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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Yes, it's because Gubaba is whiney....
  2. Well the irony is that according the sketchly the Japanese focus on the vowels in their words, whereas in english, we focus on the consonants. If I wrote, FCK, most English speakers would be able to figure out what I was saying, but apparently a transplanted Japanese speaking English would likely be totally lost...
  3. Is that the head of the "S"?? Oh BTW Kresphy, you are evil... Yeah, since BW's official T-Shirt spelled it, "Lanca"... *so confusing*
  4. It's all his fault for being so negative...
  5. Unless they plan to assert their IP rights and regain Western control over the "Macross" name, it'll have to be under a different franchise name. However, considering the many changes from the previous productions (particularly the reformation of SPACY) it does tend to give the impression that an NA release is in mind.
  6. I've got the 1024x768 ones done, just not uploaded yet. Probably tonight.
  7. Actually, when I was looking for a good image of the "Frontier Icon" in that sequence, I followed it frame by frame, and the Megaroad does head toward the core, albeit in a round about way. It heads in one direction and then swings back around on a wide arc. It isn't readily apparent in the few seconds on screen, but frame by frame does indeed show this. The sequence ends before you can tell for sure if the Frontier and Galaxy fleets are going to intersect with the Megaroad 01 course, but is sure looked like they might. I am still unconvinced of this as of yet. They had the date counter underneath each world (Earth & Eden) and the date never changed with every launch. It only started to spool up after they left, thus giving the uninitiated the idea that all the colony fleets were launched by 2014. The shot of the shipyard shows at least 4 -6 completed colony ships already completed in orbit. So we'll have to see what the Macross Encyclopedia says if any retcon has been done, I suspect.
  8. Nah, most likely the scenes will be combined into the the DE, making it a "definitive" version, kind of like the "extended" editions of the LOTR movies.
  9. OK, you may want to just count the amount of time the new scenes take up, not the whole episode. Remember the MBS version is mostly footage from the Deculture with about 3 - 4 additional scenes that were not in the DE. Those scenes don't take up 50 mins.... I think we as a community should flood Bandai Visual USA with e-mails to either bring over a NA release or at least pass on to their parent company in Japan that an English subtitle track will increas their export sales and bypass any HG interference.
  10. OK, well I've done them in 1280x1024, but I'll see about resizing them. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...520#entry579663
  11. Requested Macross Frontier Walls: Alto & the VF-25 VF-25F in the Hanger (2 versions with different fonts) Battle 25 (with certain graphic tweaks) Enjoy
  12. Az is right, it would be best to refer to it as the "Luca" fighter until a letter is designated, remember we all thought Alto's was a "J" until we found out it was an "F"...
  13. Any questions about a "A" variant may be answered by the green battroid in the background of the picture. Sure looks like an "A" head to me...
  14. The pain of loving too much...
  15. Actually the whole colony ship is called the M-Frontier according to the icon in the emigration sequence. I don't doubt that the Battle / Carrier section is called both M-25 and Battle 25. It is entirely possible that both refer to different configurations of the same ship. the M-25 being the carrier while the Battle 25 could be the Attacker mode. The Frontier must be the name of the collected modules, including M-25 and all the Islands attached to Island 1.
  16. Bah, that's right, I don't why I fixate on him being Italian... I've taken Greek and no they Didn't pronounce it correctly at all in E7... They should have pronounced it closer to "Yuriko", not "Eririka..." Though this is getting off topic.
  17. That's ironic, considering how strong the Eastern influences are, e.g. Chi = Spiritia, not a Western philosophy at all.
  18. True dat! The transformation seems to have been changed as well, as it appears much different from the Battle 7 in Attacker mode (with the obvious change to the buster cannon taken into consideration).
  19. That's common tho. When watching Eureka 7, all the characters pronounced Eureka with their best estimation of English phonics, but apparently weren't aware it was an Italian name. Only 1 actress pronounced it correctly and she was only in one episode....
  20. Then clarify this statement: If you have something "in mind" is that not a "plan" or part thereof? Does it not affect how you proceed on any given course?
  21. It would be nice to find out if there is something more to it or not... The ears could simply be he's a product of a human father and meltran mother, without the rainbow colored hair...
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