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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. That's an awful lot of private money to purchase a City ship and dozens of support and colony ships as well as fighter wings. It may not be completely independent, but the fleet's defense may be "contracted" out so to speak to aleviate Spacy who would have to be stretched nearly to it's limit with all the emigration fleets in transit by 2059 ... Then there is Spacy's role as a defensive force to all the existing colonies. I'm sure someone here can do the math and give us an estimate as to how many fleets have been sent out since Megaroad 01....
  2. It is a logical progression. Humanity must number nearly 10 billion by that point and be spread among a dozen of star systems. This would give rise to groups like SMS ("Special Military Service"- afterall the Japanese military is a civil service job, unlike everywhere else) as Spacy would likely evolve into a purely military naval space force with Marine units, since deploying hundreds of large fleets to escort the emigration program would become cost prohibitive. Each colony may have it's own "Air Force" for system defences in concord with local Spacy fleets. So as Graham suggests the emigration fleets contract / assemble their own escorts and defensive squadrons which would be composed of "near" military tech level equipment. It would also suggest that the actual Spacy mainline fighter is indeed still the VF-19 with a new VF-2* version in the pipeline set to replace it... Much like the VF-5000 was built for colony use, so the VF-25 is probably built for the same purpose and the VF-171 is a colonial variant of the military's VF-17... It's all becoming clear now...
  3. You are saying that Spacy is no more or that it no longer services the emigration fleets? I've not seen a decent synopsis of the VF-X2 game's story thus far. However I agree that the progressive theme toward fully bio-engineered mecha of the PC age is most likely. If one takes into account the AFOS, it is a possibility that the glowing person in the trailer is a bio-mecha pilot interfacing with her unit (just tossing it out there).
  4. Another bit of evidence supporting the theory she is the Flower Girl from Mac 7!
  5. All plausible speculations. I'd love for Sheryl to be the Mac 7 flower girl! That would be too much fun! If she were inspired by Basara it would also explain her repeating Basara's battle call, "Here my song..." After examining the VF-25 in battle armor, I have to agree with Graham that the armor has a blast shield over the cockpit (at least in GERWALK mode). It makes sense when you consider it. If the fighter can be combat effective in Battroid mode with only cameras and sensors, then why not every mode? I also noticed omni-directional beam cannons in the armor reminiscent, of the Regult beam cannons... If the sequence with the City ship is any indicator, then that is the largest civilian ship in the fleet. The "Pills" are all smaller than the City ship. We don't know if there are industry ships like in Mac 7 as they haven't been shown yet. With the high res second commercial I am reminded of how well the CGI and 2D animation were married in Last Exile. I expect Frontier's animation is on par with that!
  6. True, buckets of bloodshead and irresponsible gun use is fine, but boobies? The scandal!!!! Plenty of series' get released direct to DVD, however if they want to go the broadcast route, those networks would certainly work.
  7. Cool! My download was corrupted...
  8. Yep, sounds like a double standard to me....
  9. sketchley is correct in that the voice actors did pronounce it phonetically in Japanese which is why it is not pronounced correctly as per Greek (we adopted the word into english).. Only one knew how to pronounce the word correctly in Greek. Eureka is actually Greek (my initial mistake) and made famous by the story of Archimedes, meaning "I found it". It is pronounced "yoo-ree-kuh" However I'd like to know how to properly pronounce common Japanese brand names that we take for granted.
  10. ***Saving reply for another thread*** Z They've been working on the show for several months already. Each episode of BSG has an 8 week production time from shooting to finished episode and the CGI is fairly extensive in that 1 hour show. So I don't expect the animation will be as recycled as Mac 7, considering how long they've already been working on it and that it's episodes are only 1/2 hr long. Well one thing the date gives is an opportunity to "re-fit" the VF-19 and VF-22 with new tech similar to the VF-171, if they are shown at all.
  11. I'm still wondering if and how they might market this in the West? At the very least they have to loose the name "Macross" here or duke it out with HG over the name trademark... As for the fanservice, I have no issues. It isn't nearly as bad as Godannar was. I have mixed feelings about 2059, it does and doesn't work with previous history. The lack of VF-19 could simply be explained that it became the "Military" front line fighter and that emigration fleets no longer fall under military jurisdiction as the trends in Mac 7 suggested. The VF-171 is the new main fighter and serves in the escort fleet, while the civilian ships have their own defence forces. We'll find out the premise soon enough with the pilot episode this month.
  12. It's up and playing fine on my PC...
  13. One thing Jet isn't aware of is that the Manga releases pre-date 2003. In early 2003 HG managed to trademark the name "Macross" in the US & Canada (after Tatsunoko lost the Japanese copyright case), thus anyone wanting to use that name need their permission and or must pay them to use it (no doubt other unreasonable stipulations would be imposed as well). Therefore I am doubtful Manga will re-release Macross Plus or at the very least won't release it under the same name, if they choose to secure the rights to the re-mastered transfer.
  14. Treatment do you work for Bandai Visual Japan perchance?? OMG I knew the early releases of the series was a poor quality, but compared to the remastered version, it truly SUCKS!! The color saturation is really remarkable compared to the old release... Best 12000 Yen I ever spent.... P.S. The earlier Japanese release of the series is of the same poor quality as the Manga release...
  15. Update your video codecs. That is usually the cause of such playback issues.
  16. Zinjo

    Sharon Apple

    The pilot suit looks pretty good. The Hardest parts of the costume are the helmet, shoulders and wrists and you got them looking really great!
  17. Graham changed the gateway. Here is the new link. Enjoy
  18. Cool! Thanks for the lesson...
  19. That's what I want to know? Am I a mutant to want to do such things? Actually one actress did pronounce Eureka correctly and I was almost floored... The part that confused me is that it isn't that far removed from "Uriko", a common Japanese name.... An unfamiliar sounding term I'd understand. The voice director was asleep at the wheel I think...
  20. More line art, more cg art, more character art, more line art, more cg art, more.... You think BigWest can hear my chants from here?
  21. Erikia... It also depends on the actor, as there are different variations on the same basic pronounciation... It's like watching the ADV dub of Macross and the actors pronouncing Hikaru as Hik'a ru or Macross as Mah' cross... Doesn't anyone bother to learn how to properly pronounce foreign language names in anymore?
  22. Yeah I've seen that too. Not only on the toys but model kit packaging as well. They often spell it phonetically in marketing situations. Which I'm sure causes them many problems (ever hear how they pronounce Eureka from Eureka 7? Yikes!!! - Then Bandai instructed their English voice actors to do the same!!! Ruins the English dub for me entirely!... Granted its an Italian word, but only 1 of the Japanese voice cast actually knew how to properly pronounce it.)
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