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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Umm, no, the Macross 25 is attached to the front of Island 1, the Macross Quarter is berthed to the side of Island 1. Apparently it is no larger than a CVN carrier, but carriers uber firepower and the VF-25s. I tend to think it is an experiment in Civilian defense should the Macross 25 be either separated from the City ship or destroyed. Mac 7 proved that the City was very vulnerable without its main battleship.
  2. Ah, but it doesn't say "Battle 25" it is just the icon used for the Frontier ship... However, I may revisit it once I have something better or simply replace the icon with the ship name... Too many projects in the works to do an edit at the moment...
  3. 2 things: 1. This IS MACROSS WORLD, not RT.com... 2. I own a few Mospeada Legioss and Ride Armors and I enjoy Mospeada as it was before HG bought the rights to it. I don't necessarily need a specific flight sim of Macross as there are several out there already and there is also a pretty cool (albeit unfinished) Homeworld mod for DYRL... Your enthusiasm is admirable and your work quite excellent, but trying to twist a square peg into a round hole around here simply won't work... If the game is RT, then call it that, tagging the Macross name on it will only irritate some people. People around here understand the differences quite well and several are fans of both shows. Calling the game Macross when it was designed as a RT game could garner some unpleasant comments by some in these parts... As how RT's owners have attacked the Macross franchise and merchandising in North America has left a very bitter taste in many mouths around here. I'm being nice, others may not.
  4. Hmm, what if Ranka becomes more like Hikaru? The whole unrequited love angle with respect to Alto... Yes I am eager to find out more about the Galaxy fleet. Their laws are much different than Frontier and their society could be much more segregated with respect to intermingling between humans and Zentreadi, particularly if they don't have any on board their fleets...
  5. I'm partial to the notion that it is to allow the fighter to transform, since in most cases the fold booster would be jetisoned before transformation and / or atmospheric descent...
  6. You are preaching to the choir buddy... A three sided conflict would also be something that hasn't been done in a Macross show since DYRL...
  7. Doh, Marchingdownthekeyboard was faster than me...
  8. I'm thinking it's the VF-27, however I wonder if it's not the new frontline fighter for existing colony worlds like Eden. Whereas the VF-25 is destined for the UNG worlds. I really wonder if that posting in the Japanese wiki about a cold war is more than just speculation and possibly a leak. The same thing was apparently posted in the French Frontier wiki and with a French animator working on the show, anything is possible...
  9. IIRC most of the Macross OST's don't show the logo, since it's about the singers and Victor is selling music not the show...
  10. It wouldn't really surprise me. It would be an about face from SDFM, where the girl the hero is interested in actually reciprocates... I expect Ranka to have a much greater destiny than popping out little Altos all over the galaxy...
  11. I suspect that is a plot point. There has been "speculation", I've heard on the Japanese wiki that the colony worlds of the UN are in a cold war state. So I suspect that something happened in the decade prior to Frontier to merit the reformation of Spacy as New Spacy... Since colony worlds are for the most part autonomous, it may have been a split from the general alliance or like in our history, a group of worlds formed an idealogical "block" in the UNG, possibly lead by Eden the oldest of the colony worlds. We'll have to see how the political landscape of 2059 is revealed...
  12. So then this is a RT game not really a Macross game...
  13. I am liking the Macross .25, and not... The design is clearly functional, but it lacks the grace that Miyataki put into his designs... I guess I'll have to see more of it. Quite possibly it looks much better in Attacker mode, the opposite to the Battle 7... Battle 7 looked sweet as a carrier, but in attacker mode, particularly the "hands" looked awful!
  14. You are not alone on that one bud, definitely got the pirates vibe off the background music... True, Viffidas was so flat chested.... I think the only Meltran with a small chest was probably Millia, all the rest had huge tatas... Welcome to Macross fanservice...
  15. Yes, they are much smaller than the ones 10 years earlier. In a combat situation, it would make sense to me to make them smaller and work in tandem, it would increase maximum range and also be less of a target as opposed to a giant glowing popsicle on the upper fuselage...
  16. Yeah, I thought that was a nice ode to the original series... However, I also glad that it's only the nick-name and not the NUNS official name...
  17. I am loving how perverted the high school characters are, very true to life...
  18. Really? They used to count the TiVO with all the others... Would explain why so many really good shows get cancelled despite the fan bases... Busy people don't sit at home with Clem and watch TV all night...
  19. With the advent of PVRs a popular show's scheduling is becoming less and less of an issue, even here...
  20. I was thinking the same thing...
  21. I suspect the capital ships were simply caught off guard. They were not expecting a buster cannon mounted on a fighter sized enemy craft. That is what the VFs were out there to deal with. The big ships were firing their guns like flak cannons, shooting through the swarms as they approached.
  22. He could be an executive of the SMS, ala "Space Above and Beyond". Where one of the executives of the corporation that sent colonists to a planet (who were then attacked) actually knew about the aliens that attacked them and for all intents and purposes provoked the war by sending the colony to settle there anyway...
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