makes good business sense. Regardless of how anyone feels, it is the most recent and has modern animation compared to SDFM. Since old school Macross fans won't come out of the closet in Japan, the producers will cater to the younger fanbase as any studio would. How it is more relevant with current social themes I don't know. However the music is more contemporary 90's J-pop as opposed to the 80's J-pop of SDFM, thus would be better received by the target audience.
  18. Enoding a DVD takes up a lot of system resources so make sure NOTHING is running in the background. That helps.] As for the Korean version, I wonder if it is just a repackaged FX version, particularly if it is indeed RO...
  19. The animeigo set was prone to cracking, I am not sure about the HG set. So far no complaints so it is possible that the HG disc stock was a better quality.
  20. When is it going to start airing?
  21. Try other game types to narrow it down. It may only be the coding for the skirmish game type which will narrow down where you'd need to look (can you tell I used to test game mods.... ).
  22. It will depend if CM makes a deal with Takara, the parent company that owns all of Tatsunoko properties. As for Toynami's Tread it's may well be dead or this is the reason for the delay. With CM's version already to go and of naturally better quality HG would be stupid (*place your own snide comments here*) not to take advantage of it and simply repackage for US sale. Reselling is far cheaper than producing it yourself. They can commit to buying a certain volume and make money on the markup (so long as they order enough to merit a decent discount).
  23. Is the "map" an existing HW2 map or a new one? If it's a new one try using an exitisting map, if not then you may be missing something in the coding. The mod tools should have some sort of bug reporting software that you can use. Check modding forums too, you problem may be more common than you think.
  24. One thing to consider is doing what other mods have done and simply release the mod with the new models. New coding can be tested and fixed for the beta release. This way the bugs remain internal and won't frustrate the fans. The fans get to play HW2 with the Macross models and that always attracts and inspires help. Many successful mods start out this way and grow by simply adding to existing releases making them more popular. Frequent updates in the forums, site and mod sites help to let fans know it is not just another abandoned mod floating around. Something to consider
  25. That's stretching it a bit. Busted asteroids don't normally travel in a constant delta pattern... That is a possibility, however my point is that would radar actually still be used? As I stated that Lidar could be the standard detection system of the day as well as the OTEC based sensor equipment. Granted the producers went with what was known at the time and Lidar was not a well known or fully developed system in the 90's. I share that opinion as well. The GW1 F117 inspired a lot of "stealth" aircraft designs in the media, the VF-17 was no exception.
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