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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well take some comfort in the fact that MPM has long since been out of print and BW isn't making a dime off it anymore, as with all of the publishers of vintage anime books. Only the resellers and auction sellers are making any money on these out of print books. Unless they are current publications like SK's newest mecha works books, then no one is really being harmed, except the reseller. If they republished these books, that would be different, but clearly the domestic market is no longer interested, so no re-issues. Hell even the Mac Zero books were abandoned before going to print.
  2. Sorry, try this one: http://members.shaw.ca/zinjo/Index/Files/M...I_Interview.zip The SWAG armor would not be able to counter the massive kinetic energy of the projectile fired at it by the rail gun. At best, if sufficiently strong enough, it could protect the fighter from instant destruction, but that is something I'd suspect only a barrier reinforced shield could do (however the shield would likely be ruined after it). A rail gun fired at full capacity is capable of turning the projectile into a plasma state with incredible kinetic energy. Which is why in Mac II it was depicted a one shot kill weapon, since thats what it would do. To incorporate that into Mac F, would show a significant upgrade in weaponry, while still not converting the fighter weapons systems of Spacy over to power hog energy based weaponry that the Zentreadi used on their non-transforming Mecha.
  3. My source is this : Macross II Interview from B-Club Magazine 79 (translated and republished in Mangazine, Sept '92 - Note: Not all the line art was republished) Upon review, the Mid-sized or Heavy duty gun pod is a rail gun while the regular ones are not. Any further discussion on this topic needs to be done in another thread. As I said before, I'd like to see the use of Rail Guns in Macross F, considering they have enough punch to penetrate any conventional armor, which would require an enemy to possess some sort of defensive barrier shield to survive a shot from one.
  4. Those goodies are TOO sexy!!!
  5. Nope. In B-Club Special 79 (I believe) the line art describes the weapons are rail guns, even the gun pods (however I'd have to check the article on the gunpods to be 100%, however the SAP gun is definitely a Rail gun).
  6. True, if one goes back to the roots of the series or Megalord...
  7. That' is my point. Macross refers to the ship, but if you couldn't use the name, how would you title, Mac Zero, Mac Plus, Mac 7, or Mac Frontier for that matter. Granted Mac 7 is probably the most appropriate title, since it's about the 7th of New Macross class emigration fleets. Macross is used as the franchise name, like Star Wars and Star Trek, however if you had to loose that name how would you identify the franchise, or would you just not bother like the Appleseed movies? Here's one : "Protoculture Legacy" (it's weak I know, but it's a name that does describe the universe).
  8. Could you imagine the whole model with lights and then doing the openning sequence of DYRL?!! That would be too cool!
  9. What name would you give the franchise without the name "Macross" in it? No "Bionoid" cracks either...
  10. It's doubtful any "in jokes" from Mac 7 will appear, they didn't in 7. The only references were to DYRL and SW1. As Azrael said there will likely be a short explanation at the beginning. Most of the series', eventhough chronologically linked, are stand alone shows for the most part. However, I'm expecting something completely different in theme from anything previous, SK doesn't like to re-do themes. He could do the neurotic hero like Evangelion, the orphaned needy hero like Eureka 7, etc... many avenues have not yet been explored in the Mac universe. That is why I am so hoping they meet up with the SA, this time around. There is entirely a different dynamic with that group. Marchy, if you want to see kick ass capital ship combat watch Resurrection Ship Pt.2 of the second season of the BSG series, to see what we mean. The "Captain's hand" is another episode from Season 2 that has some good cap ship combat near the end.
  11. If you succeed I'll be the first to want a copy... Otherwise I'll need to cough up the cash to get the set sooner than I had planned...
  12. I like the idea of using fold bubble to "eat" captial ship hulls. Hell they could refit a 40's era fold booster with engines and a new OS and send it into the fray. It detonates taking a chunk of enemy vessel with it to a predetermined location behind the lines where the chunk is destroyed and it is then tugged back into strike position. I agree with Eugimon, about seeing BSG style slugfests. More drawn out and "dirty", BSG proved that such captial ship battles can be visually very dramatic. As for the missiles, I suspect they would further develop the high maneuver missiles by shrinking them (not necessarily to micro size) to make them viable against the very agile modern variable fighters. Missiles will always be the most efficient and best way to deliver a kill payload to any target. HM missles would also be capable of defeating anti-missile homing lasers. As for being able to show "cloaked" ships, it would be easy with CG. If it were still cell animation, it would be much more difficult. I could see the vampire technology being used in civilian applications, but we'd only see it if the story called for it.
  13. It may well be the age of omni-directional barriers in limited use on fighters and on a greater scale with the cap ships. This will allow for much more drawn out slugfests. However power requirements would naturally limit it's extended use. The idea of short distance Super Dimensional Hops for the SOC fighters would be cool too! I'd like to see rail guns in use. After researching those bad boys, it surprises me that Mac II incorporated them, but Studio Nue has yet to, considering how powerful they are. The idea of micro reactors providing power and a larger magazine capacity is ideal for any combat weapons system, be it a gun pod or Strike Pack. Then there is the idea of using holograms to provide visual stealth for SOC fighters to accompany any Cyclops stealth abilities.
  14. I am of the opinion that the sketches we saw are not related to Macross Frontier at all. Similar looking sketches appear in SK's Design Works book and it's fairly generic. I suspect the actual design of the new variable fighter(s) is going to be top secret until just before the release.
  15. Only 500 of each were made apparently, so unless someone is willing to sell you an extra one, you may be out of luck. Though I am surprised no one has one in the works from these boards!! Yellowlighman did and amazing job with the Mac Plus T-shirts he did and I'd be satisfied with a simple anniversary logo on the front with the the dates on the back or vice versa....
  16. Where were the Varuata shown how to maintain the equipment? I would assume Gigile would maintain such a sensitive piece of equipment. I didn't say they went "looking" for a fight, the fight would be brought to them by the Zentreadi who had no reason to stop attacking them. Huh? It has not been established when an event like the wearing off of the mind control would take place and even by 2045 only a small fraction of the billions of Zentreadi roaming the galaxy would have become "cultured". Again, we don't know what they did after they left, except they released the Varuata and left the galaxy with their new found ability of self sustinance. It is equally plausible that when / if they didn't get a response from the SA at their awakening, they assumed they were wiped out and moved on. Which is why the idea of finally meeting the SA as a misunderstood enemy fighting for its very existence is so appealing to me.
  17. Let's all pause this moment to observe the passing of Graham's scanner............................................................., OK that's good.
  18. Actually if the ever do a reboot (or relegate the Tatsunoko series as a TV series about the events of SW1) I am hoping they use the SW-XA1 as the actual VF-1 Valkyrie and designate the SW-XAII as a VF-9 Crusader in the continuity. The SW-XA1 looks far more like the successor to the VF-0 than the the VF-1 now does. It also looks more like the modern design aesthetics introduced in Mac Plus and continuted in Mac 7.
  19. "HD-quality"- Dude THAT is reason enough, particularly with the Movie version where many believe they used a VHS tape in the DVD transfer!! Essentially you will need to decrypt the DVD by running it through DVDFAb and then DVD Decrypter (in that order) to kill the multilayer protection (you will need to do both to get a clean copy, one or the other alone won't be enough). Then you will need to demux the DVDs as per Hurin's instructions. Once you have the raw files, you will need to get the subs. I'd suggest ripping them from the Manga DVDs. Using the same decryption method to get a clean copy of the Manga DVDs, you can demux them and take the "srt" (sub files). After that you will need to set up the time sync of the subs with the new video files in one of the various DVD authoring programs along with putting together a basic menu system and then re-encode the DVD (be prepared to get a DVD-9 sized file). Then burn it, again I suggest a DVD-9 disc to maintain the quality of the video. (it should end up being similar in size to the original, unless you remove special features). A lot of work, but in the end it will be something no one has... a high quality transfer of the shows with english subs.
  20. No dude, an appreciation for a proper story is not culturally bound, it's universal... It's just that here we've become too accustomed to crap on TV and in the theaters and because of that, we end up having to celebrate mediocrity. Then the masses too often overlook the real gems that are being made. There is a reason why cable and indie films tend to draw bigger crowds and critical acclaim, less overpaid executives at the top interfering in things they have no clue about, trying to justify their rediculous paychecks.
  21. Unfortunately they are not in as hi a res as I'd like personally and the mags are getting harder and harder find on YHJ...
  22. That is gorgeous!! Dude, you have an un-watermarked version of that pic? I have an idea for a wallpaper. PM me with the link, if you are concerned about thieves taking credit for your work. Thanks WOW!
  23. It had sound boosters built into the fighter itself (a VF-19K). They were pillars found on the shoulders, much more believable than the speakers from the series IMO, although it would have made better sense to incorporate them into the shoulders like the VF-19 Fire Excaliber, but as it is they are they appear to be bolt on units.
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