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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I mentioned that in another thread (I think) that the Frontier (Island 1) was substantially larger than the City 7. The Max height of the City 7 from bottom to top of the dome (outside measure) was like 1600m, while the Frontier has an internal ceiling on the dome itself of 2000m. Comparatively speaking the Battle 7 looked much larger attached to City 7 as compared to the Macross/Battle 25 does attached to Island 1. One could speculate that Island 1 is at least 3x larger than City 7.
  2. Love the Armor pack. It is a hybrid of the fast packs and the GBP!
  3. It's been discussed before... I don't recall which thread though.
  4. "proxime accessit" = 1st Runner Up.
  5. Keep in mind that Komilla was the first born of a interracial marriage and having Millia's last name identified her to any human or Zentreadi that she was the daughter of a human and Meltran.
  6. It's good however the author repeatedly inserts Robotech story elements that are not part of the Macross story. From a Western point of view he makes interesting points, but he does miss the point on some cultural differences between Japan and the West. He points out himself that the show is clearly a Japan based culture, not typically international as before. A few points he missed: - The UN Wars did not end with the crash of the A.S.S., but in fact intensified because of it. They were ongoing before the war as regional conflicts. - The SDF-1 stands for Super Dimension Fortress, refering to the space fold ability of the battleship. - I don't recall (others may correct me) that the city within the Macross had any name. RT named it, but I don't recall such a name in Macross. - "Hotels" are still commonly used in Japan for "adult liasons", while "Motels" are typically used for sleep. Ironically the reverse to here. An interesting Western analysis coupled with some interesting tid bits. Had he gotten a few of his facts correct, it would have been a home run. Pretty good.
  7. I believe you are right. I got the impression the EVIL series were intended to put an end to the civil war. The Supervision army were essentially a supervisory force or inspection force deployed to patrol and protect the research facilities that were growing the EVIL units. When the units became possessed, they fell under the spiritia being's mind control and system by system increased their ranks the same way. Because their were Protoculture "commanders(?)" among the SA the Zentreadi fleets were largely ineffective against the SA until their inhibitors against attacking PC were removed. After the sealing of the PD, they continued to fight. It is not known whether it was because they were still mind controlled or if they were just fighting for their survival against a relentless opponent with superior numbers. I don't recall any retcon that changes the use of Zentreadi on both sides in the Civil war??
  8. Good point. There would be merchandizing rights issues with toys in series other than SDFM and Mac7! So it is conceivable that we will see Mac 7 era fighters appearing in the show. Most likely the ones that sold the most for Bandai back in the 90's when Mac 7 first aired. So we may well see a VF-19P, VF-17's and maybe even some VF-22's, but at this point it is really all just speculation as to which old fighters we'll see if any. If Frontier follows the merchandizing roadmap of Mac 7, Bandai will probably insist on at least 3 types of variable fighters for merchandising and it appears we have that already. The VF-171, VF-25, VF-?? and Koenig Variable Monster (though it will be interesting to see how bandai markets that one, since Yamato already has a toy out for it).
  9. We know the Zents will play a part somewhere in the story, and that fighter tends to conjure up images of a hybrid design between the VF-14 and the SV-51. Who knows maybe it's Kawamori's new VF-141? It's all speculation at this point.
  10. Nice. Seems a bit bright, but I suspect you were looking for the sunlit look. I'd suggest working on the shadow's on the undercarriage a bit more to give a bit more natural contrast on the shade sides of the aircraft not directly facing the sun.
  11. That really hasn't been confirmed as far as I am aware... The differences to the VF-25 are substantial...
  12. Yep. Medium Res IMO, so it worked great for the Avatar, not so much to fill up a screen for Wallpapers.
  13. Well Starship Troopers was. The 1997 movie was based on a book written by Robert A. Heinlein, published in 1959.
  14. I subscribed to NTJapan this past week and my first issue is the April issue, weee! I am expecting a big feature on Frontier since it will be the issue to hype the series before the season premier in April. I'd be looking for all the April issues of anime / model related magazines, I expect they'll be full of Frontier goodies. It probably has to do with a change in licensing rates with the Japanese publisher. Plus there isn't a ton of money in anime distribution here, so the money spent has to give a decent return or there's no point in marketing the product. The fact that a NT USA subcription can pay for double the number of issues of the new magazine tells us how expensive bringing that magazine to the US really was.
  15. If you do that then you will not be able to use any of the Macross Mecha on the RT side...
  16. Nice fan service... Graham, I would expect the biggest news month for Frontier will be the April issues, since all of them come out in March, a month before air date. Perfect opportunity to blitz the media about the new show and do the teaser reveals about upcoming story and Mecha. Though, I'm sure we'll see a bit more info than usual in the March issues as BW and Bandai start ramping up the PR for the show...
  17. Oh didn't you hear? The MPAA and the RIAA are having Congress close it down.... It was cutting into their profits...
  18. Bandai definitely has high expectations for this series! However, if you want to capture the old school adult fans and their kids, that is an excellent time slot to do it with.
  19. If designed by SK they were his design experiments that found their way into canon history as experimental test beds for various technologies, transformation sequences, etc... Some ultimately were developed further and found their way into games. Essentially the VFX-SWA was his experiment in updating the VF-1 Valkyrie that got featured in a Japanese Hobby Magazine "Character Model", the VFX-SWAII was a forward swept experimental design (personally like to believe it was his redesign experiment of the VF-9, but no documented proof of my theory has ever been seen) as well.
  20. They are planning on releasing 1/60 (or 1/100 - the actual scale hasn't really been locked down as far as I have found) battroid figures via the HCM production line from what I've heard, to take advantage of the Revoltech dominated market of poseable robot figures. However, since they'll be like the HCM line, the sculpts will be superior, but articulation will not allow for the super dramatic poses Revoltech figures have become known for. Though judging by SK's face in the pictures I get the impression his smile was being polite. I have no doubt he'd rather Yamato do the transforming toys and Hasegawa do the model kits. Bandai is too big and too commited to it's cash cow, Gundam, to really make quality toys of any other franchise... They are fixated on making transforming "model kits" as opposed to toys and everything has to be within the 1/100 - 1/144 Gundam scale. Completely out of touch with the fanbase... Actually, from the last picture it looks like SK is holding a 1/72 mockup of the VF-25 with Fast Packs!! COULD IT BE??!! Is Bandai actually considering stepping out of the comfort zone and producing a VF-25 fighter in 1/72 scale???!! Check for signs of the appocalypse!!
  21. The bugs? Maybe. NUNS? It doesn't appear likely. It took 30 years to develop booster the size of a large torpedo in the 2040's the best we'll probably see (if necessary) is a booster about half that size by 2059...
  22. Love your avatar, do you have a higher resolution of it? I collect SD and Chibi macross cartoons...
  23. Nice. If you do the rest like the fast packs it should look pretty amazing...
  24. According to Graham, the pilot's legs are situated in the backpack, not the legs like the Nos. In an all out scramble it is very likely both would be used to get the maximum number of aircraft out at one time.
  25. well it wouldn't surprise me if that weren't true. The Q-Rau was a formidable mecha in the hands of a capable pilot. Powerful, fast and agile, an efficient killing machine! Shrink it down and you get the same punch in a compact package...
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