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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Based on what is known from all the shows, games and compendium, here is my list, however I'm sure others may add a few: Eden Eden 3 Avemaria Hydra Salvation Delta Cristiana Neo York New Asia Dahan Belfan Susia Iota Lux (Rax) Varuata Zolan Unamed Ice Planet colony from "Galaxy is Calling Me"
  2. Who would need to maintain it and why? Eventually someone is going to turn it off or it will suffer a catastrophic breakdown, and then what? You have an army of former PC and Zentreadi who are the mortal enemies of the entire Zentreadi armed forces that number in the billions. What do you do now? If you are a clever general you may choose to deify the PD in order to maintain some sort of unit cohesion and turn a genocidal situation into a holy quest, then over time the lie becomes the truth for many as the progenitors of the idea have since died off taking the truth with them. Granted they could just as easily go the other direction and be the misunderstood enemy who are just fighting to stay alive amidst a relentless onslaught of Zentreadi attacks. The Marduk's religion was their culture which asserted "Superior culture and galactic order through conquest" which was more a two dimensional motivation for them to attack the Earth rather than a well researched reason. Unlikely, as their rogue Zentreadi armys would be the greater threat if one compares the two. They would have an endless military, either by design or necessity. They are in a galactic war that has lasted for eons against a foe who doesn't give up. If they indeed did wake up and found themselves in a war of survival, it would also answer the speculated question as to why they didn't return to assist the PD when they awoke (assuming a call was sent out by the PD at all).
  3. Get this set: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93 It is HG's repackaging of the Animeigo re-master and subtitle for Super Dimension Fortress Macross the series. The ADV dub may be easier than reading subtitles, but they take far too many liberties with the dialog that affects how the show should be seen, not to mention name pronounciations are wrong in the dub and the original sound effects were changed as well (unlike RT which kept the originals).
  4. The GF2200 Ghost is a sophisticated UCAV (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle). It was attached to the VF-0's to give them additional thrust and range. By design they could fire their missile launchers, because none of them were located underneath the nose, only on top. However, they were discarded when their fuel ran out, thus it is most likely that they were not carrying any missiles, only fuel, when attached to the Zero's.
  5. I agree with Keith, in that if you look closely at the Megaroads and City Class ships they were essentially domed cities flying around in space. Once they found a habitable planet they'd become the first city from which other communities would spring from. However it isn't clear whether Eden was discovered by Megaroad 01 or another smaller scouting fleet, because Megaroad 02 & 03 were launched after Eden was discovered in 2014, possibly it was found by a Zentreadi fleet that departed at or around the same time as the Megaroad 01 fleet. It is also possible that the Megaroad fleet was the first of it's type of fleet, but not the first effort made to seek out habitable worlds in the galaxy. As critical as the colonization of the stars would be with a fear of retaliation by other Zentreadi fleets, it is possible that existing Zentreadi groups were sent out to look before the Megaroad was completed. It would support Neid's speculations about Zentreadi ships being used for colonial exploration They used a similar premise for the rebuilding of Earth for Mac 2. Now the new fleets all appear to me to be designed to land in the water and float, which seems to be a common theme in anime, that capital ships would land in the water as opposed to land based space ports. This is alluded to in Mac Plus with the space liner and if you look at them, all the fleet ships with the exception of the ARMD carriers appear to be designed to float, including the Battle class ships. From a colonization point of view it makes sense to have the fleet land in the water and be used like island bases from which land based communities and installations could be built. Eventually all the materials from these ships would be recycled into building materials for settlements all over the colony and / or allowed to remain as man made islands on which to build new installations.
  6. I'd love to do the Mig29, but unfortunately it doesn't appear to come with the canards, like we saw in the OVA... You'd have to cannibalize an SV-51 to get the canards needed.
  7. Congrats!!! That truly is a gem! You can tell by how white the newsprint pages still are. Now make sure you bag it to keep it's pristine condition, I wish I had thought of it way back when ....
  8. With them not being rallied there is no way for them to know the PD are no longer imprisoned and have moved on? How is it that the mind control would perpetually continue "after" the PD imprisonment? One could reasonably conclude that eventually it would wear off... I tend to believe that the SA have found different ways to justify their continued war with the Zentreadi. Maybe they've elevated the PD into gods that they worship, which is possible with multi-generational personnel who would never have seen an actual PD in person? Their war would become a "holy" one, based on a religion with ancient records and legends describing how their enemies have imprisoned their gods. When an ancient war's original purpose is lost and it becomes based on a religion, all sensible reason tends to get thrown out the window. Thus if that is the actual case, the SA would become even more dangerous than they ever were under the PD.
  9. It's doubtful Max would command another emigration fleet. I suspect he'd be the governor of whatever world they ended up settling on, a retired Admiral or both, with Millia the world's representative on Earth. Age in space is not the same as on Earth. All the characters who spend most of their lives in space will look and feel a lot younger than their ages. Max may be pushing 80, but he'd likely have the body of a man 20 years younger due to it not being exposed to the same environments of Earth folk. Gamlin could be commanding the fleet, but I doubt he'd land Mylene. He has become more of a close friend to her and her family than a love interest, though it would be funny if he married one of her sisters... Bringing back Shin and Sara in an AFOS based threat would definitely be a cool premise. It would also stay within the theme of how the PC became too powerful for their own good, which seems to be a common thread in the Macross productions of late. Though, I believe it is time to finally reveal the Supervision Army, or even a portion of it. I like to believe that the only reason why they survived over the millennia is because they could still use the remnants of the PC weaponry, thus giving them an edge over the superior numbers of the Zentreadi. Therefore the "space monsters" are in fact bio-engineered AFOS units piloted by the SA. It's gonna be interesting to be sure...
  10. "Out 10" is the 1984 book, and "Out 8" is the 1986 reprint. Now some are under the impression that only the 1984 edition came with a poster, but that is wrong. I bought mine new in 1986 and it came with a poster just like the 1984 edition.
  11. The question that comes to mind is that the Thunderbolt in Mac Plus was a "B" and the Thunderbolts assigned to Mac 7 were "C"s. It is entirely possible that part of the upgrade from the "B" to the "C" was a change in the vertical stabilizers to a smaller size as we saw in the Battle 7 hangar bay. There are no references showing the stabilizers in either Mac 7 animation books I own. The only one that shows the side view without fast packs is in TIAS Macross Plus. The VF-11C was given a gun pod upgrade (mostly cosmetic it appears), along with optional atmospheric FAST packs and GBP armor system. So I suspect there isn't as much controversy and some might think. The VF-19 went through similar design changes in the 5 years from Mac Plus. Only the "A", "K(ai)" and "P" production versions of the fighter sport swing wings and canards for atmospheric optimization. The "F" and "S" production models were optimized for space by removing the canards and giving then fixed wing configurations.
  12. Yes and no. If Kawamori keeps to his admitted schedule, he's been developing "Macross F" since 2004. He has stated a few times that he take 3 years to develop a Macross project. So it tracks. For all we know as soon as Mac Zero finished production, BW could have gone to SK and cut a deal for him to develop the anniversary series for 2007, so between other projects he worked on the series.
  13. Dude, please a post a hi res scan of the 25th Anniversary logo for the group... It would be greatly appreciated.... thanks
  14. Is there tape down the middle? I suspect that is what would be causing the blurring still present in the scans, but the rest came out quite nicely.
  15. Yeah I like both Pheonix's and VA's! Love to see higher res images of both...
  16. Thanks for the correction on the VT-1C wasn't sure about that at the time of posting. I have yet to see any definitive proof that more than one City ship was assigned to a fleet. With the exception of the brief animation clip of a score of them in orbit, all indications are that each fleet gets 1 City & 1 Battle class ship. The Mac 5 & 7 fleets which were prominently featured in the Mac 7 show supports this. In no other production is another fleet featured with 2 City class ships. Keep in mind that the City ship carried a million colonists each (now whether that is actual residents of the City ship or a total fleet population, I am not sure)... Well Itano probably is responsible for the battroid and destroid sequences, but the variable dog fights were Kawamori.
  17. Well the colony ships do look cool and much more plausible than the fanciful City 7 (loved the design, but it did seem like it took anime magic to build it). Although the screenshot could be similar to the Mac 7 shot where it showed all the City class colony ships in Earth orbit, eventhough only 1 was assigned to a colony fleet. Sketchly makes a plausible point in that the civilian populations could be separated into several ships to avoid the "all your eggs in one basket" situation the City 5 civilians faced. The variable fighter could simply be a civilian owned craft similar to what was established in the Mac 7 shows. Millia was able to keep her VF-1 and we know that the VF-1C were in production for a time. So who is to say that there weren't VF-5000-C's built for that same purpose? Cutting edge military hardware would be reserved for the military and older tech would be sold to colony worlds, but obsolete designs and technologies would be available to civilian factories like we see today. I would be surprised if the line fighter of 2070 would be a throw back to an obsolete design when the cutting edge of tech of technology 23 years earlier was the VF-19 & VF-22! Although, I do find it amusing that the idol is yet again a girl in some measure of Chinese heritage (Minmei Lin, Shery Li(?)).... Actually from this account, (I used a translation program, so I am not sure), but it appears as though Kawamori himself introduced the preview clip. http://dante.moe-nifty.com/ota/2007/08/25m...eets__875a.html
  18. Actually that WAS Kawamori... That was his first foray into directing since no one could really get what he was getting at when he described how the Valks would dog fight. The missile choreography is Itano, but the dog fights are all Kawamori.
  19. Congrats. Is it the Oct 8 or 10 edition?
  20. Why go back to beam weaponry when the VF-4 with all it's beam weaponry was abandoned? A stable rail gunpod would have greater range, stopping power and use cheaper projectiles than any beam weapon. Though the idea of limited use shields and short range fold engines, would be interesting.
  21. Well it depends on what they are describing as a "monster"? If it's an ugly alien, that could be construed as a monster, not necessarily a giant in the Zentreadi or PD vein (I am hopeful) or it could be a squadron of AFOS roaming the galaxy carrying out their final orders of "destroy all combatants", by that time only a few military personel would be aware of the Mayan Island incident, having it being declassified only a decade before... I suspect the whole time shift is going to figure prominently in the story, otherwise with the era that the show takes place in, it is pointless to release a retcon like that to the fanbase. Although the emigration fleet setting seems to be in danger of becoming a cliche for Macross series, but it may be a coincidence. The era also explains the mecha sketch we saw which had distinctive VF-22 derivative elements to it. I am excited to see what Miyataki will come up with for capital ships though... We'll see though. If history is any indication, the Macross 7 parody has already been done, so they prolly won't be going back there. The other encouraging thing is that by the time the show airs Bandai Visual will be established enough to release it here. It should be interesting and hopefully it will be a more dramatic story this time around, which is possible if they have plans to market it in the West, which is likely considering the potential profits this market promises.
  22. I've got this week off, so I'll try to scan some pics from the guide books I own...
  23. Well if it is indeed a reboot, then they may be concerned about backlash from fans if they reveal that little tid bit before the actual air date. Personally I am causiously optimistic about a reboot, so long as they stick closely to the original story and not spin yarns with rainbow colored song beams...
  24. They are due to come out in Japan on 09/15/07!! Gotsta get me some of those!
  25. Won't the series be over by then?
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