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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. It's an extrapolation based on available evidence. We are told in Mac Zero that the AFOS was left behind by the PC, who we are told in the Compendium visited Earth in PC2870. It is a reasonable conclusion (not specifically stated) that these units may have been common equipment to PC fleets. We are told in the Zero that the unit belonged the the PC who stayed behind according to legend (IIRC), thus a certain amount of implication that it was not necessarily a unique piece of equipment to the PC. The EVIL series (which came on line in PC2871) possessed similar weaponry to the AFOS unit, however from Mac Zero we understand that for the AFOS to be fully functional a pilot is required (Sara). Therefore, if the AFOS units were indeed common mecha to the PC, then making autonomous units with similar combat capabilities, like the EVIL series is a reasonable extension of that train of thought. I may have presented the extrapolation as documented in the history of the universe submitted by the producers, which is not the case. It is an extrapolation based on what we know from the compendium and the produced shows.
  2. Well "super robot man" needs to fight super monsters doesn't he?... However, the AFOS was not cutting edge technology like the EVIL series were. It is entirely possible that the EVIL series was an attempt to combine the destructive power of an AFOS into an autonomous unit like the Zentreadi, but wasn't fully realized until they grew the Super Dimension "organs" to power them.
  3. AHHH, I dooo want the SD Macross video!!! Only Boobtube has it and that isn't in a useful format or the quality I want...
  4. You should know better by now...
  5. Some here would support the idea since the book is long since out of print, while others would not citing copyright infringement. I have no issues personally, since the book has been out of print for over 20 years and has never been reprinted since 1986, thus the printer and authors have made their money and have since moved on. If the book were for community purposes only, I suspect many would support it. Wide distribution to all would probably catch the attention of the original publisher who'd then have the right to order it ceased. Whether they would or not is debatable, but they would have full rights to do so.
  6. I believe this was the time when the factions were using the Meltran and the Zentran to fight their battles, although that isn't officially recorded in the compendium. Actually the "internal conflicts" is what resurrected the EVIL series developement that had been suspended in PC2068, "The internal conflicts within the Stellar Republic revives the development of the "Evil Series." The AFOS units were in regular use by the year PC2870 and were most likely derivative units built/grown from the research that went into the EVIL series which had started 5 years prior. The principle differences being that the AFOS required a pilot for full functionality, whereas the EVIL series were designed to be fully autonomous units. I believe Gavil was the "scout" for Galvil. The big monster was capable of independant actions, but would essentially lay waste anything in front of it as opposed to directed attacks. I suspect that Gavil served that purpose, like a laser designator used by ground troops for laser guided bombs. Hard to say. If they dumb it down again, then yes there will be "Space Monsters" per se. If they encounter the SA, there is a very real possibility there will be AFOS (we've only seen one type of unit thus far) units as well as PC based mecha likely more advanced than what was encountered with the Zentreadi.
  7. Basara is the "superman" character of the series, boring and annoying with almost no measurable personal growth unlike the real man o' steel. Mylene and the rest of the cast were worth watching IMO. I wouldn't put Mylene a "distant" second, though a second for sure. There were a few occasions where "super robot man" needed her help to deal with the PD because he wasn't powerful enough on his own, however combined they were powerful enough as "super friends"
  8. There's been speculation even with the original series that the 13th colony was settled during the prehistoric period on Earth and the ancient cultures were derivatives of colonial cultures, which is why the original had so many mythical references. Though my personal favorite is that they colonized Mars and when the planet faced a cataclysmic event they were forced to flee to the Earth much like the colonials had to with only the clothes on their backs and without usable starships and industry they had to rebuild from scratch.
  9. It had better be worth every second!!!
  10. Japanese SDF ranks FYI Maritime SDF Ground SDF Air SDF
  11. That's true, if I recall correctly Global was actually an Admiral in Spacy, but is referred to as Captain aboard the Macross. So in terms of command, the Japanese have things a bit different.
  12. Yeah one, I'd buy in a heartbeat!!
  13. WOW! Different worlds indeed!!
  14. Yeah Miyataki did an amazing job on the Spacy capital ships (the main reason I own the "Mac 7 Animation Materials" book! Some of the PD cap ships are OK, like the mothership, but they were mostly designed to be "cool" as opposed to functional. The same went with the VF-14 derivative fighters. The VF-14 is an angry looking ship to begin with, then all this crap was added, without any real thought to functionality... You can tell Kawamori's best efforts were being put into Macross Plus at the time...
  15. Happy Birthday Macross!!
  16. Yes, when you were on hiatus after your baby's birth...
  17. Well the principal issue is which is cheaper for WB. Eat up American HG, it's trademark rights on "Macross" and it's animation rights in America or try to eat up the Japanese companies of BW and SN who own the intellectual property rights? WB could absorb HG and then partner with BW to produce the movie, with all the support possible from the authoring studio. The potential money is there and unless the legal costs run into the 10s of millions of dollars, the amount of profit demonstrated by Transformers makes the risk reasonable. I doubt any case would be heard in Japan as those issues have already been settled. The outstanding issues need to be clarified in the US, not Japan. HG's actual legal ownership must be established in the US courts in light of the Japanese court decision which defined what Tatsunoko actually owned and was able to sell to HG in the first place. Whether the film gets made or not, if Macross is the basis for it, the legal questions will have to be settled once and for all for WB to proceed. Considering that Transformers made more total money in foreign markets than it did domestically. Which means WB has to lock down their international rights completely.
  18. Well "Razor" airs in early November and there should be some webisodes for Razor starting soon. Then in January the final season starts with some sort of short break in the middle (?? don't ask me, all the filming should be finished by December!!), then that's it folks...
  19. Makes ya wonder if Mac 7 was the primer for SDFM?
  20. Finally. A mention of the 25th Anniversary concert on the Newtype website... http://pc.webnt.jp/hotnews/news606.html
  21. The visuals of DYRL have been explained as simple "upgrades" to existing equipment, just as military equipment is upgraded several times over the duration of it's service in reality. With the film being explained as a dramatic film about the events of SW (like Hollywood's "The Longest Day") that was made in the 2030's (if I recall correctly) then all the available equipment of the day (including the VF-1's with the most advanced upgrades and the refitted SDF-1) were used in the film.. By the time DYRL was made in the Macross universe, the VF-4's, VF-9's and VF-5000's were the front line fighters of the day. Many of the VF-1's were probably decomissioned or being sold to colony worlds for defensive equipment (however that can be construed as speculation as no documented evidence supports that conclusion).
  22. Much of it comes from the compendium and the show itself. Any interviews with SK about Mac Zero have yet to be translated as far as I know. Well after his disciplinary hearing for assaulting a catapult petty officer, he was reassigned, somewhere ....
  23. The teller will be out $100.00 and could loose their job over it. They do reconciliations at the end of every shift, so it is serious for them...
  24. How so? Macross Zero is about a classified encounter with the AUN's variable fighter and an ancient alien artifact. The events of that incident were subsequently classified top secret for 50 years following it's conclusion. As already stated months pass before the launch of the SDF-1, so it is entirely condeivable that Fokker could have been training pilots with his new combat experience with variable fighters. The fighters were contemporaries, one was a test bed for the technology the other was in production waiting for their powerplants to complete development. Roy was a test pilot, why wouldn't he be assigned to a squadron testing variable fighter technology, which was the role the VF-0 was serving. Ares was Roy's old college flame. They rekindled their romance during the mission. Macross Zero was a side story to Macross. It's purpose was to show that the AUN were an organized army in posession of OTEC too and mankind's first encounter with a PC relic. It wasn't meant to set up SDFM...
  25. It's true with monitors in that an LCD monitor will have a maximum resolution and be capped at that, whereas a CRT monitor can have very high resolutions (how viewable they may be is another matter). How that translates to TVs, I'm not sure considering TV resolutions are not really user adjustable as far as I know.
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