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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. With no direct stats, it's all conjecture, including my comments regarding the power of the SDF-1.
  2. I can't remember now, but I recall reading it somewhere.... With respect to the M7 destorying several cap ships in one shot, that really doesn't say one way or another except that the Varuata were very poor at deploying their ships, keeping them in such close proximity to one another...
  3. I have the R2 movie edition as well...
  4. Millia Falomo Max Jenius -or- or Roy Fokker Henry J Global Just a few of my picks for the cast...
  5. OK, where do I access this "dub" on the R2 remaster? Pictures please if possible...
  6. Well early on in the show's development it was called the "Buster Cannon", in the series it was referred to as the "Macross Cannon", however I find that a misnomer, since the Mac7's cannon was not as powerful as the Macross cannon, yet still retained the name.
  7. I'm somehow suspecting it will be Sheryl's... I know, I know, chills run down my spine too...
  8. Am I the only one getting the Varuata main carrier vibe from the Dulfim (or Dauphin?)?? It's massive sitting next to the Island!
  9. I got the impression that they essentially redesigned the Cheyenne with the new gunpod weaponry. We are to led believe the new gunpods on the VF-25 are superior to anything that has come before.
  10. Homage to SDFM. The Buster Cannon on the original Macross did simiar damage to Zent capital ships, however we can't discount the possibility they reverse engineered the new cannon from info they gathered from the AFOS since it could do that too...
  11. I agree with Marchingfromthepoorhouse, $500 is far too much for one shot. If they have better payment options I'd gladly order from them...
  12. True. Yet we know that Sara piloted the AFOS and it had blood... However, we only know that the Lobsters aren't piloted but remotely controlled, we are still waiting on the Hammerheads...
  13. I am a fan of the AiA fansubs, the only issue I have with them is the editor has taken it upon himself to remove the sponsor's message at the beginning, which in itself is fine. However their cut is always too late and you get a squeak as the music for the message begins and then the next scene appears. I'd prefer he either leave the damn thing in or do a better cut. As I said I am a devoted fan of their sub work, but that is really getting annoying after 3 episodes...
  14. The sun is a holgraphic projection, just like the sky... I am so hoping the AiA editor gets the timing right on the cutaway from the sponsor's message. The last 3 eps you hear a squeak of the opening music to it just before the next scene. It is beginning to get annoying... Either leave it in or cut it better... A small complaint for an outstanding group, but still irritating...
  15. To do that they'd have to pay HG for the "trademarks" and guaranteed old Agrama would make the price mighty steep... If Bandai is planning on partnering with BigWest to challenge HG's trademark that's another matter. Also keep in mind that if they do go ahead and include an English sub track in the BD releases, then it's in Bandai's best interest to quash any content infringement as it will affect their merchandising here should such a plan become public knowledge that fans can buy the BD directly from Japan with English subs... HG can't stop it no matter how much they cry... I suspect that is one of the reasons why NA was included in the BD region code. So Anime distributors in Japan could bypass the US distributors on the initial release of any show. Thus they could conceivably get their shows out on home video a year earlier in the North American markets.
  16. You just want to mess with the formula...
  17. They are live action dramas of all genres. http://wiki.elearning.ubc.ca/KoreanDrama http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/new...0408240008.html Now how many teenagers have watched the same shows as their parents? Many. It has also affected Japanese pop culture in that both countries are exporting their music to each other. Quite the phenomenon... This is also the reason why I tend to belive anime will evolve into an Asian art form as opposed to strictly a Japanese one. Korea has produced several very good anime movies in recent years...
  18. You don't have a higher res picture of that SDF-? do you? I'd love one for my cartoon collection...
  19. The eternal optimist Otaku in your head... I have one too....
  20. Ahh, so the writers have done a great job of making Ranka a sympathetic character, well done! Now it's Sheryl's turn so that we as the audience will feel conflicted when the whole romantic triangle goes into full swing... Right now Ranka is the female Densha Otako, a pathetic character that we care about and want to root for. Either Sheryl will be the more successful rival or become the equally sympathetic love interest that Alto will have to eventually choose between. I am liking the character development, much deeper than Mac 7 ever was... Keep in mind as well that the latest rage in Japan are Korean dramas, so those will be influencing the market as well.
  21. If Bandai Visual includes an English subtitle track on their Bluray Discs, they won't have to. We'll be able to import them directly, since the BD format's region code has Japan and North America in the same region...
  22. That insignia on the shoulder doesn't look like SMS to me, shape seems wrong... The SMS color scheme is solid color with black, while this one is two toned color. I guess time will tell
  23. Considering we got a sense from the outset that Basara may be Sheryl's idol, it makes perfect sense that she'd want to be able to fly... It would be an interesting twist if she either was never able to fly a valk or was ineffective in a "sound force" environment...
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