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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Yes, since SK appears to be directly involved with this project, who knows where it could go? Well as already stated, a weak story is more to blame for that show's performance not necessarily the demographic it aimed at (who, by the way would have higher standards than children would). Poor stories or execution of stories are universally panned by any fanbase, regardless of where they reside. Considering Macross is one of the few anime titles "stuck" in the Japanese market, this is no surprise. I find this hard to believe. The official BBS in Japan have fans expressing their "concern" as well. If BW is looking for bobbleheads they might as well keep talking to their marketing departments, because the net is no place for that, even in Japan. "Fans-in-name-only", always makes me laugh, it's like the republicans calling those with opposing opinions "Americans-in-name-only"... Whether Studio Nue & BW staffers frequent this site or not is not really known and they'd certainly not identify themselves as such either. The principal reason why western fans are not heard is because we are more of an "aftermarket" thanks to the fact that no one is willing to pony up the money to challenge HG's claim of monopoly on the franchise. Thus there are no licensing or merchandising revenues to be gained from North American fans by the franchise owners, like is available to the creators of GIS and Evangelion. Mac Plus was better received here than Japan because it was a more westernized story and themes, whereas Mac 7 was more popular with it's demographic because of it's much more asian story and themes. No real surprises there. True, however, the demographic was more toward the latter teens than early teens which appears to be where M7 was aimed. Also remember that prior to the Otaku killer incident in Japan, there wasn't a social stigma on adults who enjoyed anime as there was in the 90's and to a lesser extent now. Now if the show is indeed about a UN Spacy Academy, that would be interesting to see, if they do it well and treat their audience with a measure of intelligence...
  2. The AFOS was a bio-engineered weapon from the PC era and so were the silly looking PD in Mac 7. The AFOS was piloted, while the PD or EVIL to be precise, were autonomous weapons, designed prolly like trained dogs before being taken over by the PD. It's been done, it was called "Genesis Climber Mospeada". Flexible composites are not the same as the "grown" mecha of the PC era. Super high tech PC weaponry was bio-engineered in nature, while the regular armies were equipped with "built" mecha from factory satelites. Humanity would be no where near the same tech level of bio-engineering in only a few decades of exposure to OTEC.
  3. Global didn't die in SDFM.... "Gloval" died in Robowreck...
  4. Keep in mind Plus was not as well received in Japan as it was here... Mac 7 was more popular, however considering Plus was more of a mature theme, and Japanese adults tend to be wary of anime since the stigma of the Otaku killer, it is no real surprise 7 did better in terms of ratings.
  5. Manga is a subsidiary of Anchor Bay, so who knows how many titles they are actively recruiting. They may well be sitting back on their existing licenses and partnerships instead of investing in new shows. Actually the Japanese market isn't much different from any other, given that so many companies are bringing over shows, it is no surprise that the crap is beginning to surface here. They make crappy shows there just as much as we do here. The only difference it seems is they don't seem to go to the trouble of releasing the crap on DVD like we do here....
  6. If Mac 7 is a parody of the existing Mac universe, that would go a looong way for it to gain my acceptance! The irony of a show lampooning it's own universe, considering SDFM was initially going to do that very thing, is quite palatable... I wouldn't say Basara is "One of the best pilots ever featured in a Macross series", however he was the one of best ones flying at the time of Mac 7. The best ever = Max (who still had it, albeit a bit rusty) commented on Basara's skill, but never went so far as to say the singer was better than him.
  7. Pfft go figure that a person from a foreign land can't pronounce Amedika correctly...sheesh!
  8. Until the very end... and even then, if I recall correctly, he snatched it out of her hand while running by...
  9. I'd have to agree. I'd be particularly interested in picking the man's brain as to what his "vision" of Mac 7 was intended to be. If we explore all the stuff he has directed in the Mac universe, it is much different from how Mac 7 was presented, some have pointed out that his story telling is more westernized compared to his contemporaries. As for the Mac 25 title, I'm aware it's a placeholder, but these days who knows...
  10. I agree with Keith..........*passes out from the shock* If Kawamori did intend for the rainbow music power to be part of the universe initially, then one cannot dismiss the possibility that Minmay possessed the raw anima spiritia ability, undeveloped compared to Basara, but present nonetheless and naturally powerful enough to "reach" the war hardened Zentreadi soldiers. Wha?
  11. Wow, I read he was the Supervising Producer and Mechanical designer and that was it. Story supervisor is no surprise, he's held that type of title for all but one of the Macross productions. Personally I wonder how many of those titles are like "Executive Producer" credits here which mean "bigger paycheck" and nothing else. Executive director could simply mean he get's final say on what the actual Korean directors animate. Plus the fact that I'm sure if his name is attached to any Macross property it will guarantee a certain amount of fan interest. Maybe I'm being a Pollyanna, but I am hoping he is allowed to go back to the roots of the series with character driven SF drama like we saw in SDFM and Plus. Macross 25, huh? Well that could just be another emigration fleet story like 7, only with Macross 25 fleet in the 2050's or 2060's era... I'm curious
  12. Actually the series really didn't present that whole "Minmay Defense" well at all! The hologram was actually of a pop idol of the day, not Minmay. It was only called the "Minmay Defense" because it used music to confuse and distract the enemy long enough for Spacy forces to gain the upper hand in the battle.
  13. Well since Bluray has the same region code for both Japan and North America, all Bigwest has to do is add an English subs track and away they go. Since the disc would be considered and import, no American copyright laws are applicable...
  14. Keep in mind that the latest new on their site is from 2006! So it appears that whoever updates the news on their site is pretty weak... So who knows what's in the pipe. Though, I wouldn't mind a Bandai America release of the shows either
  15. Possibly, however I always thought it had magnetic pads in the feet to keep it stationary and allow it to walk along the hull in space. I saw no evidence of any thrusters. Considering it's mass any thrusters would surely be as visible as the destroids if not larger. Well the Koenig monster from the games was fully transformable (no comments about that from me... ), not in the series' where it was shown.
  16. Oh dude you got robbed, "literally"! I got mine from Japan, complete with band, strip and poster...
  17. Unfortunately "Standard" format is 4:3 aspect ration = standard square tv sets (although I am not sure if the Mac Plus movie had a theatrical release or if it was only a TV movie which would explain the tv aspect ratio.) If Managa Ent. supplied their dub and subs for the release to Bandai, I'm sure they'd include it in the transfer so Manga could just take the master, redo the menus, recode the region coding and then release it here. Unfortunately too many American companies don't think outside the box.... However, it doesn't mean that Manga isn't currently in negotiations to bring over the remastered set for distribution here. A HD video and audio remaster is a strong selling point to any video collector, particulary to fans of the Macross Plus movie which had poor video compared to the OVAs. Essentially if we want them to bring it over we as a community need to flood as many requests into Manga Ent. as possible for an American release of the new transfer to show them there is a market for it here still. http://www.manga.com/ Click on the "Contact" link at the top of the frame and type away...
  18. I would dispute that statement. On more than one occasion Basara's ability was not strong enough to defeat a foe, but coupled with Mylene's voice they became essentially invincible. Thus both Mylene and Basara demonstrate the anima spirita ability, however Basara's is much more developed. Because of this he was quickly identified by the PD as one with anima spiritia abilities, not to mention his pelting their ships with speaker pods and then shrieking into them...
  19. Read this, you may find some food for thought: http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/how.html *eventhough some of the spelling is atrocious (thank you modern American school system)...
  20. Now that's a concert I'd love to see....
  21. That's a fairly weak rebuttal. Why study Zero Point energy, or tachions, to name a few or any other speculative hypothesis? They are studied to determine if such things exist or can be measured. Just because we can't measure tachions or see atoms doesn't mean they don't exist. They are only proven by mathematical formula since they are too small to be physically measured. Zero point energy is another quantum physical study that has only resulted in mathematical formula and speculated measurements, yet it is actively studied. Scientists themselves have proven that we only utilize approximately 25% of our brain's capacity, they'd have to be willfully ignorant morons to believe that the other 75% is just left over meat with no useful potential. Hence the studies into these phenomenon that could demonstrate what these unused quadrants could actually be used for. Scientists are trained skeptics, however for them to be of any use to the scientific community they must keep an open mind to new possibilities or they simply become critics who contribute nothing new.
  22. I was mistaken, the cutaway VF-19A is indeed in Kawamori's latest Design works. My bad.
  23. Are all the images in the Mosaic macross ones? That is always cool when mosaics are done like that! BTW, if you are taking pre-orders for the poster I'd be interested...
  24. Depends which journals you subscribe to. Psychokenesis is being studied put more along the lines of affecting the outcome of randomly generated results, such as dice, number generators, etc.... ESP is being studied as well. Where many claims were proved to be fake, not all have been, hence the reason why it is under study by some and not dismissed outright, but all.
  25. Or maybe that's a retcon explanation that was not supported at the time of the original series or the movie? Kaifun's SPFX powers in the movie "Shao Pai Loon", it was an "unkown" power to the Zents, not a recognized one. If such was always intended, then why wasn't some mention of these super powers written into the script for DYRL or even hinted at? The explanation of why Minmei's song had such impact in DYRL was because of it ancient nature, not some rainbow colored super singing power... In SDFM her music was played out as more a subversive corruption of the culture devoid giants. But his powers are not "recognized", that's the point. Mental abilities were not present in either SDFM or DYRL (most likely to avoid being compared to Gundam). Umm, yet it was, on one possibly two occasions in M7 against Grabil...
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