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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. If a fold is indeed an artificial wormhole, then the animated effect is similar to the wormhole effect used in DS9. A ring of energy that one can pass through. Whether SD Space is that space between the entry and exit portal is debatable, but most plausible. It also makes me wonder if fold faults also limit the size of the entry portal, thus limiting the ability of larger ships to pass through due to a smaller aperture for them to enter SD Space. The PC were able to tap into SD Space as an energy source, thus fold drives and SD Cannons were born, not to mention the PD...
  2. Definitely fertile ground here, but more info is needed...
  3. Well that depends on how fast they were to begin with... As for Shaw, you have to get the extreme package for them to leave you alone. However there is a cap on total bandwidth usage and if you go over it regularly, you will be monitored...
  4. The particular evidence mentioned is from screencaps of individual frames.
  5. Well in Bab5, the hyperspace travel was essentially travelling at regular speed, but hyperspace was like taking a shortcut through the galaxy. Possibly Super Dimension travel is the same way, thus a stationary fold is point to point, while moving through SD space allows greater distances to be travelled. Just a thought.
  6. It's possible, albeit not very easy or cheap.
  7. What does the info about the Freedom disc say on amazon jp? If it's the same, then we simply won't know. It is possible (total speculation here) that any subs info is being kept quiet so as not to alert HG. Why? I have no idea, since it's an import from the rightful owners and not subject to any infringement of HG's ownership of the US trademark of the name. The whole trend toward simultaneous worldwide release is something even the hollywood studios are looking at to reduce piracy. With BD including NA with Japan (I see no coincidence there) the anime houses are able to sell directly to the consumer bypassing the licensing groups here. Not good news for ADV and those guys, but an evolution nonetheless... I suspect that ultimately the US distributors will be doing either dub work for Japanese studios or be relegated to releasing older series that haven't been done yet.
  8. I'd suspect that the core is where the PC originated from and that the faults are as random as gravity wells or black holes. If there is indeed more faults at the core then it would support the idea that they are created by black holes, singularities, and the like, since that is where the stars are at their densest.
  9. Zinjo

    Macross Revoltech

    Well from what I heard from a local retailer they are planning on doing some larger figures in the future, so I wouldn't dismiss the chances of a Q-Rau or Glaug, though a Monster is probably not likely.
  10. I suspect the Fault / Dislocations are akin to gravity wells or black holes. A force capable of affecting space/time thus affecting how Super Dimension space and regular space interact. Kind of like a sand bar in the water.
  11. If I recall it was mentioned as PC derived civilizations, not necessarily the PC themselves. If they were/are affected by the faults then one could conclude that they had energy to spare in order to "push through" the faults on a regular basis. These are the same people that created Glockenspiel (or whatever the damn name was) who appeared capable of creating a black hole or singularity as his weapon. If you are the race who authored the power system to begin with, and have had millenia to perfect it, it isn't impossible to think that you'd be able to overcome the fault issue much earlier than child races... Then you have the PC army, the Zentreadi who benefited from this knowledge, eventhough they probably had no idea how it worked. I am noticing that the further the Zents advance their own tech, the less advanced it becomes from what it originally was. The QRau Lambda having gatling cannons instead of beam cannons on the forearms...
  12. - Well Millia is Virginie Ledoyen an amazing french actress and hot btw. - Max is 3 french actors who look like they could pull off the role - Roy is Brad Pitt, mainly despite his pretty boy appearance could pull off the role very well. - Global is Javier Bardem, an italian actor (Global is Italian too) who is capable of pulling off the role as well. - I'd choose May'n for Minmay, simply because she has the looks and the voice to do the job. - For Claudia I'd choose between Tracie Thoms or Kerry Washington, both can bring the character some depth. - Kamjin could definitely be done by Clive Owen - Vritai would be a tough call, since you need someone with presence, but quiet dignity - LapLamis could be Dina Mayer, an amazing under appreciated actress. - Hikaru would have to be a talented unkown with a cast like this.
  13. Wow, I had no idea! Then again they've done it before. I have a copy of the Limited Edition Robot Carnival R2 with the Streamline Pictures Dub track on it...
  14. That's true, just ask him....
  15. Or it could be that they had another mission in mind, possibly to deliver the VF-27s and Brera to the Frontier fleet... The fact that the battle shown appears to have taken place away from the main fleet, opens the questions whether they were a decoy or indeed bugged out to save the ship and crew... Only one Vajra cap ship appeared during the battle and with it's destruction the fight was over. Many open questions that have yet to be answered.
  16. If I find out who, I'll gladly send the skull logo in my avatar for animation...
  17. Oh dude, you know I will... I love the SMS insignia you did and used it a few times already...
  18. Zinjo

    Need help

    SMS logo needs some text, like "Property of the Strategic Military Services" BTW, is that my avatar? The skull part not the SMS insignia... The skull looks like it has shadow and that was added by me when I created my Avatar, it doesn't have any shadow normally... Either way I like 'em...
  19. There is an obvious reason many are missing. The NMC's gunship carries it's reactor "onboard". If we are to assume the gunship is as powerful as the original PC based super dimension cannon, then it's plausible that it take an hour to recharge since it isn't part of the power grid of the NMC as was the case with the SDF-1. The allowance of a transforming cap ship (for the coolness factor... ) was given a limitation with respect to recharge rates of the gunship. Yes there are greater tactical options with having a gunship able to fire from a different point in space than the carrier, but a long recharge rate affects those tactical options as well. Miyataki did indeed have designs of the Battle 7 with a mounted cannon, but that is not what was chosen for the final design. I have no issues with Kawamori's idea of transforming capital ships, my only issues is that they DON'T have to transform into a gun toting cowboy in space...
  20. Any chance of a higher res scan?
  21. Definitely better! Does that include the binder or is that extra and if so, how much?
  22. There'll be lineart, unless Kawamori san suddenly learned how to use CAD...
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