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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. It all comes down to what Mcquire pitched to WB. If it was a Macross based movie and both are fixated on that project then yes it would be worth it. When you consider Paramount took it's share of Transformers which cost $150m to make and grossed $697m at the box office worldwide (quadrupling it's investment in an industry that considers getting 2/3 of it's money back at the box office a good return), it IS worth it for WB to nail down the rights to an actual story about transforming robots that has hit potential. Transformers 2 has already been scheduled to come out June of 2009, so the race is on and big money is on the line to those who get their projects out of the gates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actually Radd, it was the other way around. Macek duct taped Southern Cross and Mospeada to Macross. RT became what was initially supposed to be the US debut of Macross.
  2. If litigation does happen ownership of the rights will be settled, as WB isn't going to screw around about such things. Whoever owns what the studio wants to produce will be the one they negotiate with. HG can be bought, it's doubtful BigWest and Studio Nue will be so inclined to sell off what they fought so hard to reclaim, for any amount of money. Partnerships? Yes. Sellout? I doubt it.
  3. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=31
  4. I understand your point of view, however doesn't it convolude the issue when such a comprehensive explanation is given to a simple observation? Just a thought or maybe it's just me...
  5. Well someone dropped a small bomb in the RT forums, whether it's legit or not, time will tell. Apparently the project is heading toward litigation according to this individual who claims it's from a reliable source. If such is true, then the only reasons could be that WB wants to base it on Macross and BW and SN are intending to defend their intellectual property rights or BW and SN want to be sure that the movie is NOT based on Macross. Either way, WB will learn who really owns what with respect to Macross and that could bode very badly for HG if WB is fixated on a Macorss based movie... All WB would need to do is license or purchase the "Macross" trademark from HG and then tie up any legal loose ends with them, before charging full steam ahead... With all the Macross productions and stories to mine, WB could certainly turn a Macross movie into a film franchise or the Macross legal issues could sink the RT deal entirely.... We'll see if any of this is true, in time....
  6. The design differences have all been explained in various official sources, so I am not sure what March is trying to convey with his comments as VFTF1 simply stated he saw no issues with the differences between SDFM and DYRL. How this relates to the SA I'll never know...
  7. Dude, There is definitely a niche market for accurately translated articles in anime and modelling magazines. You may wish to consider a focus on that service to the anime community, with Mecha being a bonus type section. You'd need a few translators to get comparison translations of each other's work to maintain accuracy, one very fluent in Japanese, one fluent in both, a native English speaker who can translate and probably a person very good with English grammar to bring it all together coherently. Seriously, consider the translation angle, it's not really been done before, as far as I know... Yours could become the definitive source for translated articles one day, with fans supplying the scans of text. With sufficient traffic, the advertising revenue, would pay for the server bandwidth...
  8. Hmmm, a Macrss Kite huh? Well HG's lawyers are gonna LOVE you... j/k
  9. Well I'm sure the pre-production work as well as the plotting has been done, possibly even most of the scripts are either done or well underway. The model group at Satelite have most likely finished the models for he production and composition of the music is likely started. This series has probably been in pre-production since the new year, but all that takes time. It is possible that a 2 hour "Pilot" episode is in production to be shown by the end of this year to launch the marketing campaign for next year (entirely possible it was slated in after the Aquarion movie) which is why it is so quiet right now. It's all speculation of course. The Marketing campaign for Ex Machina started in 2006, with a game release in February of this year followed by the actual film release in a few weeks from now. Macross may do the same thing. The coolest thing would be a tie-in game released around Christmas for the PS3 like the Appleseeed Ex-Machina game on the PS2!
  10. AFOS type bio-weapons would be pretty cool actually. Most of the power of the PD without the cheese... And the AFOS weapons need pilots, so that brings us back to the origins of franchise. However, as already stated elsewhere, with SK in a Supervisory role, it is hard to say how the new show will play out (better or worse).
  11. Well there is a loophole with respect to imported material. Any US license holders cannot block the importation of foreign merchandise distributed by legal license holders outside the US, which is why Yamato Valks are freely available now. HG tried to block the import of Yamato valks, but the courts ruled against them.
  12. They were fighting? The ARMD carriers launched from Apollo base on the moon where most of the space based capital ships were built if I recall correctly...
  13. I hope you are kidding... If not, then it has been established that the Zentreadi were bio-engineered by the PC to be their army. The SA is composed of both PC and Zentreadi (a combination of both Micron and Giant) from the Stellar Republic. As discussed on these forums, it appears they were initially a PC inspection force protecting/monitoring the bio-engineering facilty wher the EVIL series weapons were being developed on Varuata (an unamed world at the time of the PC). If the Marduk were to be explained, a splinter faction from the PC (pre-PD war) or from the SA (post PD war) is the most likely, IMO.
  14. Well you can do limited releases to the community here, which has been done with T-shirts at least, not sure about prints. If you wish to mass market it, maybe consider getting an agent to contact BigWest first. There is a greater Macross market in Japan (thank you HG... )and most anime stores import items from Japan anyway. There is an organization that represents artist in Japan which includes Mikimoto in their clientelle, I can't remember the name off the top of my head... I'd recommend staying away from HG at every opportunity. Any deal with them would probably give them residual ownership of your work long after the deal is finished.
  15. WOW nice work! Yeah the whole Macross copyright is a bit of a minefield. Especially with HG having a habit of claiming more rights than they actually have. Studio Nue holds the intellectual rights to Macross, but HG holds half the animation rights internationally and whatever priviledges that is afforded in the US. The only clear right they have over Macross in the US is the name. They managed to get it trademarked in 2003 after the Japanese court awarded BigWest and Studio Nue intellectual rights to the franchise (critical blunder on BigWest's part). So technically the VF-1 is a Studio Nue owned design, however because it appears in the animation, HG may claim infringement. So as stated, if you wish to sell, you best talk to a lawyer.
  16. The preview animation could also be a red herring to keep any "relaunch" a surprise (assuming that's what's planned). SK's Genius Party chapter is prolly due out very soon along with the rest of the anthology. However, if they do indeed reboot the series it would probably allow them to distance themselves from Tatsunoko and that whole mess, refine the mythos and bring the show more inline with the Macross Zero, Plus and 7 (not that much would need to be done). Imagine if SDFM were to be given the 49 episode treatment Mac 7 had, how much more story could be told? Intriguing idea, I guess we have 2 years to find out... As for Mikimoto, I'm sure he'll be involved in some of the art work, particularly any DVD covers, but he's long since moved on from Macross projects, to be sure. However, if there is a reboot, I'd love for them to use his recent incarnation of Minmei. I really prefer it over the original character design.
  17. Never seen it.
  18. It's entirely possible, since that's how shows get cancelled in Japan. They don't abruptly end like here, they are given "notice" and are allowed to wrap up their stories within a certain period of time. Mac Zero didn't do as well in Japan as expected, probably due to the unusual length of time between episodes. We know SK can write a coherent story (Macross Plus) so if he had to abandon a chapter to finish the series he may have done just that in light of Big West pulling the plug on the poorly performing show. I tend to believe Mac II was meant to be longer (because of the same story jumpiness) as indicated with Zero. Due to it's poor sales it was truncated (i.e. cancelled) as well.
  19. It depends on what convention SDFM followed. The "001" plane number is typically used by the Wing Commander. If that is indeed the case then the VF-1S could have been exclusive to Wing Commanders. However, it appears that it was reserved for Squadron commanders and flight commanders would be assigned the VF-1J's. Now the Macross probably carried between 4 - 6 Air wings of 30 planes (considering her size) and then a extra one that would have been assigned to the Prometheus. Now a carrier air wing typically carries 2 squadrons of 12 - 15 fighters. So if you do the math there would have been several VF-1S's aboard the Macross.
  20. I am not sure how you mean "canon exclusion"? To harmonize Mac II to Studio Nue requires exclusion of anything in Mac II that doesn't harmonized with established Nue continuity, not the other way around. Would retconn be necessary in the Nue continuity, probably, but we can only speculate as to how such retconn could be done. Mac Zero is the most recent retconn, the last major retconn of the Nue continuity came during the writing of Mac 7.
  21. That isn't impossible, just difficult. The most difficult aspect of the show to reconcile is the human mecha, which is very different from the Spacy conventions in the Nue continuity. There are two ways inclusion could be accomplished, one being easier than the other. 1. Make it a TV show, similar to how DYRL was retconned into a movie for Mac 7. 2. Make it into a real place in the universe, which is the more difficult of the two. The basics required to even consider a possible shift to Nue continuity would require that the planet in the show NOT be Earth and the SDF ship NOT be the Macross. Those two changes are the most essential just to begin any sort of process of reconciliation. The Nue continuity has already established what the Earth looks like and where the Macross is in "Macross Plus", that has to be harmonized first before anymore can be considered.
  22. No offense taken. Last I checked, no one is asserting that Mac II is part of the official continuity only that similarities exist with the Nue continuity and how it could be explained in the Nue continuity if it were to somehow be brought in. The known facts about the SA have been presented as revealed to us and have never been in dispute as far as I know. IMO, some purist hardliners are turning speculations into something there were not. Looking down ones noses at speculations based on available "wiggle room" in the universe's history, just because it's a subject that's unpopular to them, only inflames a thread, it doesn't contribute. It is understood that as fans, we have little influence over what the producers do, to think otherwise is to fool ones self. If a newb were to try to present Mac II as part of the official continuity I would correct them just as quickly as the next, however I won't try to beat them down because they have an opinion that doesn't mirror my own. Mac II as Studio Nue continuity is not what is being discussed / debated. When this turned into a "Mac II is official" is beyond me. From the posts I've read, it's been about "What would it take to bring Mac II, close enough to the Nue continuity to be acceptable?" "What explanations would need to be made to bring it close enough?" I believe you may be over reacting to a discussion you may not like, not so much "correcting" those who are already aware of the status of the Mac II show.
  23. Well they were gone for months aboard Vritiai's ship (fold space time is slower than regular time it appears) and then they were stranded on Earth for another month before the Macross arrived. So Hikaru and Misa were presumed KIA until they returned. So it appears Max may have been third in Command of the squadron and thus given command in Hikaru's absence. When Max was lost during his fight with Millia, Hikaru then assumed command of the Skulls, in DYRL. The TV series played out differently of course.
  24. The key to that was the removal of the micron inhibitor (for want of a better term), which prohibited the Zentreadi from turning on their masters. When that was removed to allow the giants to fight the Supervision Army, the PC had opened Pandora's Box and it ultimately spelled the end of the Republic..
  25. Okay.... I wasn't aware you had become a member of the Studio Nue production staff, congratulations.... However, since we are now treading on some people's "altars" and emotions are beginning to run high, this discussion could use some humor... where's Jenius when you need him? Considering SK refuses to be bound by his own continuity in Macross, anything is possible despite any previous "declarations". If the speculation in this thread is disturbing to some or offends their sense of the proper order of things, then by all means don't read anymore of it. Personally, I'm gonna let the newbs play with this one for the most part, because I've already argued these points before and a fresh perspective is always fascinating. My only advice to the newbs is do your homework and stand your ground, because some around here will want to brow beat you into submission and in this type of debate poor research is unforgivable.
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