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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. It was earlier this year before Macross Frontiers was announced if I recall correctly...
  2. The whole galactic time space anomaly addition to the Chronology is going to come into play in the new series otherwise there is no reason to add it after all this time. Either it's an alternate universe story, the enemy are actually the PC from another timeline, or some kind of nemsis that have emerged out of the rift in space time, back in 1995 MT (Macross Timeline)... Should be interesting...
  3. Well now that you know, you MUST die as a matter of national security...
  4. Always suspected, but had no confirmation till now...
  5. I expect it's a matter of scheduling. As you said they have other projects to do and so does SK, but he has set aside a year to work on MF (which also benefits Satelite, the company he runs). He is getting further and further removed from the hands on part of the productions and acting more as a steering influence. With the exception of the new "Pill" colony ships, all the rest of the Spacy fleet appears to be recycled from previous shows. The new enemy ships are most likely organic and well let's face it after the PD, Miyatake showed he is not that great at "organic" Someone asked earlier if there was a battle fortress in the fleet and most likely there is one attached to the City ship from the 2040's era. I doubt it will look much different from the Battle 13 of VF-X2 fame. Now is there any way to get a higher resolution pic of that new Logo??
  6. Ahem... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=4 Thanks
  7. Wooo, missed that little detail... Thanks for the heads up...
  8. Hard to say about the destroids. Without Miyataki to design them, they'll definitely look different if they are included. The idea that they are useless is a misnomer since they are mecha ground troops. It's like saying the tank is useless because there are Apache attack helicopters and Jets now!! They serve a role, but the question is what role would they serve in a largely civilian fleet, considering their primary role is ground combat not so much fleet defence? I've said before any destroid squads would most likely be deployed with Marine units, not necessarily an emigration fleet, however now there are 2 mecha designers to assist Kawamori so anything is possible...
  9. How about we take the Bandai discussion to oh, how about THIS THREAD!? http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=4 It's taken on a life of it's own and not contributing to this particular thread anymore... Thank you for your support, bye now...
  10. Watched the commercial and have to say I am prefering the VF-171 over the VF-17!!! Better lines & better overall design. There does appear to be a City class colony ship bringing up the rear of the "pill" fleet. The blowed up capital ship looks like a Begin Hill class military ship which may be the premise in bringing up a flight school squadron of kids into the fight, as the fleet's military base would have been destroyed along with their probable ability to build up additional fighter forces... The fast packs are definitely attached to the wing root sections of the 25 like Marchman said and am truly digging the transforming GBP armor! Maybe we'll finally get the overdue armored GERWALK!! Looking good so far!
  11. LOL, True Dat!! Kawamori, "You remember all those times I said I was finished with the Megaroad? Well I changed my mind. Psyche!" The new Fast packs are definitely inspired by the SV-51 boosters and I agree that they are clearly designed to transform with the fighter, which is logical if one wants maximum combat effectiveness in all modes. The classic fastpacks rested on the thruster "box" that flipped on top of the fusealge in the VF-1. The VF-25 doesn't seem to have such a thruster "box". There seems to be a LOT of classic elements in this series, and I guess that is needed to "best" the original. The return of the fast packs, the space war opera theme, etc... Should be interesting at least. If they changed the Kite with an eye to the Western market, they must already have a new name for the Franchise that isn't "Macross" (since HG has it trademarked, however in Canada a trademark can be challenged by those who own the "intellectual property" rites as they are considered the proper "owners" of such a trademark, but that is another discussion, in another thread.). With that in mind, the story may be a bit more Western or international in themes as opposed to Mac 7... With a story close to the Galactic core you have so many variables to play with. This is where the greatest concentration of systems would be, where the cradle of Protoculture existed, where the most likely place you'd find remnant Zent, SA & PC forces.
  12. Nice Teaser!! If only it would get uploaded to the Stage 6 website!
  13. Ok, then I'll bring this ship and with one blast splat all 5 at once, because they are waaay too heavy to get out of the way... Oh and if they should drop their armor to avoid the blast I'd send in these ladies to clean up...
  14. LOL, poor Marchy, his head is going to explode...
  15. No, Ivanov's logo didn't have a sheild behind it and the dagger was on an angle in the skull, this one is straight up and down. Ivanov's logo was also red, not white.
  16. I've seen that logo or something similar to it before, but can't remember where?!
  17. GGemini you are godlike! Not only did he scan the pic, he also cleaned up the "seam" that ran down the middle (if many have already forgotten)! SMS could stand for "Super Macross Ship"... I am really curious as to what that means? I believe the windows in the nose of the 25 are actually camera windows as the diamond shaped areas on the nose are vernier thrusters, not cameras like on the VF-19. Deadhost you win, you are the super leet macross fan!
  18. True enough. However, it has been my experience that most pages that reference Robowreck on the first page, tend to focus only on that. I've dug through enough garbage sites to waste too much time digging into a new one... Unfortunately this one appears to be one of the very few pearls out there with a title page that repels Mac fans....
  19. It is an exciting prospect, even for Kawamorisan himself. The carte blanche to revisit older designs and modify them to suit his new design tastes. Hmmm, a VF-9 that becomes the VF-91 (SW-XAII Schneegans) fighter.... , a nice dream.... The mind boggles with the possibilities...
  20. I was considering the same thing. The point I was making is that "if" the development of new fighter designs has slowed, it could be due to upgrades to existing proven designs (which may be the reason for the addition of an extra digit), developing variants of those existing designs (ala F-35 Lighting II) or as you said the numbering convention is not followed as strictly as previously done for any number of reasons (such as role specific designations, like a VF/A ** fighter or VB** bomber, etc...).
  21. If the 25 is the new breed of fighter, then it is fair to say that development of new fighters has been scaled back over the 20 years following Mac7. Most likely efforts were made to refine existing fighters or upgrade (VF-171) existing fighters (or designs) with newer tech. By 2070 there would have to be dozens of colony worlds and with at least 11 super long distance fleets out there, Spacy would be better off spending their resources on "equipping" these colonies and fleets not so much developing new fighters for pilots to play with. Existing designs have more than likely proven themselves capable of any combat role that a fleet or world would face. With the many different types of designs available to "upgrade" the current fighter arsenal is probably very effective, in the Macross universe. As for the VF-9 & 19, I guess I mis-spoke, I should have said, "inspired by" as opposed to "derived from". My bad...
  22. Dude, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's Robowreck, not Macross. There is some Macross in there, but most of it is about RT and the series' that make up that show... The articles are RT'centric as well as most of the media. There are plenty of sites about macross in the web. Marchy's triple M is one and Macross Nexus is another up and comer... http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/M3.html http://www.macrossnexus.com/ http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/ Are good places to look. There are others, but many have closed down over time.
  23. I'll do my best, but my gang would pound your slow moving beast with dozens of missiles and hundreds of rounds of 55mm loving from several different directions.... You see I never fly without my wingmen...
  24. Tough to say. The Destroids may only be deployed in Military fleets as opposed to emigration fleets. Why would an exploratory mission require heavy mecha ground forces? I'd personally expect them to be deployed with the Marine forces of Spacy not a predominately civilian fleet. Now Miyataki designed the SDFM destroids and Takakura Takeshi could easily design new ones (having worked on Nadesico, Appleseed, and the like), but the story really doesn't seem geared in that direction. The VF-171* is a curiosity and I'll reserve judgement until we get a better look at one in the coming months... As for CG vs Cell animation of mecha, the animators are still heavily reliant on the computer generating the movements and too often the result is a predictably smooth transformation bewraying that a computer animated the sequence. In some respects, they could take their cues from Hollywood FX houses and how they animate their CG sequences. I am currently watching "Flag" and as beautiful as the cell animation is, the CG still obviously stands out because it is so "perfectly moves" so to speak....
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