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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. You are arguing that it "absolutely" can't, and I am saying that such an absolute is not defensible considering how much PC history is not yet revealed, how little we know about the early human emigration fleets and the current conditions of the various colonies. The shows have not concentrated on that as much as the space exploration aspects. Can Mac II "possibly" be shoe horned in? Sure. Would it fit very well? Not without some 'splaining and even then it would be relegated to "side story" status at best, similar to how Dynamite is a side story to Mac 7, in the grand scheme of the universe. Because the idea isn't popular around here, doesn't mean it isn't possible. It also doesn't mean that it would happen either, but saying it isn't possible with so many unanswered questions in the Macross universe is to open a debate that could last for pages. Whether Studio Nue and Big West would bother to revist the show to make the changes in that anime to bring it into the continuity is the question, and who knows if that would ever happen or if any interest to do so exists? I wouldn't be arrogant enough to presume to know their minds. Prior to Dynamite there were no such thing as space wales, and lo and behold we now have them in the continuity. The producers at studio Nue have rightfully kept details about the PC and SA largely non-specific and enigmatic, in order to allow them to farm them for stories. So my argument is simply that anything is possible and no one here can say "it can't" happen with any certainty.
  2. I disagree, with some retcon dialogue changes in the original anime it could fit within established continuity as another story in the universe. It would add a few more questions about the PC civilization, but hey that list is so long already, what's a few more.... As for the "Salad Bar", brother the history of the Macross universe is a "salad bar", with most of the tubs still missing....
  3. Zinjo

    Joke Machines???

    Actually the Matchbox one's were basically repackaged Bandai Joke Machines. The Bandai ones had VF-1S Roy, The VF-1A Hikaru, the VF-1A Max, the VF-1J Max and VF-1J Millia. The VF-1As are the most rare and are often the most expensive to get, followed by the VF-1J toys. The most common Joke Machine is the VF-1S Roy. They all came with a small Minmei figure, the gun pod and fast packs. However I think there was a special Strike version of the VF-1S that pops up now and again, but I am not sure if it's a custom or an actual Bandai release. There was a release of the SD Veritech's by HG, but they were a redesigned version of the originals, not nearly as good in quality or appearance. I suspect they may have been licensed from Takatoku. The "Joke Machines" were the first quality SD Valkyries ever produced. There were other SD versions released as model kits, but the Joke Machine is the design most collectors like the most because it was similar the the "Egg Plane" design of model kits released by Bandai in during the 80's, though not as exagerated.
  4. Wow the Mac 7 box set comes with a 24pg booklet of illustrations, much like the Mac Plus SE release had! That would be kinda fun. I wonder if they'll do like they do here and show the two hour premier episode a few months before the series to get an audience "buzz" going? I wouldn't put it past Studio Nue and Bigwest to try a series launch on 02/07/09 to commemorate SDFM. Technically the show would have premiered during the 25th anniversary year, but not the whole series...
  5. The VF-1S should be "001" with the blue trim and the VF-1A should be "013" with blue trim.
  6. I can see his point, in terms of how similar the two universes have become. Mac II could be shoe horned into the Studio Nue continuity IF the following were to be changed to the existing anime and explained by dialogue: 1. The events do not take place on Earth, but in a remote colonial system, with little or very limited contact with Earth Gov, and a need for it to design and construct it's own military hardware independently of the Spacy design conventions. 2. The space fortress on the planet IS NOT the Macross, but only an SDF class ship of another designation. 3. The Marduk are explained within the established and revealed history of the Stellar Republic, it's civil war and PD war. Unless those primary measures are taken, the show will remain the orphan of the franchise, outside the Studio Nue continuity, which has become the predominate continuity, warts and all. Where the Zentreadi are a fairly simplistic and 2 dimensional race, the SA can be so much more complex and varied. It may be this very reason why SK has not done anything with them as he is looking for a story worthy enough to explore such diversity. Thus it is better that they remain an enigma than present them poorly to an audience. Mac 7 was a good show for it's target audience, but I personally believe it presented the PD as much less of a galactic threat than they should have been.
  7. The SA was composed of both, the most compelling physical evidence is the SDF-1 which accomodates both microns and giants. It is entirely conceivable that that portion of the fortress that the civilians occupied was once the living quarters for the Zentreadi crew once upon a time. Most likely PC commanders and Zentreadi grunts, all under the umbrella of the PD.
  8. That's not stated anywhere Keith, we've debated this fact before. They had defeated Zentreadi forces, but it is not explained where they came from, only that they had some form of an empire and that they used mind controlled Zentreadi as their cannon fodder troops. Whether they were meant to be the actual SA, by the show's producers is a matter than could be debated since most of the senior staff worked on SDFM and were privy to Kawamori's back story about the SA. The idea of mind controlled troops was later resurrected in Mac 7 as the means by which the PD were able to build their own forces at the beginning of the PD war (if we want to call it that, since the Civil War was replaced by the PD war). Now a supposition by mikeszekely is that part of the composition of the SA were the subjegated races in the Stellar Republic who took the opportunity to "win" their freedom from those who occupied their worlds, by joining the PD. This supposition could very well include a "Marduk" faction that may have ultimately broke away from the remaining SA to forge their own territory once the PD were imprisoned. There are enough open spaces in the history for such an idea. Personally I like to believe the SA are composed of PC soldiers and Zentreadi, released from their mind control who are simply fighting to survive an enemy who vastly out numbers them. They may possess at or near the tech level of the Republic PC's and have very powerful weapons, but are vulnerable to being overrun by the Zentreadi, if the are not very careful. If you are the only enemy of a relentless force, no matter how much you may wish to throw down your arms, you may not be able to, since you would most certainly face annhilliation, if you did. This may be the main motivation why the SA are still fighting after so many millennia. For them it's a fight for their very survival, not a war over ideaologies or for alien masters.
  9. For now, but not much longer... http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/05/26/hd..._region_coding/ http://avzombie.com/blog/2007/09/12/region...-dvd-hairspray/ I suspect if HDDVD wants to survive the format war, they'll have to adopt some region coding to appease the studios or face a continued lack of content, New Line is only the first studio to take a stand, WB could very well be next. The market doesn't want region coding, but the content providers want to protect their revenue sources by continuing to be able to release films internationally "after" domestic films have gone to home video. It's all about the money. When the dust settles I expect both formats to have region coding, but the XBOX360 and the PS3 will remain region free with respect to games.
  10. Hmmm, now the sensitive ones reply...
  11. And some people insist that Macross 7 is NOT a parody of the franchise.... These pictures are definitive proof...
  12. Well Kawamori was not available for the beginning of this year with his "Genius Party" segment he was working on and Satelite is spending the greater portion of their resources on Kissdum at the moment. I am fully expecting a made for TV movie ala Mac Plus in 2008 that ties into the new series (it's a marketing plan that worked for them with Mac 7), otherwise they just wasted a lot of effort and marketing money on a concert designed to rev up the Macross fanbase. that will go cold before the end of 2008. I am expecting releases of the remastered shows as well as HD releases of them as well (personally hoping the delay in the HD releases is the addition of English subs to sidestep's HG's trademark on the name "Macross" to tap into the Western revenues). If they consistently release the older productions on Home video and maybe release books with new content, they could create a slow burn marketing campaign that they can ramp up in the spring and summer of 2009. It is entirely possible that they opted to wait to get a prime time slot to maximize the show's exposure, which would be smart. If they are taking their time to produce a movie quality show, it will pay off and put the 30th anniversary MSG behind the gun if their quality is status quo in comparison. If they have a compelling story that all ages can enjoy, they will rekindled the Macross franchise, but only time will tell.
  13. If it is 2009 I can see the parallel and it is kinda fun in that respect. To take a year to produce a series means it'll either be very long or film quality animation. The real question is how could they have convinced the sponsors to sit on their investments for over a year to release in 2009?! Besides that, they could show SDFM AND Mac 7 and still have a lull between shows...
  14. Thank you Keith, you made my point for me. There was a civil war prior to the EVIL series going on line (it was due to the Civil War that they were developed in the first place). It is known that the annimosity between the Meltran and Zentran factions of the Zentreadi does go back to that time. With the combination of the two factions and being a unified force would see Lap-Lamis being given available Zentran ships if Meltran were not available. Their depiction in DYRL could simply be recreations based on known Zentreadi records, not necesarily actual encounters, however the encounters can't be ruled out. I agree with Sketchly in that if the defold was detected by passive sensors, that pick up readings at the speed of light, then the defold would have been detected after the signal travelled in space for ten years at lightspeed. To get an idea of how advanced the PC sensor systems were, consider Glepinich's ability to detect and re-direct a fold as shown in Mac 7. It is clear that PC sensors and tech were much more advanced to the equipment supplied to their Giant army. Though we know that long distance jumps are not instantaneous (based on what was displayed in DYRL) as time does pass the longer you are in super dimension space, just at a much slower rate. Since it is likely that the PC civilization originated near the galactic core, where star systems would be much more dense, thus closer together, and our Earth is at the fringes of the Galaxy, it is conceivable that as already stated the emigration fleets haven't even come close to the core worlds that made up the old Galactic Republic. One could speculate that the Megaroad stumbled upon a border world and that's when it disappeared, since it was the furthest ship out. Since, unlike the Zentreadi, the SA was composed of PC citizens it is a very real possiblity it has superior firepower to the Zentreadi fleets, but less numbers. Thus in a firefight, the SA would have the upper hand in destructive capability, but be susceptible to being overun by the superior numbers of the cloned Zentreadi. Therefore IF the SA is lesser in number, but more powerful, meeting them by chance would be much more rare an occurance than meeting a Zentreadi fleet in a galaxy of billions of stars.
  15. If you mean "out of protoculture" that it was abandoned by it's crew, then you'd be correct. However, I like to believe that the SA are either awakened soldiers fighting for their very survival with weaponry superior to the vastly outnumbering Zentreadi or an army still under the influence of mind control, but to what extent is not known, possibly only the Zentreadi are still controlled like they had in Macross II and the PC have somehow bought into the Protodevlin's cause still, thus feel the need to continue fighting. If mind control is still used by the SA, it is possible that Zentreadi prisoners are "programmed" into fighting for the SA, thus replenishing their ranks. It is also possible that they may still possess reaction weaponry, which is why Vritai was so intent on capturing the Macross in the first place. If they are awakened PC and Zents then they become sympathetic characters just trying to survive and impossible war, which is a decent premise for a show. It is true that the galaxy is so massive that for emigration fleets to happen upon a SA or even a Zentreadi fleet would be somewhat rare unless they are being tracked by their fold jumps. However from a production point of view it seems to me that an encounter with the SA is far overdue in the Macross universe.
  16. Actually Ahmed Agrama and eventually Frank were actively persuing foreign TV properties and films to distribute in the US market during that time as well as producing independent live action films. Robotech's popularity was in decline in the market and they focused on their other business interests. It wasn't until the late 90's and the advent of the DVD format, that the RT fanbase was re-ignited. Very true. There is little reason to believe any Macross properties will make it into the film. There may not be any Mospeada properties either for that matter...
  17. Baybots rein supreme!
  18. He is named as an executive producer which = paycheck. It's a bribe to get him to sign (he is the principle shareholder in HG) the contract. He prolly gets a a nice fat check and a percentage of the profits. Jason Netter & Tobey Maguire are producing. Netter has ties with HG, but also has produced other projects as well and Maguire has hollywood clout. Guaranteed that if there is any substantial budget the studio will be controlling a lot of the production with such greenhorns producing.
  19. If they actually started filming this year, probably, as there will be extensive post production work involved. With the looming strike and the fact they only annouced the rights acquision, it could easily be longer. External events like strikes or war, tend to derail projects, sometimes for years. Sept. 11 essentially killed the Battlestar move Desanto and Singer were working on and the movie never recovered. The Halo movie is now in limbo for various reasons and it has a wider fanbase than RT, so anything can happen at this point.
  20. True. Buying the rights is like reserving the option to make a movie, nothing more. A script is being written, and then another will be written and possibly a third, then if the studio greenlights the project the "actual" producer will find a director and more changes to the script will ensue. Then if schedules align, they'll set a production schedule and start casting. All this could take years and then ultimately the studio could decide to drop the project because the stars they are set on are unavailable or the latest shiny new fad catches their eye. Doubtless they'll keep paying HG for the rights every few years to keep their options open and never shoot a foot of film. This is just as likely as an actual greenlit production, and is often more common than many might realize.
  21. Prolly, it's the brandname of the show, just like "Transformers". It is what identifies what it is in the market.
  22. For a Macross movie, I'd agree, hence the ever present Macross in subsequent BW series'. However, in RT the ship was a cast away element and after the first chapter it was reduced to a mound of wreckage by the second chapter. It isn't THAT important in the RT universe as it is in the Macross universe. Therefore I would be expecting an explanation of its absence with a line about stripping the ship bare for it's technology. This is not adverse to the RT story, since RT is all about the technology and the magic battery that runs it, not so much where it comes from. Macross is all about the mysterious race that started it all and the remnants of that civilization throughout the galaxy. It may not look like the Mospdeada Legioss (it is rather ugly anyway), it may look like Starscream from Transformers, though it's doubtful since they aren't going to want it to be compared. IMO, I'd rather they stay away from the Macross property altogether, since that show deserves it's own movie, with all it's story, characters and mecha intact. WB isn't going to respect the RT property as it is and Agrama doesn't care about that as much as he cares about filling his own pockets.
  23. I think there is something most are not considering. Hollywood! I will be expecting a story similar to Macross, without the SDF-1 or Kawamori's designs and using the Invid as the "aliens" since their mecha would be alien enough and small enough to go hand to hand with a variable fighter (whether it be a Raptor, Lightning II or Mospdeada based) which will give the general audience the "wow factor" of giant robots kicking each other's asses... WB has no obligation to use anything more than the Robotech name in its movie and nothing else, it's happened before and will happen again. I fully expect that they take it into their own direction and try creating a new movie franchise out of it, if it makes it to screen. Frank Agrama is a "producer" on the movie, but that just means he gets a paycheck from it and his company, HG gets a check for the movie rights. It doesn't mean there will be any fidelity to the animation whatsoever. If that were their aim, they would have brought more HG staff on board, but they didn't. Worrying or hoping for some Macross on the screen is probably pointless, as I doubt even the Legioss (which HG has rights to) will be featured. I would expect the ride armor to show up, since that is a very cool mecha that audiences would enjoy seeing in action. At what point in the RT story line the movie will take place is anyones guess, assuming that is considered at all.
  24. Which makes things interesting considering all the elements that went into SDFM are owned by Studio Nue and Big West... Definitely a FUBAR situation there!
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