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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well Frontier is already close to that being true. He's the supervisor and author of the story. All the details are being handled by others, similar to how Mac 7 was done. SK has more of a "producer" role if one were to compare it to a Western role. The producer is involved in the production, but not directly, he as "staff" for that. BW has already made a Macross show without Studio Nue, however with them now sharing author's rights to the franchise, BW would have to buy out Nue's share and that probably won't happen. They need each other too much. With SK's interests outside of Macross continuing to take precedence, SN & BW will need to be grooming a new story teller for the franchise or at least open up the floor to several new talents to draw from. SK divorced himself from Macross once already and he could easily do so again, opting to grow the Satelite business instead. The Fz-109s were derivatives of the VF-14 fighters from the Megaroad 13 fleet. Huh?? It would be nice to get some reference to their possible fate in future series'...
  2. True, however it will take time to phase out the VF-11's and 17's and phase in the VF-19s and 22's... The chronology shows many overlapping deployments of fighters. Depending on when Macross Frontier takes place, it is entirely possible that the VF-11's could still be in service...
  3. Hikaru flew a bicycle....
  4. Keep in mind that the VF-19 had two variants compared to the VF-17's one general purpose type. The VF-17 was a multi-role stealth aircraft optimized for all battlefield conditions. The Excalibur (VF-19A & VF-19P) and the Blazer (VF-19D & VF-19S), both optimized for their specific service roles, unlike the multi-role fighters that typically came out of the Spacy's equipment specifications. It appears that the 19 was one of the modern fighters where the production models are becoming theater specific, unlike the majority of the previous generations of variable fighters. By having atmospheric and space variants, it makes one wonder if that is a new direction Spacy is taking with it's equipment? Moving away from general purpose aircraft and toward role specific variables of the same airframe. Similar to how the new F-35 Lightning II has 3 separate variants for the same airframe optimized for different roles in the armed forces.
  5. True, He has proven that the equipment he flies is irrelevant to his skills.
  6. No doubt they were one of the principle sponsors, hence had a say in the direction of the show... It may be why there is a Macross consortium sponsoring Mac Frontier, which gives the studio more control over the show and less to the sponsors when the money is secured from many sources... (all speculation about the JVC Victor's level of sponsorship of course). I've never really heard Mac 7 described as realistic before (well besides Keith )...
  7. I think he means like this?
  8. 'Tis true . Make no mistake, everyone on these forums closely scrutinized the release, not to pick it appart so much as to examine it against what has come before. The idea of getting a decent English dub of the remastered AE release was hoped for. It is not what was delivered... Partly due to ADV's inability to keep the irelevant slang out of the scripts and the fact that they didn't have access to the AE remastered audio tracks because their contract was with HG and no attempt to get BW to give permission to use the remastered audio was secured.
  9. Yeah, I don't think many would be able to pilot an extremely complicated variable fighter with a "guitar"!!!
  10. By all means find it on a bit torrent site, like box torrents or animesuki. Why pay for something that isn't benefiting BW? The fansubs have been around since the show was first released and have always been free, mainly due to HG blocking it's release here . Just do a search it is still being seeded today.
  11. Make the dark sides of ships black like the background so they mesh better with the scene. They are too blue at the moment and look obviously added to the picture. Soften the edges on the "sun side" of the ships to give the effect of the sun's glow and to take away the hard edges, which will also help to create the illusion that the ships were always in the picture.
  12. In photoshop... First separate the ships from their existing background using the magic wand and then cleaning up the selections with the "quickmask" function (if you haven't used it before, there are plenty of tutorials online. Transfer the selected ships on to a transparent background of the same size or larger. Now add the ships to the image as a separate layer (this will allow you to play with the shadowing and highlights without affecting the background. Since the sun is in the distance you will need to shadow the underside of the ships to match the light source better. With each change make sure you create a new layer, so if you screw up you don't mess up the whole thing, just that particular layer, this is critical, because loosing something that has taken hours to create really sucks! Play with it like that until you get the desired results you are looking for.
  13. Max would be the best natural pilot in the universe, even in his 50's he still hadn't lost it!! Millia would be my favorite, because you have an ace Zentreadi pilot who then transfers that skill to a totally new kind of mecha and still rocks!
  14. Funny how so many non-Nue-canon designs end up in RT technical manuals, particularly fan made ones. Mac 2036 is another popular game they steel from. The VF-1x"R" series of Valks from that game are featured on the "official" RT site as the VF-1R "Veritech". They used to have the VF-1SR, etc..., but I posted in the forums that that was a BigWest design and it has since been "modified"... No Miyatake Kazutaka didn't work on Macross II. Kouichi Ohata, Junichi Akutsu, and Jun Okuda did the mechanical designs for Macross II.
  15. That would explain a lot! Directors have the final say in most anime productions, good and bad. Studio Nue did the pre-production and SK did the story outlines, how that was interpreted most likely fell to the writing staff at Ashi Productions and Amino.
  16. If you watch M7 as a parody of the Macross universe it makes it much more palatable. It's almost like they went for the whole, "Let's mess with the super serious space drama genre and have fun with it... We might upset our peers if we make fun of them, so let's make fun of ourselves..."
  17. Yeah, it was like, "Why are they making such a fuss over this chick in RT, she can't even sing??" , then I saw Macross and it was like, "OH! That's why they made such a fuss, Mari Ijima CAN sing!!!" The RT generation got caught up in the ubercool Valks, then we got a taste of the ubercool music after the fact with SDF Macross...
  18. Miyataki? If I recall he designed all the destroids. SK focused on the Valks...
  19. Yeah, that is a sexy destroid!
  20. IIRC, Kawamori never planned to do a battroid version of the VF-4 initially (he just designed a "cool" looking fighter for the Angel Paints animation in FB2012), but when he got back involved with the Macross franchise in the 90's , he then created one as Sumdumgai said.
  21. The F-35 was officially named the Lightning II in July of this year.
  22. Maybe I'm shallow in this respect, but I just couldn't get past Gamlin's astroboy haircut...
  23. I'd agree with Azreal that most likely whatever VF-0's were still in service were deployed as terrestrial defence, possibly on South Ataria island and engaged the Zentreadi defending the city. Anyone have a pic of the Maverick Destroid?
  24. Hmmm, yeah and what if they called it Macross Frontier?? Oh wait, that'd never work...
  25. It's possible, since BigWest makes no distinction between Studio Nue continuity and non-Nue continuity, they own them all as far as they are concerned. The Macross II special edition DVDs still sell on Yahoo Japan, so there is a market that will purchase them in Japan. Since it seems all the Macross properties are getting remastered, it may only be a matter of time.
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