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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. The best way I can see the PC effectively patrolling their galaxy is to segment it into 2000 "slivers" and allowing the various fleets to patrol their segments. I'd expect Bodolza didn't commit all of his ships on the assault on Earth and possibly kept a million in reserve at the galactic core. Now when one considers that the Earth is near the outer rim, it would have less of a chance of seeing another fleet attack, however the closer the colony fleets get to the core the chances of an encounter increases substantially since the core has the greatest density of stars and likely the greatest density of ships on patrol. The Mac 7 fleet found this and no doubt the Frontier and Galaxy fleets will have to deal with it as well the closer they get to the core. The same would be the case as fleets spread laterally into possible "segments" controlled by other fleets. If the Zentreadi fleet deployment is indeed like this one, the benefit humanity would have is that the Zentreadi could provide where he segment boundaries were to avoid unecessary contacts.
  2. I have always been peaceful. I see no need to flame you, I do feel the need to explain the differences between the shows and how people here feel about that. As I said, what I've seen is very very good and I hope it is a success. I also hope you consider turning it into a Macross game because there are not enough good ones out there... Regards...
  3. Are there Legioss, Tread, Garfish or Horizont in the game? If so then it is indeed a Robotech game and not a Macross game. As I have said, I'd play both separately, just not together. The VF-0, 4, 11, 17, 19, 21, 22, 171, 25 or the VF-27 have never been or ever will be in a Robotech show, they are all Macross. As for the amazing Jay-lew Macross render, had he put a Legioss render next to the SDF-1 Macross, you would see many posts by me and others regarding the RT references in the 3D scene... However, Jay-lew is aware of where he posts and respects the opinions of the fans here... Not that you can't post here, just be aware that RT is not well liked here. Macross variable fighters are called variable fighters or commonly known as Valkyries (eventhough on the VF-1 was called the "Valkyrie"). Keep in mind a "Macross" based game has a far richer universe to work from in terms of game creation than RT ever did. If you want an idea of what you can toss into a Macross game check out March's site here: http://www.new-un-spacy.com/m3.html It is all Macross fighters and big ships from many series... A far richer source to use than the bland Robotech. But hey, if you insist on including RT, I wish you luck... I suspect only a chosen few from here would be interested... It may sound mean, but it is the truth... Good luck
  4. The enemy are known as the Vajra and by their markings it is speculated they have ties to some sort of PC remnant, but we still don't know for sure. The VF-19 & 22 have not been mentioned in the series, but Kawamori has elected not to use them as the main front line fighter in this series as he said he didn't want to relegate "hero" fighters to CF status. The VF-171 is a derivative of the VF-17 and is the CF fighter for this series. It was apparently adopted as the mainline fighter a year previously. The VF-25 is the latest generation of VF that is still in evaluation and combat testing by a civilian Paramilitary group known as the SMS who were contracted to test the fighters. The newest kid on the block is the VF-27 an apparent new fighter in use by the Macross Galaxy fleet which is charting a somewhat parallel course to the galactic core to the Macross Frontier fleet. UNSpacy is now the New UN Spacy and no reasons for this change have been revealed yet. That is the down and dirty update. The rest of the details will have to be seen from the episodes that have been released so far.
  5. Not necessarily. They were responsible for a bulk load of anime shows, but the major groups releasing Macross F are still out there. They may be a bit more careful now and thus not quite so quick to release for fear of drawing undue attention to themselves...
  6. Sweet! Thanks
  7. , no seriously.... How about "Han shoots first"... Then everyone's favorite, midichlorians (an all encompasing metaphisical power becomes microscopic bugs... ) A bit off topic, but that one really wasn't the best example of a canonical structured franchise. Yes and no. The VF-1 was the same size as an average Zentreadi without any mecha. The VF-19 actually began to address the size difference between a Zentreadi foot soldier and a Zentreadi mecha. The VF-1 was also a product of OTEC where it is common that as something becomes more advanced, the smaller it becomes. The original cell phone was the size of a kid's shoe and all it could do was make phone calls. Compare that to a Blackberry or an Iphone today....
  8. Maybe we should call her "Yoyo Klan", considering this is the second time in less than 10 eps she will have shrunk herself...
  9. I beg to differ. All the hammerheads Michel hit in the first 2 episodes either were destroyed immediately or sparked and sputtered a bit and then exploded. If you have visual proof of one being hit and not eventually blowing up I'd like to see it or give an episode number with a time stamp... The Lobsters were much more resilient and I believe that is in part due to the ECA as well as the possiblity that the Hammerheads are actually mecha akin to the type the Zentreadi used, but far more advanced. Every hit the Hammerheads took from the sniper rifle carried with it a distinctive "clang" or metallic sound, unlike the Lobsters, which we know to be an organic life form.
  10. Maybe. The PC republic stretched across the galaxy and they had an Army as large. What was it in Bodolza's fleet 5 million ships? That is only a fraction of the ships needed to police a galactic republic..
  11. I hear ya brother... I'd love to see a franchise game based on the Homeworld engine. A few mods have started, but too often they fizzle out...
  12. The Combined Community Codec Pack has all the necessary codecs to run a MKV file without any issues and is updated regularly. http://www.cccp-project.net/
  13. Yeah a Frontier game on the PS3 would certainly rock! HD graphics, 50GBs worth of space for developers to play with... The Gundam game was definite eye candy...
  14. It may be on the Vista install disc.
  15. Dude, do you have one without the Frontier logo? Same resolution, just the background image...
  16. Um, EXACTLY WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE POSTING? This "stupid idea" is shared by most on this board and those are much less polite than I. It is most likely many senior members saw the "Robotech" part of your title and dismissed this thread as just another RT fanboy posting to be ignored. Considering the quality of the work, you are not doing your project any favors... I respect what you are trying to accomplish and any fan made mod (I've participated in several for other games) is worthy of a look, however you need to respect the opinions of the majority of members who post here and take that into consideration when responding. Dismissing them will not help your cause. I would have no problem downloading a Macross mod or an RT mod as separate entities (same game, same maps, different mecha). As a combined project, it only furthers HG's false claims of ownership with respect to Macross and confuses casual anime fans that the two shows are interchangeable, which is not the case and does irritate long time Macross fans. This is something that is a reality here and should be taken into consideration when looking for support from the Macross fanbase who post here.
  17. This might help then: 0110000100010000111101010001011 Better?
  18. Very Sexah! I can't speak for others buy I use them all! I just need a second monitor so I can double team 'em...
  19. Marchingsprinkler Crullers for this cat...
  20. Install the language packs for your OS, that tends to fix many a problem...
  21. LOL, we've caught up to the typical Japanese demographic....
  22. In the April Newtype Japan the top animes of the decade were: 60's Astroboy 70's Gundam 80's Macross 90's Evangelion The principal reason Macross tends to rank fairly low in Western polls is that a new series doesn't come out every year (Gundam) and most of the newer productions are being blocked by HG's recent ownership of the "Macross" trademark name... However, with Bluray's region coding, the foodgates can start to flow again (assuming BW sees the big picture and adds English subs to their BD releases...
  23. Thus far Brera is rather unknown. We know he preceeded Alto into the Vajra mothership because he was spotted by Michel who didn't know who he was. Then succeeded in taking down several hammerheads inside before becoming tangled in the ship's tentacles. He seemed unconscious like Luca until he heard the singing and then acted. It is hard to tell if he shot the RVF-25's gun on purpose or in an attempt to help Alto get out of the tentacles. Either way he made no attempt to identify himself to the Frontier SMS squad and his motives are certainly not clear at the moment. That doesn't discount a three way battle, or at least groups with multiple hidden agendas that will undermine the others during the course of the show.
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