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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I like the fact that her appeal is her clumbsiness and her reactions to rather offbeat situations, like being pressed against the door on the tram... Hmm, sounds like a setup for a sacrificial death as a result of his unrequited love...
  2. Considering that the "school" seems to center around the vocational highschool, I suspect that is the jumping off point. The story centers around highschool age characters.
  3. It's in the Macross bible aka Compendium, for all to read.... It states "The U.N. government and Anti-U.N. forces secretly deploy the VF-0 and SV-51 respectively while disputing over a recently discovered phenomenon on the island of Mayan in the South Pacific Ocean. (The events are kept secret for at least five decades.)" Declassified or taken off "top secret" doesn't mean it was widely reported to the media. The "kind of people who seek and who could arrange a confrontation with Big Reg" would need the assistance of the Military, SMS and the Colonial President to "arrange" a controlled confrontation, and these "pawns" are not likely to have puppet master level access to the information. In all such operations it is not in the best interests of the puppet masters to reveal the true danger involved to those they seek to put in harms way. Hell, this series could also reveal that the Mac 5 & 7 fleets were sent into the Varuata vicinity to check out the disappearance of the Megaroad 13 fleet, but were just never really told what to expect. Anything is possible at this point. The NUNS were not looking to engage the Varja, they were seeking the threat that took out their elint scout. The SMS were prepared for the Varja, but from the looks on their faces when the Victor alert was sounded they were not very gung ho about the Varja arrival. More like a Classic Rock station....
  4. Well the Mayan incident had only been declassified for at most, 11 years. So it does bring up some interesting plot development speculations...
  5. Mounting points for the FAST & Armor Packs... So far....
  6. Sketchley posted and interesting notion in the episode thread underneath a spoiler and it has some merit... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...5722&st=120 his last post on the page... That too is a possibility considering the shear size of Island 1.
  7. Not necessarily. What about the MBS episode 1?
  8. For the Megaroad Fans: 1280x1024 (not exactly what I wanted as I think the image is a bit fuzzy, but that could just be me... )
  9. The Walls @ 1024x768.
  10. What extra things? The image is 1280x720, so the boarders will need to stay in some form or another. I'll need a bit more info, including resolution (which is somewhat limited by the size of the source image).
  11. Yeah, a definite homage. I did like the fact that unlike M7 the cars sounded like they didn't run on gasoline... Though, I am positive that who we've been calling Gilliam is actually "Gideon". Several characters pronounced the name that way in this episode.
  12. The CG is ratcheted down to match well with the 2D animation. Zero was a perfect example of going too realistic, thus making the 2D animation appear out of place by comparison.
  13. That has become such a cliche in the Macross universe (not to mention "terrorists"). Considering how fortified the world is and the number of fleets likely patrolling the system, it seems a bit pointless going after Earth. A colony world like Eden or the others would seem to make better targets, strategically.
  14. Chronological synopses of the story for the games would be nice instead of the usual "walkthroughs" on the net. All the games tend to go to colony worlds that most don't know about. The guide books offer what appears to be interesting tidbits, but without translation they are all just pretty pictures... Though, VF-X2's structure reminds me quite a bit of the Wing Commander franchise's branching story structures based on player input...
  15. OMFG!! Am I the only one who feels like the episodes are too short?! Last time I felt like that was the first two seasons of BSG...
  16. I expect the SMS CIC looks like the old Macross bridge for nostalgic reasons only. I got no impression that it was anything other than a room somewhere.
  17. I am not one to leave anything to chance. If enough fans let Bandai Visual USA know we are interested, then at the very least they may opt to throw an English subtitle track in with the Japanese releases for additional export revenue. Afterall Bluray's region code combines NA and Japan in the same region...
  18. Well since capital ships would be relegated to the actual military, it does make sense that they'd be based on Island 1.
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