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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Impressive. The differences are quite remarkable... You used a lighter hue of grey too, didn't you? More grey than purple grey... Nice!
  2. Marchofthepenguin, I never said I would be against that project. Giving back to Graham for what he's given us is always a good thing...
  3. Nice Legioss, how does that relate to Macross?
  4. For line art maybe, but for printed page, 400 dpi tends to pic up everything including the print dots on photo paper. Keep in mind Marchus that magazines are printed at no more than 200dpi, 400 doubles that resolution. Specialty books and art books would probably have a better print dpi, but mass produced magazines, not so much. I guess without a comparison scan we really can't be entirely sure.
  5. Actually that is a plausible explanation as well. SK loves to keep a few back doors open for story purposes. If only certain fleets left certain worlds, then it is also concievable that smaller worlds may have been sending out Megaroad fleets while Earth and Eden were sending out the Mega fleets. A newer world would take longer to fill a colony ship as opposed to well established "hub" worlds like Earth and Eden. Since the opening sequence of MacF only showed fleets departing from Eden or Earth, we don't know if newer colonies launched fleets or what kind. I almost seems as though each colonized world was commissioned to produce 1 SLD fleet like the Frontier and Galaxy and only Earth and Eden were able to get theirs out of the gate first.
  6. 200dpi would be maximum, since most magazines are printed within the range of 100 - 200dpi (cheaper that way). The image may be a bit smaller, but it shouldn't have the print dots...
  7. The resolution may be set a tad too high...
  8. IIRC Megalord was the name of the SDF-2 before it was converted to a colony ship.... Anyway, I have no love for Megalord anyway, I'd rather see PC Legacy. It is far more descriptive of the franchise than some colony ship that got itself lost....
  9. "Marchalone" that 70000 must include fighters! The Megaroad 13 fleet that the Varuata ships were based on couldn't have been that many capital ships... At last count in MacF I managed to identify about 16 Islands (pills) attached to Frontier (Island 1) give or take one. The number of support ships and escort ships in the fleet seemed quite considerable!
  10. Meh... Megaroad is such a small part of the franchise. Why not Megalord? I like PC Legacy since that is what Macross is all about anyway. Humanity's encounters with the remnants of the Stellar Republic and the PC's "experiments"...
  11. Well since HG owns the trademark, they are legally entitled to insist that all "Macross" terms be removed from the show or that BV pay some sort of royalty for it's use (knowing them, they'd probably insist that they be able to shoehorn it into Robowreck somehow). The real question remains, what would happen if BW challenged that trademark? They have a legally binding ruling giving them IP rights over the show. Tatsunoko only owns the animated series, not the material that went into it. Either way, BV could re-name it "Frontier" and the show would not loose any real content. Hell, for all we know they may have shot scenes with and without the "Macross" name in it, just to get it into the Western market. Personally I could live with the franchise re-named as "Protoculture Legacy" for Western audiences, since that is the general theme of the franchise anyway. From my inquiries, I've seen no trademarking of the term "Protoculture"....
  12. Well BV has been BW home video partner for over 20 years now. The only limitation they will face is the name "Macross". HG owns the western trademark on the name (got it after Tatsunoko had it's a** handed to them in Japanese court in late 2002). So they'll either have to pay for usage or fight the grounds upon which HG was granted the trademark (the preferred method IMO). The sidestep is to release it without the Macross name, which is also possible.
  13. Thank you for your contribution to the community, if you really want your mind blown, check this out... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/Macros...ross_F_Main.htm Oh yeah and Marchy's site: http://www.new-un-spacy.com/m3.html
  14. I'd expect the Monster be in 1/144 scale to keep the costs down, however, Bandai is capable of just about anything these days.
  15. As I've already stated, BW has every right to use the designs it owns and any Western claims to it would have to be proven in court. That is where BW could produce their awarded IP rights under Japanese law and essentially settle once and for all who owns what. As well, by proxy, what Tatsunoko was legally able to sell or license.
  16. Most likely Dyson was charged under military law for his many transgressions, but because of his success over the Sharon Apple AI, his sentence was probably commuted and he received a possible minor demotion and / or formal reprimand attached to his record of service at best, at worst a dishonorable discharge from Spacy. He did in fact steal UNSpacy property, was AWOL, was responsible for destruction of private and public property, dereliction of duty, etc... His actions if left undiciplined would have a negative impact on morale and order in the ranks. Being a Spacy pilot would still see him flying, but not necesarily for the military.
  17. Unless Bandai bought out Yamato's rights. As far as I know the Konig is now out of production (but I could be wrong...Graham?)
  18. True, however if the show sees our shores, it may be BW way of "testing the waters" to see how HG will react. I suspect there would be no reaction or some toothless C&D letter, because HG has much of its assets tied up in the SC series and probably couldn't afford a court case either financially or the ultimate court decision on a challenge to BigWest's intellectual property rights. Afterall, IP rights are all the rage in hollywood right now...
  19. It's been my experience that the show that made you a fan is the one that you remember the most fondly. I was hooked on SDFM, while others it was M7. That's fine, but unfortunately it takes a lot to look at them objectively. Where in the world did you get THAT information from??? SDFM's merchandising didn't kick in to full gear until midway through the series and it carried right through DYRL and beyond. The series had two maybe three sponsors when it aired and the transformation of the Valks was not known until the first episode aired. It was a low budget series that captured the imagination of a generation, unlike Gundam that had a delayed reaction (much like Star Trek). The biggest draw to the show was the music, followed by the mecha. The biggest risk it faced was getting the animation completed in time for the weekly airing. The Merchandising was responsible for DYRL and the additional episodes at the end of the series. In fact the merchandise demand was so enduring that BigWest commissioned Mac II without Studio Nue to capitalize on it. I agree with you there. That is why I'd love to see what Kawamori's direct vision of the show would have been like, as compared to what the show's director came up with. Considering he was involved in directing Macross Plus at the time, he didn't spend as much time supervising that show as he could have.
  20. CG modellers are not designers, their job is to translate a design image into a 3D representation (within the capabilities of the console hardware), not create new designs. There may be "background" designers tasked with designing enviroments, landscapes, etc..., but they are not the same as the hero / enemy aircraft designers or the captial ship designers. I don't see any mish-mashing of designs. I only see cg models that are blocky due to the limitations of the rendering hardware of the console. With the exception of the battleship destoyed in episode one, all the ships we've seen are Miyataki designs from M7 or VF-X2. The only confusion from fans would be from those who've only seen SDFM and Macross Plus. Both of those shows never dealt with the PC history directly or the concept of Anima Spiritia. Since none of the series' prior to Mac 7 deal with Colony fleets, it isn't all that difficult to accept that in 40 years mankind's colony fleets would look the way they do in the Macross universe. However, I do agree with the NUNS and various other changes from the SDFM era, this series is definitely designed to be exported as a series in the Macross universe, without the name "Macross" in the title (since HG owns the trademark on the name in the West at the moment). It is distinctly different from any show that could be disputed, ironically the same holds for HG's new series The Shadow Chronicles. They go out of their way to avoid any direct infringement on BigWest's intellectual property owned designs.
  21. The P is based on the A with all the advancements of the Custom (which too is based on the A), however instead of speakers in the shoulders there are "bolt on" sound force emitters. The F/S variants do not have variable geometry wings like the A and the Custom and are optimized for space flight. The A and Customs are optimized for atmostpheric flight as well as trans-atmospheric flight. That isn't to say the F/S variants couldn't be equipped with these emitters, we just haven't seen any.
  22. Hmm, could there be 1/100 scale Varja coming? Me likes that possibility...
  23. It's a Robowreck fan made picture of a hybrid design between the VF-1 and Legioss from Mospeada. It used to be on the "official" site, but I couldn't find it anymore.
  24. M3, VF-X and VF-X2's variable aircraft were all designed by Kawamori himself. Miyataki designed the captial ships and enemy mecha, so unless it's a game that is outside the Nue continuity, they were all designed by the original SDFM mecha design team. I am not sure how you figured the chronology "got crushed together"? The continuity has seen some retcon over the years, but not enough to completely confuse the fans.
  25. I'm leaning toward the notion that Kawamori is leading us to a final resolution to the whole Megaroad mystery with PC overtones, that were sparked with the Birdman from Macross Zero. I doubt we'll see many if any of the original characters, after all it is 50 years after the start of Space War 1. As with all Kawamori controlled Macross productions, one resolution tends to spark a new mystery or at least an open ending, to keep us wanting more. I doubt very much the fleets were sent on the same course on some sort of SAR mission, but rather followed the same general course of the Megaroad 01 and had prepared to deal with whatever was responsible for its disappearance. Humanity does tend to become somewhat full of itself when it advances and possibly figured with the VF-25 they had a powerful enough weapons system to defeat whatever was out there. The Megaroad only had the paultry VF-4 to work with. The most logical course for humanity is to travel to the galactic core where stars are closer together and thus have a greater chance of finding habitable worlds to colonize. A part of me is expecting the old standby "surprise" that the Varja are actually controlled by the descendants of the Megaroad populace who stumbled upon a PC outpost 40 years earlier.
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