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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Much better. I'm not too worried about Marchalongcassidy's comment about it's darkness. I can fix that with a little bit of photoshop for what I would like to use the scans for.
  2. I still think it's the main Zentreadi fighter that the Pixie squadron will use...
  3. Does look cool. I'm not sure if the maroon variable fighter in the mecha flashes is an extrapolation of the cg fighter in the 25th Anni video or an actual fighter that we Western fans have not been privy to...
  4. I expect it's all about aesthetics in the movies or tv. BSG and Andromeda are the only shows I am aware of with a CIC bridge. The rest give the audience what we've all become accustomed to, WWII style bridges with big windows on top of the ship...
  5. Umm, it is a real substance, however the true name is "Alumina" or aluminum oxide (see Here and Here ), another type is "aluminum oxynitride" (Here ). Eventhough I am no Trekkie, they do base much of the technology on real science. Transparent aluminum oxide is one such instance. To me, it makes the most logical sense to use such material, since the size of the VF's canopy made from glass and at a thickness capable of withstanding the intense heat of re-entry would be far too heavy to be a viable material for such an application. Then one must consider the visual warping created by this thick glass on the pilot's ability to properly see his adversary. Now against a 55mm round or a beam cannon it wouldn't hold up well, but for general trans-atmospheric use, it would be ideal. At sufficient thicknesses, if would be nearly impervious to most weaponry.
  6. Well I suspect Basara was Sheryl's inspiration, much like Minmay was his. It would explain her using the term, "Listen to my song" and her general self absorbed attitude. The retcon may be a way for Kawmori to adjust the rather fanciful elements of Mac 7 to bring the franchise back to hardcore SciFi, like SDFM was. I am hoping for a redesign of the EVIL Series to make them scarier and more ominous, if they are shown at all. Hell even Ron Moore has stated that BSG would not be held to the facts of its own continuity if it didn't serve the story of the show, unlike how the Star Trek franchise had become. As for the new fighter's ability to spare the pilot excessive G forces, it could be incorporated into the new suits or possibly a miniaturized gravity control system built into the aircraft cockpit. That is really hard to say at this point. The how and why of their "expectation" of first contact is still up to speculation. That is plausible and since it is the new front line fighter, it would be essential for it be trans-atmospheric, since the VF-17 was optimized for space combat, like the VF-19S.
  7. Hmm, either it's retcon or that shot is early in the fleets' courses. If you notice Frontier begins to arc toward Megaroad futher up, if the course lines are any indicator. However, it is a bit odd, that the Megaroad's course isn't more of a "b-line" to the galactic core considering that is where it was "supposed" to be going....
  8. If at all possible is there any chance of getting a good scan of the Macross F logo on second last scan and maybe on the last scan? Love that logo and it's almost pristine in the book at that resolution... I don't know if it is possible without cracking the spine of the book though...
  9. Graham those scans are crystal clear dude! Whatever changes you made worked like an absolute charm! thanks
  10. *dies* right next to Marchnomore's corpse....
  11. Well we all know Roy liked his booty...
  12. I was being facetious... I know what the "L" word is. However it is kind of inviting criticism to have an RT/Southern Cross vehicle in a Macross color scheme thread...
  13. Is that the low vis scheme? Wow my eyes hurt now...
  14. It is doubtful that Frontier is on a SAR mission for the Megaroad 01 fleet, however it has been speculated that it may be following the same course, and that is why the President and the SMS were expecting "something" to intercept them. Will the Megaroad question be answered? Perhaps. If it is, be prepared for more questions than answers by the end... At this point we don't know if Sheryl is a decendant of Mao or the Nome family from Macross Zero, only time will tell. If you check out the Manga threads it seems clear that Alto and Sheryl first met at her concert, where Alto flew as part of the show.
  15. It's one of those intangible things. Comparing the music one to another really doesn't describe it as much as the fact that it is quality appealing music the I can see myself listening to Maaya Sakamoto singing Sheryl Nome songs in my car or on my home stereo as opposed to just enjoying it in the episodes of the show. The SDFM music and the Macross Plus soundtrack give me the same sense of enjoyment. It will be interesting when the Ranka Lee character begins to blossom as a singer if the music will hold that appeal for me. The closing credits of the Deculture Edition with Megumi Nakajima singing Ai, Oboete imasu ka definitely left me intrigued (although I am now positive that Mari Ijima sang the harmony part in the song with Nakajima). Too bad it won't be the end theme for the actual series. http://scottd.wordpress.com/2008/02/29/sak...cross-frontier/
  16. That's a common RT indoctrination, but the fact is that Macross was alive and well in Anime circles before the "Macross Saga" aired, primarily in the form of DYRL. I'd suspect about half of the members of this board were first exposed to Macross via Rt, but the old school ones like me first encountered it on a very grainy VHS, unsubbed tape of DYRL. Rt managed to flesh out "a" story for us, eventhough we felt the animation was substandard compared to the movie, we loved the story. By the early 90's Rt was essentially dead with the exception of the printed media. It began to die off when the Sentinels failed to go into production. Then Macross II and Macross Plus came out and we fell in love all over again. Thank you Manga Entertainment! Rt really didn't start to resurge until HG released the show on home video and it really began to take off with DVDs around 1999. It was then that HG started to try to trademark the name "Macross", then BigWest and HG stalemated on that front until 2003 when BW let it's guard down after winning it's IP rights in Japan and HG snuck in and trademarked the name "Macross" (fatal error on BW part). Now there are Rt fanboys who have honestly convinced themselves that Rt came first and Macross was a Japanese dub of the show. I would guess that about 90 -95% of the Rt fanbase would list "The Macross Saga" as their favorite part of the trilogy. Has Rt furthered the popularity of Macross, even in it's bastardized form? Yes, however it hardly is responsible for the popularity of Macross worldwide. Rt was and still remains primarily an American invention, pandering to American audiences (with latino and chinese offshoots). Asian countries and European countries were able to get the show unaltered, if it was distributed there. This (as of yet) undisputed trademark of HG and the BW IP rights are the main reasons why the SC is based on Mospeada and that Frontier no longer has the trademark UNSpacy kites. The "Macross" name is conspicuously absent from animation and instead only seen as "M" as in M25. It may be refered to in the dialogue or subtitle texts, but both of those can be easily altered for an international release. If HG had a live and let live attitude toward Macross productions, most here would likely do the same, however HG has actively tried to block every import of Macross branded merchandise and animation ever since 2003. The fact that HG also tells all and sundry that it owns rights to the Macross franchise that they could never prove in court. This misinformation is another reason for the resentment among Macross fans. Hence the general resentment on these boards of the show and particularly it's owner...
  17. Nope. It was made by BigWest though. So as far as BigWest is concerned it is Macross. Albeit it is relegated to alternate universe status since it doesn't fit in with the Nue continuity. It was a full blown theatrical movie back in 1984. Not a direct to video show like several other Macross shows. Macross Plus is a 4 part OVA series and a movie that combines most of the OVAs as well as has additional footage. It is the new 25th Anniversary TV series premiering in Japan this coming Friday. No episode count has been officially mentioned so most here expect it to be about 26 episodes which is the standard length for an anime show in Japan. Everyone was a noob once, though some tend to deny it...
  18. I like to believe it is a form of OTEC Transparent Aluminum, not glass at all. Marching Circus: Keep in mind the Macross was the "flagship" battlefortress of a fledgling space fleet. The biggest completed ship they had to that date. Essentially being a restored SA battleship, it became the backbone of the Spacy fleet. Now consider the emigration fleet escorts. All state of the art capital ships, approaching comparable gunpower of the SDF-1 without the Buster Cannon. I suspect the Macross Battle Class ships were desiged more along the lines of the main carrier in a carrier group. The base of combat opperations and the home of the main airwings, along with a last resort weapon, the Buster Cannon. In Fronter the CAP didn't launch from the M25, but a smaller carrier. Granted it is nowhere near as powerful as the old Macross, however I suspect the rational is that it no longer has to be considering the umbrella of escort craft surrounding the colony ship.
  19. I was introduced to Macross through RT (although I knew of it before by the Model kits of the Valks I would find in certain hobby shops). However, Macross Plus and Mac II are what inspired me to become a fan of the Franchise...
  20. Dude! I love it! If you could somehow get a scan to post that would be truly awesome! The more I hear of the soundtrack the more I love it. It definitely has the same "heart" as SDFM's music and Mac Plus.
  21. Um are you sure it's not 3000Yen? That would be about $30, which is affordable. $3000 should have 24k gold stitching and come in a mahogany collector's box... Pfft! You impudent fool to believe you have a gnat's prayer of dethroning moi! My armies and minions will make short work of your petty revolution and your dog too! I have agents in your camp villan, and you will never see the daggar that ends your petty little existence... Fear you? I fart in your general direction. You don't frighten me, English pig dog. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! **Snort**
  22. Marchingintoblivion, I never thought of the atmosphere inside the domes. Now that you mention it, it does work. In the Wallpaper thread I took a scan of an original painting from the FB2012 art book and increased the color saturation. It shows off just how colorful the ship apparently was. However, a better source would probably be the CG animation from the openning of Mac F, since SK supervised that shot.
  23. I like it! It really brings out the fact that their is clear windows surrounding the city. Something the lineart never captured.
  24. You too huh? Anyway, Macross II has become a loose sequel to SDFM and FB2012, not so much to DYRL, though some tend to treat is as such since the term Meltran and Zentran are used frequently in that show. However in Mac 7 (Studio Nue chronology) the term Meltran is also used. However a certain key aspect of the original shows is the absence of any colonial expansion, which has become key to the Studio Nue chronology. The mecha designs are based on the original destroids and the fighters are a hybrid of the VF-1 and VF-4 (not designed by Kawamori). To get up to speed for Frontier, don't watch Macross II until after you've seen the Studio Nue productions, which are SDFM, Flashback 2012, Macross Plus, Macross 7 and Macross Zero. Eventhough Macross Zero is a prequel it appears to be implicitly referenced in Macross Frontier. Also, keep in mind in the official Macross canon, the events of Macross Zero have been classified until about 2058, so the characters in FB2012, Mac Plus and Mac 7 were not aware of them at the time their stories were told. Anyway, enjoy Macross! The universe is much more vast and deeper than the RT universe.
  25. Have I said lately I hate you? It is showing on NHK? If so when? Sorry I can't remember where that was posted...
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