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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I suspect you could fit a few SDF-1's in there. Hmm, as a battle tactic you could have some fun there. Fit several New Macross battle fortresses inside a closed shell for a trojan horse attack...
  2. Thanks, That makes it slightly double the size of City 7, but with 5 mil people, it is far more densely populated...
  3. TIAS doesn't have any listed stats from what I saw (they may be informally listed in the Japanese descriptions, however I don't recall seeing any numbers.). I believe you are referring to the AGA-1JF. I too like that little gunship, but always felt it should have had gunpods to go with the missile weaponry...
  4. Well considering it is teardrop shaped, I'd guess it's 15km long and 6 km wide with a 2000m ceiling. If this is indeed the case then it is actually approximately 3x the size of City 7, which was 5000m (5km).
  5. Wasn't his last trip to the US to a California anime convention? Anyway, Island 1 is massive! I thought it was about 3x the size of City 7, but it could very well be bigger than even that...WOW!
  6. It is most likely Nexx and crew switchec planes, since the acrobatic segment of the show was over and Wendy Ryder's concert was starting, so it is conceivable that the teams were already in the hanger by then. The Marduk attack was on the mock up metal siren, not the acrobatic teams...
  7. What I said in the first place...
  8. Well it appears each company retains the rights to the shows they've sponsored, with the exception of SDFM and DYRL. Bandai still controls the merchandizing rights to Mac 2, Mac 7 and now Mac F. Bandai may well release one, if the other lines go well...
  9. Zinjo

    Macross Revoltech

    Bite your tongue, that's Blasphemy!! Well at least until they exhaust all the cool ones anyway.... There is still the Hikaru VF-1S, the Max VF-1A & VF-1S, the Kakizaki VF-1A and even the VF-1T from DYRL, then the VF-1D from SDFM. Then there are the custom battroids like the Minmay Guard and the Black Roses that could be done. Hmm, with the YF-19 and 21 coming out, could the ever elusive VF-11B be far behind? Mac Zero would give us several cool variants of the fighters. Mac 7 and Mac 2 will probably never get the Revoltech treatment since the merchandizing on those series belongs to Bandai, who will likely release (if we are lucky) HCM versions of the Battroids. Not as posable, but much more detailed figures. Yes, destroids and enemy mecha would be a very cool addition to the Revoltech Macross line!
  10. It's a VF-2JA Icarus.
  11. You and me both brother...
  12. Where did the omni-directional barrier come from in SDFM? If it's semantics your are referring to, then fine, to be precise an "omni-directional barrier overload from a pin point barrier generating device"... Next? World Peace...
  13. Probably more along the lines that they want to get their investment back a few times over. Their Mac 7 toy lines pretty much tanked due to poor workmanship and Yammie has been cleaning up with their high quality variables over the past few years, same with Hasegawa's kits. They've proven to themselves that there is a market for high end collector's toys and kits and no doubt they want in on the market.
  14. I would have to look into that again myself and confirm one way or another. Marchy march, treat the "squires" comment as unconfirmed until chapter and verse can be quoted...
  15. No I didn't confuse myself, but thanks for caring... Since we didn't see what the explosion looked like inside the ship, we cannot confirm or dismiss a PBB overload weapon. I choose to take it as a PBB weapon since the MS is the only fighter we know to have such a device. The differences between the SDFM episode and the Mac II episode is that one takes place in an atmosphere over a population center, while the other takes place inside a several km long ship. I wouldn't discount the notion that it could be a EMP type device generated by a PBB system, however we cannot be sure yet. Until the TISA and the Newtype articles I own are translated (I am ever hopeful, but 0.25 a word adds up pretty fast) we can't be sure either way.
  16. Thanks for the correction. I got the RT and Macross histories somewhat combined. In RT the UN Wars ended with the crash, while in Macross they began.
  17. From what I've heard the 1/100 scale toys are going to be battroids coming out of the factory that makes the HCM Gundams. They'll be as posable as the Gundam HCM line, and just as detailed... Well they certainly came up short for Macross 7! If they truly want to take on Yamato and Hasegawa, they need to play in the same sandbox. The 1/60 scale toy is a start, but they'll need to avoid variable model kits, there is no market for them anymore, ever since the variable toys took off.
  18. As far as I know the Metal Siren seemed to use beam weaponry (I'll have to see if the VF-2JA Icarus used them too). All the weapons on the VF-2SS including the SAP pack were rail guns. The SAP pack used a very large rail gun mounted on the top, eventhough many like to believe it's a beam weapon. Some research was clearly done on rail guns and on the big gun, the visual effect used is consistent with a high powered rail gun (albeit dramatically slower than reality). When one considers that a projectile fired from a rail gun at sufficient speed turns into a plasma bullet with incredible kinetic energy there is no surprise it has serious killing power. PBB = Pinpoint Barrier The omni-directional attack is a take on the SDFM PBB overload idea. The end of the "lance" the Metal Siren carries uses a PBB to allow it to cut into the hull of enemy ships as well as a type of gunpod. Nexx used it to slice into a Marduk crusier and then activated the PBB overload inside the ship.
  19. There are no official stats or details on the powerplants, max thrust, etc... Probably since the show didn't do very well, no one actually came up with any. However the stats wouldn't be substantially greater than the VF-4 since that is the last fighter seen in reference to DYRL. The show was based on the available productions of the day which were SDFM, DYRL and FB2012. By all appearances, the Earth spent most of its time rebuilding it's defenses, not so much new cities or sending out several emmigration fleets on a yearly basis like the Nue continuity. Essentially humanity became rather complacent in their own system and hid behind the "Minmay Defence" (they would choose a pop star to record songs to confuse any Zentreadi attack fleets and then attack while their enemy was off balance). They went with several conventional weapons however, such as the rail gun and Auto Attacker Bits (similar to the Ghost X9 idea). The use of the PBB as an offensive weapon as well as upgrades to existing destroid units. The mecha became specialized between atmospheric and space based types. Instead of rebuilding the grand cannons, they opted for space based Macross Cannon platforms. On a side note: Bandai is going to be re-issuing the 1/100 VF-2SS kit for the 25th anniversary this year.
  20. The VF-2SS had red, green, blue and Yellow color stripes. The acrobatic team was green, blue, red and gold fuselages with white stripes. The overall color of the standard fighter is light grey according to the art in/on the B-Club magazines. These are scans of an english translated magazine article from back in the 90's. The article was featured in B-Club 79 originally IIRC. I'll look up the other information tomorrow if someone else doesn't beat me to it. PS: The Auto Attack Bits were also called "Squires".
  21. Mainly because of history. Gundam is Bandai's "bread and butter" line. They've made most of their money on providing merchandise for that show. Everytime they've sponsored a Macross show, they tend to produce a weak effort in terms of toys and model kits that are inferior to the Yamato and Hasegawa brands who typically sponsor the smaller Macross productions. Mac 7 had a series of 1/144 scale model kits and 1/60 scale poorly designed toys. When one compares what Bandai CAN produce in their Gundam lines to the what they HAVE produced for Macross lines the quality differences are very apparent. This has been the case even back in the 80's with SDFM. The Bandai's "transforming" Valkyrie was poorly sculpted compared to the Hasegawa produced "single mode" versions of the same subject. Today, with transforming large scale toys, there is no longer a market for transforming model kits, and we all hope Bandai abandons the notion that the market wants them and produces high quality fighter and battroid kits that rival the quality of their Gundam line and the Hasegawa lines.
  22. Yeah, I noticed the stand too. I am hoping Bandai takes a few ques from Hasegawa and separates the fighter and battroid modes into separate high quality kits and doesn't do it's typical crappy "transforming" kits that are always poor quality and never sell well. High quality fighter and battroid kits have been a Hasegawa "bread and butter" Macross line for years. All they do is either retool existing molds and/or do special editions of already existing kits and Bam a few hundred thousand new kits are sold... Though I am expecting we may see 1/100 scale toys from the factory that produces the HCM gundam toys to compete with the Revoltech lines...
  23. I want them all! I believe the black one is with the line art of the characters and the VF-25 (in the lower corner).
  24. Hmm, don't know if my version of the DVD case art will be ready by the 24th... RL is tending to intrude on my time, but I have an interesting take on it though. Simple yet effective. We'll see how much I get done by the end of day tomorrow...
  25. This is what the VF-1 would have looked like if Kawamori were designing it today.
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