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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Sounding better and better....
  2. I love it! Quite cute, though I suspect that is why it's only a nick-name and not the final name. Maybe Kawamori was hoping for a much more definitive name to actually givie it. Well that changes things a bit, since the VF-171 is only 1 year into its tenure as a frontline fighter, it makes one wonder what the final role of the VF-25 will ultimately be. Possibly after its trials, it may get bumped up to special forces fighter. Definitely a nod to Mac II's Auto Attacker Bits (or Squires), however a plausible combat role for the RVF-25. The Macross Quarter is a pretty cool idea when one thinks about it. 1/4 the size with the same firepower as a full blown Macross Class carrier! A battlecarrier internally docked within a colony ship to assist in any defensive encounters. Can you say "learned from the City 7 incident."? In knew you could... Now if we can only get full translations of the captions from our Japanese literate members so Marchysan can update his friggin site... Any help gentlemen, would be enourmously appreciated...
  3. In SDFM the gunpod is carried on the arm and in at least one scene we see it taken off, the strap attached and then slung over the shoulder. In DYRL Max used it to shoot a Zentreadi in the head while still attached to his battroid's arm. I think the VF-17's gunpod "launch" from the leg stowage was a recent feature for that line fighters. AFAIK the VF-25 doesn't use that type of feature... Roy's catch of the gunpod in mid air was because the "fully loaded" gunpod was still attached to the refueling plane when it was blown up by the AUN.
  4. As I've stated before, the Mayan incident was classified for at least 5 decades, apparently after 50 years it was released to the general media. Then again after the reports coming from the Mac7 encounter, an AFOS would be fairly tame by comparison...
  5. Then who's green VF-25F is shown underneath Luca's RVF-25 in the Newtype scan? My money is that the mysterious Valk is Kodo's VF-0 and the mystery of what happened to Shin & Sara will finally be closed... (assuming of course it is indeed the VF-0...). If it is the green VF-25F as the "mysterious" valk found with the Vajra then I suspect there is much more afoot here than originally expected, which is not at all a bad thing...
  6. No, he asked if we've seen one with reaction engines in the legs continue to function. The YF-21 is not the same type of animal...
  7. I was there too brother, I was there too.... Back in the day when the only way to get subs was by sending out a tape or paying for one and hoping you were dealing with a reputable source...
  8. True, however is could be less about power output and more about vulnerability. A walking or "skating" fighter is slower and a much easier tarket as opposed to an aerodynamic fast moving fighter with great agility. The initial question was why are Valks easier to shoot down in the air than when they are on the ground (a paraphrase I admit)? That is the best answer I could muster based on available information and of course a bit o' speculation...
  9. Then that mode switch has been carried through every subsequent Macross series, including Mac Zero (Sound force excluded of course).
  10. Without the anima spiritia ability song energy cannot be generated, however that doesn't account for Sara's ability to regenerate the plants on the island... Song energy was apparently in some fantastic way was harnessed from the anima spiritia ability. Outside of Mac 7 it was a naturally occuring phenomena that the PC knew about and in some form might have utilized...
  11. Actually the transformation controls seem to have be retconed since Mac Zero (however the Manga shows the SDFM mode tabs, if animated then my "retcon" assertion will be moot), that when the thrust control handle is flipped upward, the VF converts to GERWALK. The fighter controls have been this way since DYRL. How the fighter knows to continue into Battroid has not yet been revealed, it could simply be the holding down of a button when the flip is done, we don't know for sure. All the targeting is done via holographic display, again since DYRL, as the SDFM VF-1 had a HUD. I guess it's another instance where DYRL was how SK wanted the the story in SDFM to "look".
  12. Well there was damage to the nose, but the leg didn't rip off or the arms, because it was in GERWALK mode. Until something definitive is released, I will keep my speculation...
  13. The question I'd ask is what kind of materials are these fighters made from? I'd guess new OTEC based alloys could be the reason why the fighters are so durable to impact damage. Plus I get the feeling the ECA might kick in once the fighters enter GERWALK mode (as they are much slower in that mode).
  14. Galaxy is from Eden, what appears to be a predominately micron populated world. Whether any political or social overtones toward the Zentreadi exist, has yet to be revealed. The fact that what is legal on Eden is not legal on Earth also speaks to the semi-autonomous nature of the colony worlds. Essentially a truly galactic UN, where each world has its own laws and governments, under the umbrella of a common administrative body. The only difference to "our" UN is that the UN Gov, has a military arm to enforce "federal" policies and federal initiatives (i.e. Emigration projects).
  15. Well judging by how vulnerable the VF's seem to be in fighter mode as opposed to battroid, even in MF, I am doubtful ECA is used in fighter mode. The conventional thinking may be that a fighter has greater maneuvarability and speed to deal with threats and possibly ECA use may affect engine output on the fighters thus making them uncessarily vulnerable.
  16. Anima Spiritia (from what I got from rewatching the last few eps of M7) is the ability to regenerate a life spirit. I realize the rainbow rays and supernatural properties given to it in M7 confuse what it really is... I got no impression that it was solely related to the PD. It could have been an ability the PC used in medicine and botany and ultimately found it effective in their PD war...
  17. The ECA AFAIK was only utilized in Battroid mode. So far, no mention of it has been made for its use in fighter mode. If you notice the VF-25s can take much more of a beating while transformed as opposed to in fighter mode. As for the Galaxy Fleet ship, it is really hard to tell if it is or is not variable. The design is a bit a nod to the VF-2SS, but also to the XWA series Kawamori was working on in 2000. It is entirely possible it could be a "courier" ship or a different type of Elint fighter as well. I guess we'll have to wait and see what they have when the Frontier forces investigate.
  18. That's my point. Whether it's a combined presence of Ranka and Sheryl or just an emotional response to the song they are singing, the Vajra react to much more than just a song... As for "track" it is meant in a continuity sense, not any sort of hunting...
  19. Yep. That's Ryuji. He's done several Macross custom kits: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/280..._celsoryuji.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/280..._celsoryuji.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/280..._celsoryuji.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/281..._celsoryuji.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs22/f/2008/026..._celsoryuji.jpg The last Macross one he was working on was of Millia in a White T-Shirt and bikini bottom, but we haven't heard from him since October of last year. I was bugging him about releasing the cockpit as a kit with a simple helmet for those of us into Mecha Pron...
  20. Finally got around to watching the raw. A few of things: - I think Togo was on to something when he suggested that there may be some sort of psychic link between Ranka, Sheryl and the Vajra. It tracks from Mac Zero and when Ranka sang, the tanked lobster was no where near where it could have heard it, yet reacted just the same. - The SMS battleship is definitely NOT a standard NMC carrier as seen docked to Island 1. It looks like it's purpose is much more like the original macross, a full blown battle carrier, complete with heavy weaponry. - The Galaxy fleet seems to be equipped with different fighters than the VF-171, not sure what they'd be though. It only feeds my suspicion that the second fighter in the sillouette of the OP is the Galaxy's SMS group's test fighter. - I'd bet the lobsters are bio-mecha, while the hammerheads are actual mecha, going from the clanging sounds when Michel would hit one with his long range weapon. Plus, they aren't nearly as complex as the lobsters. - The observation floor on the ceiling of the islands was a cool feature. - With Michel seemingly making a play for Ranka, it would appear that several love triangles are in the works here. - Ranka's song was yet another winner. The music is not forced, repetative or bland so far. I hope they keep it up!
  21. Not as rare as highly valued! Anytime you see one on Yahoo Japan, the bidding starts at 5000 yen... Which it never stays at and is quite pricey for any vintage magazine of that size... They regularly pop up and you can get one if you are willing to pay the piper...
  22. I wouldn't expect them to have found many, if any. The Galaxy is quite vast and I'm sure there are quite a few "unconverted" fleets still out there guarding those facilities. Spacy's main focus seems to have been getting emigration fleets out the door, as opposed to tracking down available factory satellites. Then there is the need to keep at least a few of those factories producing Zentreadi weaponry for humanities giant friends... However, it would be interesting to know if they've found more...
  23. Yeah I've got all of those, and there was one of SK in a VF-1... I love collecting those cartoons! It's too bad their isn't a lot of Chibi stuff for Mac 7 or the other series...
  24. The VF-9 is a beautiful fighter and GERWAK, but the Battroid is fugly! The transformation is awkward and the end result is pretty awful looking. If it ever went to a vote, I'd vote for the SW-XAII as the VF-9. The design is far more closely related to the VF-11 in transformation sequence and style...
  25. HG and BW both had been trying to trademark the name "Macross" in the US since 1999, but after each application the other would contest it and the matter would be dropped. In 2003, HG applied and since BW didn't contest it, were awarded the trademark for the name. It still boggles my mind why BW allowed that to happen... Now that the trademark has been awarded, no doubt in "Litigation Land", a judge would have to rule on the matter. In other countries, the method is different. I know in Canada there is a tribunal that oversees commercial trademarks. You still need lawyers to make your case, but the courts are not necessarily involved...
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