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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. That's because he moonlights as a Knight Saber on his days off...
  2. Well now we know Michel flies the VF-25G and Luca flies the RVF-25. Cool!
  3. Well that seems to have been "visually" retconned in Frontier as the Factory Satellite in SDFM looks like it was replaced with a shipyard. Consider this one thing, the colony ships are prefab cities, that once landed provide a home from which the colonists can expand. I suspect the reason the Frontier and Galaxy are so large is that they planned for population expansion over the years, whereas the Megaroads were mainly fixed size urban areas. I believe that is why the Uraga class ships look like flying boats as they would be used as an instant navy on planet, while the rest of the fleet provided orbital defence.
  4. Maybe, but if it's in the openning credits the audience would be expecting to see it all the time, not necessarily good.
  5. Welcome to the boards. The VB-6 will be transformable since that is what it is designed to do, we just haven't seen it yet. The VF-19 question has been answered in the Frontier mecha thread in this section.
  6. Get "Another Century 3" PS2 game, that should satisfy much of your perverted longings...
  7. I think it may have been a beauty shot for the first episode that was never meant to be continued. The extra work to keep doing it would be a waste of time that doesn't serve the story. On a TV production schedule, time is at a premium, so all unnecessary work is often culled from the herd so to speak...
  8. Well it won't be a vetran who regularly posts here, that's for sure...
  9. I'm trying to figure out how Ozma was and "incomplete pilot" as translated by the AiA group? BTW Gubaba, I think I'll make a better avatar for you, that one looks a bit odd. Same thing, just a bit better, but it probably won't be done until probably Thursday at the latest...
  10. I've found the AiA group to be the best. IMHO
  11. Really? I found it an integral part of the songs... The instrumental version of Triangle was good, but missing the high notes that she brought to the song...
  12. Someone counted them once, including the worlds presented in the games. It was around a dozen or so at least by 2050...
  13. Firstly, when in '84? According to the Compendium DYRL was released in July of 84 and the video came out in August of 84 (wow, faster than any DVD release!). SDFM was over by June of 83 (no doubt DYRL went into production shortly after.) Now if the video did indeed come out in 84 from reliable sources (sorry HG is NOT a reliable source), then clearly Tatsunoko wasted no time recovering it's costs from the series.
  14. Yep, gotta stick to the pirate code after all...
  15. HG bought their license from Tatsunoko, not BW or Nue. You also have to remember Macross was huge in Asia first before HG or rather Macek noticed it. HG didn't release their version until "after" DYRL was released to theaters a year earlier. Now Tatsunoko may have recovered their production costs by the sales of the distribution rights in other asian countries and overseas, however that only justified the courts to award them the "Maker's Rights" to SDFM, not the "Author's Rights" (aka IP rights) which BW and Nue still own. The "Maker's Rights" allows Tatsunoko to continue to profit from the animation of SDFM outside of Japan, but not to make any derivative works based on SDFM. Those rights belong to those who conceived and designed the show. I find it doubtful the sale to HG gave them a substantial winfall, since Ahmed Agrama (and no doubt Frank is the same) was infamous for buying cheap and selling high. He wouldn't give them what the show was really worth. I have no doubt when the ruling came down in Japan, HG saw the writing on the wall and then successfully trademarked the name "Macross" in the US and Canada, which effectively controls the franchise name in North America. Prior to the 2003 trademarking, HG and BW would stalemate the other each time they'd try to trademark the name in North America and that was going on since 1999 (it may have been earlier, I would have to check). It is possible BW figured it wouldn't be an issue since they owned the IP rights, however, they have yet to appeal the trademarking armed with those very rights.
  16. Thanks. I've got a couple more in the gue and a few more in mind. Time is the trick...
  17. I guess I have to give myself a badge for that one...
  18. Didn't you know? The second fighter in the OP mounts the VF-25 from behind to make it an even bigger fighter...., with a smiling battroid face....
  19. Yes to the bitter flaming end.... Don't forget, "If you gotta go down in flames, hit something big!"
  20. I may fix that to look more metallic... As for Marchand, SC had lots of fan service, comic book proportioned characters and "sparklingly innovative dialogue"... wait, I forgot my medication today...
  21. Yep, Kawamori is gender bending again....
  22. Who is to say that the economic woes of the UNG were not caused by colonial independence movements? When you get a pay cut you can't live at the same standards as you had before. It appears that seceding worlds were considered rebels, however it is possible that over time if the movement becomes wide spread the UNG would have to accept the independence of colony worlds as they wouldn't have enough resources to "enforce" the status quo on all of them. Each world carried a certain amount of resources they'd contribute to the treasury and with that gone, the UNG would be weakened financially. Just for the record, THAT game premise is dodgy in my opinion. A rebel group or a colony based take over attempt is more plausible to me. Now if the UNG is splintered by colony separations, then the need for a low cost, low maintenance, quickly built fighter system would be needed to build up the stellar naval forces. If anything VFX2 would demonstrate to the UNG that they were vulnerable internally and needed to protect themselves. It almost seems that the VF-25 is akin to the cold war arms race. Build up as much as you can as powerful as you can in preparation for a "possible" all out war. Then you have the Military Industrial Complex on both sides getting rich off of their paranoia... Just a speculation of course.
  23. You get 1... It's only a copy and I don't think I got the pirite color of the metal right though. However, I heard the new one is actually holy underpants with the HG logo on the backside...
  24. Well ya'll knows I does likes ma mecha pron... Sorry dude, wrong forum, you will have to go the the "forum that should not be named"...
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