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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. OK, all of you out of the episode thread, NOW!!!!
  2. Was it not from the May NewType Macross F Q&A section? Where he also answered that reason why Ranka's hair moves was because some Zentreadi can apparently do that...
  3. Shameless self promoter...
  4. I'd take exception to that. The VF-9 would be a smoldering hulk of metal every time it transformed into Battroid. Could it have a more awkward or clumbsy battroid transformation?? It's a beautiful fighter design, but I wish Kawamori would have been designing with Lego back then...
  5. Kawamori's official reason for not using the Vf-19 was that it looked too much like a hero fighter to be the CF for this series. In continuity, anything is possible. The VF-19 may have proven itself adept at a more SOCOM role in NUNS and thus relegated to that role, or as already suggested it may have proven to be too expensive to produce on a mass scale and was not fully adopted. Another possiblity is that if indeed there was some sort of breakdown in unity among the colony worlds, the 19 simply took too long to produce and an easier to produce and deploy fighter was needed, so the VF-17 was redesigned and the factories retooled to produce the VF-171. It is entirely possible that the VF-19 is still in use in other branches of the military or even SOCOM applications, but we prolly won't know from Frontier. The VF-19F/S were optimized for space flight, hence the lack of swing wings, whereas the VF-19A/P were optimized for atmospheric flight. As for the Galaxy not being a dome ship, Sheryl mentions it in Ep.5 that it is an enclosed chemical plant ship. Frontier is a Bio-plant ship thus the dome.
  6. To quote Obi Wan, "They're doing their job, now let's do ours..."
  7. Which fans? The Japanese loved Mac 7 and I suspect the biggest problem with Zero was that it took 3-4 months between episodes, so a lot of fans lost interest.
  8. I wouldn't be so sure. I seem to remember the term being used at some point, but of course I'd have to rewatch every episode to be sure. Oh the pain of it...
  9. Actually the term Zentran was used in DYRL to distinguish between the Male (Zentran) and Female (Meltran) genders of the Zentreadi race. It has been used that way ever since, for the most part. Yeah, he said that in an interview somewhere, however I don't recall any references about tying up loose ends. However, if that is indeed his intention, then he will open just as many enigmas as he closes. He likes to do that....
  10. *Sigh* Anima Spiritia has NOTHING to do with the PD with the exception that it was an ability that helped imprison them. That doesn't mean it will make a comeback, just that it's an ability discovered by the PC as described in Mac 7 and utilized in that show to shoot rainbow colored beams of love at the PD...
  11. Marchingupthewrongtree, I have to disagree with respect to cost. If Cellphones have holo-emitters, then a state of the art cockpit could. However, I think you may be overlooking size. The VF-25 cockpits are quite snug, thus the feasibility of wrap around imaging in such a small space is pointless if the pilot can't really utilize it. If it would be found anywhere it would be by the foot peddals so the pilot could have an underside view of his environment.
  12. If he gets shot down in Ep 7, then it is entirely possible he will be forced to fly a standard VF-25. They may have spare parts for a RVF-25, but not necessarily a whole one to spare...
  13. Have there been an postings about the Mac F gashapon toys coming out in August?
  14. Yeah, the Quarter commander mentions that a special deal was struck between NUNS and the SMS just to launch the ship from it's berth. Clearly all SMS gear is not yet the property of NUNS, therefore not expendable... I'd be surprised if the Macross 25 was any larger than before. The Battle 7 took up a large proportion of City 7, whereas the Battle 25 is almost unoticable at the front of Island 1.
  15. "OMG you didn't know that???!!", I just had to say it because you said "don't"... However, you are right, I tried to figure out how the NMC could transform into that ship.
  16. Ah, but here's the rub. One will not allow the other to co-exist. HG has attempted at every turn since 1999 to block Macross productions and merchandise here, that is NOT one seeing the other as an "alternate reality", as purported in the Rifts games. The only frustration I have with Bigwest is its lack of will to assert it's IP rights worldwide.
  17. VF-27 Drakken II Swedish for Dragon...
  18. I was particularly impressed with the haunting tune Diamond Crevasse as the closing theme to the episode. Definitely conveyed the peril the cast members were putting themselves in, not to mention the meloncholy feelings Sheryl must have been feeling over the attack on her home...
  19. Ah, yes. My bad. You are right the NMC is about 1550m, which would make the Quarter about 387m which is larger than the Nimitz and Enterprise classes.. Keep in mind, that despite it's size it's the only battle carrier capable of transformation for its size.
  20. That is debatable, since the Macross had a sort of energy discharge type of blast resulting from an energy build up between the two arms, whereas the NMC's gunship is more internalized. If the Vajra are any indicator, the energy build up is important for full potency and that tends to arc a lot...
  21. That appears to be one of the larger battle ships of the Galaxy fleet. We have yet to see what the Galaxy looks like. It's not a dome ship, so there is a possibility it "may" look like the Varuata base ship from 7, but so far it's a mystery. We do know that the Vajra breached the hull and were inside. In a state of war, the SMS are considered an arm of the military and fall under its jurisdiction. Ultimately the President is in charge, but I'm sure there is a NUNS commander in charge of the SAR operation as a whole. That appears to be anti-ECA munitions since they discovered that the Vajra have superior ECA compared to them. Well most US Aircraft carriers carry some of their fighters on deck and since the Quarter is not much larger than a Nimitz class carrier, it would make sense that some of the fighters remain on deck.
  22. Actually the Attacker mode appears to have a classic cannon on the right arm. How powerful it is will have to be seen. IIRC the NMC's cannon is not as powerful as the SDF-1's. The way I understand it, the Fold "disclocation"(?) requires more energy to push through. No doubt the classic Zentreadi fold generators could do it, but it appears to be an unecessary power cost for human fold generators, not so much any sort of barrier. Likely these areas are gravity wells created by things like stars and black holes. Since the ship travels in Super Dimension space, it is possible that such objects would create a ripple affect or create additional density in that space... Just a theory mind you.
  23. Considering the NMC Macross 25 is about 1200m long the Quarter would be 300m long. Similar in length the the US Nimitz class CVN...
  24. I strongly suggest you watch all of DYRL and treat it like a condensed version of SDFM. Around here you don't get much street cred if you haven't even watched something you are being critical about. 15-30min is not considered watching something with the folks on this board. I noticed you watched Transformers, did you expect the movie to be as faithful to the tv show? DYRL was a film born out of fan demand. SDFM was much like Star Wars, a show that came out of nowhere, caught the imagination of the populace and exploded. The film story added some elements to the TV story and anacronized other parts of the Macross history. There was a civil war fought with the use of the Meltran and the Zentran, but that took place millenia before the events of SDFM, yet in the movie, the civil war was ongoing. I too was first exposed to Macross via RT, but soon thereafter I found a copy of DYRL and was hooked on Macross. The story, music and drama captivated me more than RT ever could. Also keep in mind that for some around here knocking DYRL is like kicking over some people's altars and the same could be said about knocking certain "chapters" of the RT show for those fans. We are a tolerant sort, but the thing that is probably irking a few around here is that fact that you haven't even watched the whole movie, therefore your opinions are somewhat incomplete. If you choose not to watch Mac Frontier, that is certainly your perogative, that won't stop the rest of us and many more from enjoying the show. However, be advised that in order to have your opinions considered valid enough not to be dismissed by this forum, you will need to have at least watched what you are commenting on. Welcome to the forums...
  25. I suspect that either one side or both (possibly three if you want to include the SMS) were courting the Vajra and at some point the VF-27 was made available to them. How such a scenario could play out would be very interesting, since the variables are so open. Though looking at the VF-27 cg model, I wonder if the nacelles on the wings are not necessarily engines, but in fact integrated fold boosters, allowing it to fold on it's own. We know the fold boosters have shrunk, since the VF-171s were carring one under each wing. Oh well we'll find out soon enough...
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