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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. OK, let me rephrase, "scientifically witnessed / researched phenomena". Proven was a poor choice of words.
  2. Actually the cutaway is from VF-X2 and is featured on a poster and in one of the game guide books. I believe it's in this one, but I'm at work and can't check atm... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/vfx2visualf.jpg
  3. The problem with collectibles is that unless an avid collector is bidding on it you may not get it's actual value, nevermind the value we may put on it.... That's the risk of putting it up for sale. I've seen a CMS-1 Hikaru figure go for both $30.00 & $100.00 on ebay. The only difference was who was bidding on them.
  4. That is shexy Miss Moneypenny...
  5. True, but the story didn't have anything to do with direct contact with the technology or speculatively implied decendants of the PC. It was about the Earth surviving a massive assault by the PC's army of giants. Even with the bits of info from Mac 7 ( ), the PC are still largely an enigmatic society, who's personal abilities are not really known. So in an Scifi setting telekenisis, ESP, etc... are not nearly as far fetched since they are scientifically proven mental abilities. Being able to block a buster cannon blast with a song is not!
  6. Love the VF-11's very nice! Wondering if I could get a picture of the squadron with a neutral blue background (i'd like to photoshop the background in myself) if possible? Thanks
  7. Cool! Sign me up for one too!
  8. Actually that is the Animeigo release that is prone to do that, I haven't heard any reports that the RT release of the same discs are doing it. Most likely that the disc stock available to HG /ADV is of a higher quality than those used by Animeigo.
  9. He created the universe and the episode outlines, Valk designs and directed the valk action sequences. We know he wrote and directed Plus and Zero, it isn't clear how much he was directly involved with Mac 7 though, considering he was directing an OVA series at the time of it's production. I always wondered that myself. Though I doubt much research was spent on why we call the first world war, WW1 in Japan. Yes WW1 was called "The Great War" prior to 1940...
  10. HG pretty much fraked themselves with Bigwest by siding with Tatsunoko in the Japanese lawsuits, instead of being neutral. Which, I suspect is the principal reason they didn't do their sequel based on the Macross portion of RT (like "The Sentinels").
  11. Not to mention in a zero gravity enviroment, the pilots and technical crews can essentially "fly" around inside the hanger deck unless it has gravity control...
  12. I expect it would attract many of the casual Mecha porn fans, however you do make some valid points. However I'd expect Zero would have a better draw than 7 would. DYRL would certainly stir the masses, which is probably why it is still considered the holy grail by HG and any other Western importers.
  13. Hmm I wonder if that's really a good idea... Mac 7's story outline was Kawamori's but the ultimate story became the writers and director's. If one looks at the product SK himself directed, you get a better idea of his Western leaning ideas that are not necessarily so popular in Japan. Even Mac Zero had elements of telekenisis, bio-weaponry, a secret war between factions with different ideologies as opposed to the typical 2 dimensional kind often found in anime. It was not the tightest story out there but more grounded in scifi than the typical fantasy leaning SF anime series. If released here, I suspect Mac Zero would do nearly as well as Plus did. I often wonder if SK invisioned M7 to be more a serious allegory about the perils of the Bio-weaponry projects of the PC than the J-pop fest it was? If you look at works he's done outside the universe as well as stuff he's done directly, it is often different from the Macross stuff only his name is attached to. Since he is given Supervising Producer credit over the new series (akin to consultant) there is very real possibility that it may be another Mac 7 type of show. Bigwest, like any typical studio will endorse what they feel the market will accept, and if they believe the market will welcome another j-pop mecha show then that is what they will green light. As for Kissdum, the only relation it has to Macross Flyer is that Satelite is doing the CG animation and that Kissdum is the testbed to test, develop and polish the techniques that will be used on the 25th Anni Mac series.
  14. To each their own...
  15. Well it's always made me wonder why anything is STILL called "UN" anything? By 2040 there are at least half a dozen colonized worlds and yet they still refer to everything as "UN", would it not make more sense to be calling it the United Worlds or United Galactic, etc.... The nations as they once existed are no more.... Just my small rant on the subject... As for the "confederacy" idea, THAT is a more reasonable premise than yet another "terrorist group" notion. An actual secession of colonies from the commonwealth of the Earth would be an interesting premise. It has all the political intrigue for complex stories with plenty of opportunity to show off VF to VF combat situations... It would also be a great vehicle for any social commentary they may wish to throw into it. "When does a rebellion turn into a legitimate fight for independence and who is ultimately right?" ideas. That may be a bit over a j-pop audience's head, but would certainly be an interesting premise to explore... Worthy even of the original SDFM, IMHO. Now whether Japanese audiences would appreciate such a premise as much as Western ones, is another matter?
  16. To be sure!! Globe trotting all over the world to track down all the original license holders would not only cost cash, but take a fair bit of time....but definitely worth it....
  17. John Woo is a much more recogizable name in North America than Ang Lee (who didn't choreograph the fight sequences in CTHD it was Yuen Wo-ping) and since "Ex Machina" is also going to be targetting the Western market Woo is the better choice of a name to attach to the film. Here is a relatively recent update for anyone interested. http://www.animenewsservice.com/archives/exmachina.htm
  18. That's what I'm waiting for personally. I'd love to see what would happen in court since HG let their "rights" laps over the "Macross" name with Mac Plus and Macross II, coupled with the Japanese court awarded intellectual and copyrights to Studio Nue and Big West with respect to the character and mechanical designs, would make for an interesting court case (if the Japanese court gives Studio Nue control over the story of SDFM, then HG may have reason to sweat). This would be the most opportune time to bring it up considering much of HG's capital is tied up in it's new RT series based on Mospeada and their apparent distancing of themselves from the Macross property (unlike Macek and the "Sentinels" series).. Hence my comment that if I had the money I would, just to break their claim on the whole franchise...
  19. So far no one (other than HG) has shown any published interest in taking on the the show. Since BigWest would rather choke on an octopus than give HG another of their Macross properties, I doubt we'll see it here in a legitimate Western release anytime soon. Though if I had the cash I would...
  20. Doubtful. The Zentreadi are so yesterday... The latest trend in the productions (ever since Mac Plus) is variable fighter vs variable fighter. Hence Mac 7 and Mac Zero having no power armors. Besides, compared to the SDFM battles against Regults and Glaugs, you have to admit variable fighter battles are far more interesting to watch...
  21. Now if you said Mari Ijima then I'd have an answer for you...
  22. Well if it is HD, it will most likely be in Bluray format...
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