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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. KABUKI anyone???? **sorry couldn't resist....
  2. I get the feeling BW and Bandai are flipping HG the bird.... I wonder if something is up?
  3. I'm googling the SS number....
  4. It is the New Class Macross Aircraft Carrier, however they might as well drop the "new" part since the class has been in service for about 20 years by 2059.... The aircraft carrier was called the Battle 7 in Mac 7. Whereas In MacF it appears that the Battleship is called either "M-25" or "Macross 25", while the City portion is called "Island 1". The whole ship, including all the pill ships attached is called the "Frontier". Confusing? It can be if you don't pay attention...
  5. The Zero squadron was a testing squadron never meant for combat, but when the AUN rolled out their new SV-51 and the Valk wasn't ready, they pressed the zero into service. One definitely gets the impression they were in development at the same time, however it seems that the VF-1's deployment was delayed whereas the VF-0 may have been deployed for some months prior.
  6. It could also be your vid card. I know I have a 3 year old vid card and my wmhd playback is more like a slideshow than a video. The video card takes the brunt of the processing and then the CPU picks up the slack. If you can upgrade your vid card that will help.
  7. Another one for the masses.... The VF-25S in the hanger @1280x1024: ** Toned down the graphics to showcase the fighter.
  8. Stunning work dude!!
  9. Well the article was prior to the Mac Zero retcon, so anything is possible...
  10. Your love or hate of Basara, I believe comes from when you were exposed to Macross. The SDFM generation tends to lean toward the "not liking", while the Macross 7 generation tends to lean toward "liking" him. It's like a first love, you always prefer something that reminds you of your first love. The suspension of disbelif in M7 is too much for my mind to flex around. A darker more dramatic series with monsters that were actually scary to look at would have gone much farther than inceasant j-pop and rainbow rays. That's me, though. As for military strategy in SW1, the critical error made by UNSpacy was the extra ordinary faith the leadership put into 1 cannon vs a million+ alien starships. Yes it dealt considerable destruction, but it left thousands of ships behind. It's like kicking a wasp nest and expecting the Wasps to go away because a few got killed in the attack. The two sides were essentially at a standoff until the cannon fired. It was in this respect where UNSpacy failed to protect the populations of Earth... Essentially human arrogance once again is the instrument of man's own demise... Whether the Zents would have obliterated the planet, is debatable, but we do know who fired the first shot at the final battle.
  11. So you really hate him THAT much?
  12. They weren't even squadrons, they were "flights". Squadrons consist of more than just 3 aircraft...
  13. There is a special edition(?) release that came out around the same as the Perfect Edition of DYRL, if I recall. It had new Mikimoto cover art and still sells for about 8000 Yen on YHJ. With all the 25th anniversary releases going on now, we may well see a remastered version coming out before the end of the year... Afterall Bandai is re-issuing the 1/100 VF-2SS, so a DVD release could well be in the works.
  14. Get the feeling that some of the speculation that Ozuma had met the Varja before could be true? I do. He acted like he was fulfilling some sort of vendetta when he knifed the lobster...
  15. Boo wikipedia! I wonder if they have any references to these dates or if its just some speculation they posted? If such a thing were truely official it would add a whole new set of possible elements to the Frontier series.
  16. In that respect, you are absolutely correct, if I remember correctly it was shot on 16mm. Now there is a processes out there that can do an HD restoration of such film stock, but it's very expensive and time consuming. Thus making it cost prohibitive for an anime title.
  17. - Hmmm, what Marchtoyourowndrum said is pretty consistent with me too. - The Miyataki military cap ship designs truly blew me away, particularly the Battle 5! (not so much a fan of the juvenile attacker mode with giant hands tho). After a while even several of the PD ships really grew on me, particularly the base ship. - The civilian ships were meh to me, I'd rather see what Frontier did with the aesthetics on the INSIDE of the ship. - Enjoyed Mylene's character, Millia and Max (to a minor degree) and oh yes, SIVIL, the only really redeaming PD character. - When the story diverged from the j-pop fluff and Basara's holier than thou antics, it was a compelling story that could have been far more dramatic and dark than it ultimately was. - Hated the Basara's Kai, mainly for the face and didn't care for the ankle bracelets all the fighters came with, but did enjoy the VF-11 again, and particularly the VF-11B two seater sans the sound boosters. The VF-17 had a kick a** battroid mode! - The music, as repeditive (sorry, tired so my spelling suck atm) as it was, was well performed and eventually grew on me, and I agree that if you take it out of the series, it definitely holds up. It was good, but I would have liked to see Kawamori's directoral vision applied to it, just to see what it would have become.
  18. Well ep 2 answered the cringe question regarding a revisitation of variables with faces...
  19. There's an official site?! How did I miss that....
  20. That doesn't make it a rehash, it makes it a sequel... Thus different...
  21. Hardly... A 35mm print has a higher resolution than HD, this is from someone in the film industry. However, you have to know how to clean up the image before capturing the frame for the final master if you don't have a pristine print to work from. The DYRL remaster seems to have skipped that step, which is why it is so grainy. Granted it is a fairly time consuming and thus expensive process.
  22. I wonder, since there are RAWs available in a Bluray codec at 1080p resolution... Now working with such a huge file would be fairly cost prohibitive when dealing with net downloads and considering most software out there doesn't allow editing with that codec, it would make the most sense to release raws that are editable to fansub groups with existing software. Since the show is due to come out on Bluray starting this summer, if anything, it is down converted, by either release groups or the networks (I tend to think it's the raw groups, personally). re-mastering a show on bluray "after" producing it ,in the land where bluray was invented, is not cost effective,
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