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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Keep in mind, that whenever they change the class of emigration ship, they seem to start the numbering over. The Megaroad series went to "at least" 13 fleets. The Macross City ship fleets went to "at least" 13 as well. In both cases there were likely more but not mentioned. This new fleet is clearly a new class of emigration ship and most likely the 11th fleet of it's type to launch (kind of a commentary on how huge the human/zentreadi races have grown in 60 years from SW1 to be able to fill 11 fleets of 10 million peeps...!).
  2. You and me both brother!! I was a bit disappointed by the placeholder art considering the re-issue of the movie a few years ago had much better Mikimoto art...
  3. Yeah the chronological explanation is that they used modern equipment while filming the movie, which is how the visual differences are explained, Exodol's head explanation is pretty lame IMO. Aesthetically, SK has said that DYRL is how the mecha "should" have looked in SDFM, but time constraints and budget prevented that kind of detailed animation. So it is no surprise that all modern toys and model kits follow the DYRL design aesthetic...
  4. It's always been about vader. Since "A New Hope" aka "Star Wars the Movie" was expected to be a "one off" movie, Lucas took the part of the story that would be best suited to a single movie. He didn't expect it to become what it did while he filmed it. I read a synopsis of the pre-star wars story in the SW book "Weapons of the Empire" (or something like that) long before Lucas decided to do the prequels and it tracked fairly closely to what was eventually filmed at least in a story outline sort of way.
  5. That always puzzled me, how could he continue to be some sort of doomsday weapon if he didn't have his EVIL series body? Same with Gigile! How could he destory a planet without his EVIL Series body?
  6. Ummm, Okayyyyy. A "Macross Saga" based movie then.... I haven't been in school in a while, so I can correct my own posts, thanks...
  7. Story, mecha, music, in that order. I too was seduced by Mari's singing in Macross, however the story of humanity being sucked into the ancient Protoculture conflict between the Zentreadi and the Supervision Army was so much more powerful. The variable mecha being based on realistic design principles really got me hooked. I'd seen so many shows that had transforming mecha and most looked rediculous and used "anime magic" to get that way. I was so amazed by how the Macross transformed, for an actual "logical" reason and it was reasonably explained!! Wotta concept!!! I thorougly enjoyed Minmay's songs from both SDFM, DYRL and FB2012. Liked some of the music from MII and all the music from Plus. Like most of Mylene's songs and a few of Basara's songs ( I agree if I'd heard his music before the visuals, I'd probably appreciate it more, I suspect) and the music for Mac Zero seemed more atmospheric or mood music, not really a featured component of the show as was the case in previous productions. As for the comment about Mac being RT without the music, that is a bold statement to make on these forums, that could get you flayed alive by some. Be careful about that minefield as RT: The Search For The Magic Battery is nothing like Macross: The Legacy of Protoculture...with our without music...
  8. That is the most likely possibility. BW doesn't seem to want to get caught up "alone" in a legal battle over Macross rights. If Bandai, who has an interest in exploiting the Western market shares the costs, then it may go there. The fact that WB has bought the RT rights and it appears that Maguire wants to do a Macross based movie, is another prompt for them to nail down who actually owns what with respect to Macross in the US courts. There is a lot of money to be made by the producers and sponsors of the show(s) now that the anime market has been established in the West. LOL, that makes me laugh everytime I see it....
  9. Thanks. The logo really adds something the original was missing...
  10. If you mean they no longer fall under the jurisdiction of the UN (assuming the UNG is still called that) Military fleet, then that is a reasonable possibility. The fleet may have their own defensive equipment run by civilian authorities. Essentially a greater separation of Civilian and Military that we first saw with the Mac 7 series. It could be why they are using VF-25 fighters. Spacy personelle use the VF-171 fighter as the main line fighter while the civilian fleet utilizes the VF-25 as it's main defensive fighter... So many possibilities.....
  11. The same wallpaper, but with the logo supplied by polidread.
  12. What I understood was that the only relationship between the two is that Kissdum was the "testbed" that Satelite was experimenting with to get the processes in place to do MF the way BW and SK wanted. That was the only relation. The look of Kissdum and such was the decision of it's production team as well as the show's problems. Satelite was the contracted animator, doing as they instructed, nothing more.
  13. Thanks, kinda tough with the limited amount of images to work with...
  14. Already pre-ordered...
  15. Well the Millia scheme has already been revisited in M7, so it's hard to say. I like the idea though...
  16. It's entirely possible, particularly if they plan to roll out a new Spacy logo. The SMS could be the call letters for the school too, not to mention the flying "S" logo on the wing....
  17. Just a wallpaper of the now famous VF-25 I threw together to get us through these dry spells... Once Graham scans the Hobby Japan pix, I hope to do a a few more... It's at 1280 x 1024 resolution, but I can resize upon request (not for widescreen monitors though, sorry)
  18. Probably both. Loosing the Kite allows them to change the name and distribute it in the West bypassing the whole Tatsunoko/HG legal snags. After 60 years it stands to reason that a United Nations on a galactic scale is no longer viable and a galactic government system would become necessary. Another alternative is that the Earth is attacked again and doesn't survive, thus the fleets are the last remnants of the Earth's population seeking new homes. The anomaly retconed into the chronology reboots the story and this is set in the new universe. Many possibilities.... I suspect the lack of a kite logo is to sidestep the legal issues in the Western market, from a business point of view. This show can make a lot of money here by simply not using the "Macross" name in the title... Edit: Doh, Graham and I must have been typing at the same time....great minds think alike, or is it fools seldom differ? I get them confused...
  19. Prolly won't know until closer to air date. If Mac 7 is any indicator there'll prolly be at least 3 groups working on it. However the general net buzz, it makes me wonder if more will take on the project...
  20. On the contrary, I HAVE played the PS2 Macross game that rocked and finished said game. 'Tis true the pilots just have to wait 5 seconds for the spiritia reload....
  21. The size of beer cans with the explosive yield of a fuel air bomb...
  22. Trying to find the font that was used in the logo! The "f" is probably custom, but the rest is a familiar font from somewhere...
  23. But there's no room! I wanted to be the first...
  24. Nope, sorry bud. It was first seen at the TAF 2007 and posted here on July 9 by Kresphy in the old Macross 25 thread. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...sei&st=1380
  25. Well I don't give much credence to wikipedia entries since they are submitted and edited by people like us, not typically industry insiders and have proven to be wrong in many instances. The most accurate info would be right here since many on these boards have direct access to original materials and translations and some have contacts within industries who would know.
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