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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I am refering to the dub, I can't speak about the subs as I've never seen the ADV subs, however the issue is that the ADV release doesn't have the remastered audio the Animeigo set (HG subtitled set) has. I'm sure others in this thread have compared the subs between the two and can comment on their quality. __________________________________ So long as Macross is tied up, the only dubs we'll see are ADV's SDFM and Manga's MacPlus + MacII, warts and all. Personally I was excited about the ADV dub until I watched the first two discs and was so turned off by the script and the fact that they had this amazing resource called Mari Ijima to refer to and they arrogantly igorned that resource. It amazes me how much ADV is becoming like HG!! The ADV does a dis-service to the "tone" of the original series by taking far too many liberties with the dialogue. If a fan wants to watch that, then it is their choice. I like the Mac Plus dub the best, out of the three available.
  2. I put your John Woo quote in my sig, TOOO FUNNY!! I was part of the whole previous Basara thread, so my opinions on the character have already been noted...
  3. I got lucky, I picked up all three sets from Animeigo at their "clearinghouse" sale just before they handed everything back to HG. I managed to score the sets for half price. A month later they were no longer available...
  4. To interject into this point of view, the "rank and file" were somehow mind controlled by the PD, so any affect music had on the Zentreadi would not necessarily be the same on beings without free will. However I can hear the distant stomping of Keith's boots toward this thread already.... The one thing that is true about Macross 7 is that it is provocative very few Macross fans do not have an opinion about it, be it good or bad...
  5. Isn't the HG issue just the last of the Animeigo discs that they had to turn over when their license expired? If Animeigo retained their remastered audio tracks HG can't reprint new ones with the original audio track, correct? Makes me want to get a set and run them through some software to see if HG isn't bootlegging the Animeigo discs and re-selling them as the originals...
  6. That's how HG continues to be able to make false claims, so long as no public court decision is rendered against them, they'll keep making claims of ownership they can't prove....
  7. Yeah I heard that from the grapevine too back in the day, but don't remember the source. However that was back before BW won their IP rights back in Japanese court and then HG subsequently went around an Trademarked the name "Macross" to be able to continue to block Macross productions from further international distribution. If you'll note there hasn't been any re-issue of Mac Plus and Mac II since 2003, when they trademarked the name. As I've said before, BigWest's most critical blunder in not opposing that as they had before.
  8. Did they have the Gundam ball back in MS Gundam (the first series)?
  9. You also have to take into account that it is a 3D model that will have enviromental lighting and shadow rendered by the game engine. Most likely the actual colors are somewhere between the brightest and darkest of the two.
  10. Yes that's what I meant, sorry for any confusion.
  11. Max and Millia are separated by the time Mac 7 takes place. It seems like it happened around the time of her election as Mayor. I found Max to be a bit of a wimp with respect to Millia. He was the military commander of the fleet, yet she bossed him around often. It was clear they still fostered feelings for each other, but at the time, they were no living together anymore, so he had to keep his distance and probably needed to keep a professional detachment to function as fleet commander.
  12. I suspect you are right, because in VF-X2 the VF-19A is prominately shown as appearing nearly indentical to the YF-19 and that game takes place in 2050. The VF-19K & P are probably the latest incarnation of the VF-19A, however whether the base model of those newer production fighters is still called the "A" isn't really mentioned. The VF-19F & VF-19S "Blazer" fighters seem to be more recent models considering they have all the new avionics and are space optimized unlike the VF-19A, K & P's. As for the VF-19's 2045 era, I agree that the K & P's were much more aerodynamic compared the the YF-19, which fits into the idea of being optimized for atmospheric flight. Particularly in the undercarriage where MAX Lift principles were utilized. I like the look of the YF-19, but the later production fuselages seem much more in line with the fighter's actual combat role (dispite the anklets they have. ) ...IMO.
  13. Yeah the listed sets are the way to go. Stay away from the ADV dub, it brutalized the show, surprisingly enough, more than RT did in that at least RT wasn't trying to tell the original story... The only thing really worth while about the ADV dub of SDFM release is the special features, the dub and audio (which isn't the same as the Animeigo and the Macross Remastered set on Robotech.com releases) are awful. The script was largely full of more stupid slang and chiche's than RT and the audio track was redone by ADV without the original sound effects from the series. So if you can download the special features of the ADV discs, then you can save yourself the money on buying them...
  14. Cool thanks!
  15. It's in here somewhere... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...c=153&st=40 or you could contact the webmaster at this site who was one of the online distributors of the YF-19 that sparked the whole question of Macross imports back in the day. VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM
  16. The costs of upkeep, maintenance, fuel and storage would be enormous even for a VF! I can see those in active service getting use of non-critical storage facilities, but the retired, may have a bit of a problem... Millia was in active service in the Mac 7 fleet until she was elected mayor of City 7, so that would explain her antique VF-1.
  17. Doesn't Sivil and Valgo's "pink things" have the ability to self-fold?
  18. You're prolly right... Though, I may need to side by side compare, but doesn't the VF-19S have more of an MAXL aspect to the fuselage as opposed to the VF-19A, something SK was enamoured with at that time?
  19. They seemed too cheesy even back in the 80's. The Glaugs were an improvement, but when compared with the Q-Rau and the other mecha introduced in DYRL and subsequent series' and games, they just seemed like a mostly ineffective weapons system, as opposed to even enhanced body armor for the Zentreadi foot soldier... You cram a giant soldier into a sardine can and expect them to be an effective fighter in combat struck me as a bit of a stretch. I understand the whole, "surprise" aspect in the original series would have been subverted, but now it stirkes me as full of cheese.
  20. I am no great fan of the Mac 7 variable fighters either, however to be fair the VF-19A, K & P were all atmospheric optimized fighters, hence the canards and actual swing wing capabilities. The VF-19D & S's were space optimized fightes without atmospheric canards and fixed wings (which makes sense from a cost point of view). As far as I am aware the VF-1A's are still in service in the Mac 7 universe, however they are not seen in the Mac 7 show. The only atmospheric VF-19s shown in the Mac 7 productions are the "K" and the "P".
  21. And the magical mystical power of song! It appears that the connection is predominately with the bio-engineered AFOS and the PD sharing similar weapons systems. One could say that the AFOS was spiritia powered, but that strikes me as more an assumption/implication than openly stated. Considering the EVIL series were powered by SD energy sources. The Nome DNA was shown to act like a key to the AFOS as opposed to a power source. The ability to levitate rock with song could be a correlation, however it could also be a means by which Sara was put into a telekinetic trance. That too is left ambiguous.
  22. Never cared for the pods myself...
  23. I am only aware of 2 official printings, 1984 & 1986, so it is very possible. Did yours come with a poster of a painting of the SDF-1?
  24. You "assumed" I was describing a "fleet", I said nothing of the sort. I said that a possibility exists that the unit was not as unique as we might believe. Squadrons, perhaps. Why "must" we? I am fully aware and would agree with anyone who stated that my extrapolations would be superceded by any new official revisions made by the Macross production team. I see no point in simply sitting on my hands waiting 2 years before anything new is revealed, or worse dissecting the minutia of what is strictly revealed in produced shows and translated literature. That's like choosing to be the librarian as opposed to a commentary writer. One is necessary but awfully boring compared to the other.
  25. [Rebuttal Mode on] Sketchley, I humbly recommend you step off your self inspired high horse and tone down the condescending attitude you have toward those of us on these forums, whether we communicate in Japanese or not. That sir is far more rude than anything you are imagining I display toward any member here. For someone who appears to truly want to come across as some sort of "expert" you bandy about credentials much like an ostracized child looking for acceptance or to be awarded some sort of extraordinary reverence, which will never happen. Are you THAT insecure that this is how you must communicate? Trust me I am not the only one who has found you condescending, rude and often pompous in your attitude and communications toward members. If you wish to share knowledge then do so, but don't expect us to bow down and pay you homage for sharing, as that is the purpose of these forums. Maybe that is the attitude you must take with your students, but these forums are filled with your peers not your students, you may wish to keep that in mind. We appreciate the information. If we question it, then that is a cue to better explain yourself, not an opportunity to back handedly debase anyone. The key here appears to be that arrogant attitude that you "grace" us with your very presence here and believe me when I say, you are the only one who has that opinion about you. Like everyone, your opinions are to be respected and what you share is appreciated, just keep that in mind when communicating with other members here. I know I am not the only one on these forums who has pointed this out to you. Please keep your "teacher" attitude in the classroom where it belongs. Do YOU Capiche? [Rebuttal Mode off]
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