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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Nah. M7 introduced tangible properties to singing a song (aka song energy) that were never explained outside of the enigmatic term of "Anima Spiritia" and were far too difficult for a reasonable person to take, yet the audience was supposed to swallow it. Some drank the coolaid, but apparently many didn't according to SK's later assertions about M7 and the Macross fanbase. I would wager a Macross researcher can fully explain the concepts introduced in this series in a very technical manner. Granted, like with all SF you will have fudging, but I am doubtful it will be sufficient to dismiss as "magic". Gundam has it's Minofsky particle and Newtypes, Nadesico has their Tulips, Star Trek has warp drive and I could go on. All SF series have their "speculative bridges" to take us beyond what we know now. Macross is no different, only they are currently focusing on music as that is their niche and their current marketing excuse to sell a mecha show on Japanese TV. Once upon a time, fire was considered magic until we understood how to make it.
  2. I always wondered if the warp bubble was more of a defensive barrier used for PC capital ship retreats. A barrier forms and the ship folds a short distance to escape. It would nicely explain that the SDF-1 always had an omni-barrier but mankind had not found out how to initiate it and triggered it when they performed their emergency fold. The loss of the fold drives severely compromised the the barrier and it became a pin point barrier as a result. It took a few decades before they re-discovered the tech (my personal theory, not official).
  3. Well I don't, as I am not one of those who so highly regards AS as depicted in M7, but that's me not accepting a poorly excecuted series. At least Delta is making an attempt at explaining that song and emotion have an affect on fold waves to those with the ability. Getting away from the incredibility of tangible, tactile abilities of song introduced in M7 is a welcome change.
  4. It isn't only about performance of the aircraft. It is about tactics in air combat. in M0 when Roy transformed into battroid to capture his gun pod, what happened? Ivanov spammed him with missiles. In the time it would take Roy to transform back, Ivanov could have come back around and spammed him with gunpod rounds. The only mode worth using in an atmosphere is GERWALK which gives you a quick direction change, though it will retard your momentum to a point. The SV-262 has the advantage in that respect, with the mini-drakkens giving the Windermerian pilots the ability to change direction without the delay of a transformation sequence as Keith demonstrated. The Mini-D's act like the outboard engines of VF-25 Tornado Pack, except they are also detachable ghosts. Battroid mode would be most effective in the air when the fighter is being swarmed as Max demonstrated in SDFM. This allows the pilot to use his gunpod and head guns to defend against incoming ordinance and aircraft, but even that is a short term tactic. The longer he stays in one place the more vulnerable he becomes. Air combat has to take into account wind resistance, gravity, the speed of your opponent and his relative attack position to yours. In Space all the pilot really needs to be concerned about is inertia and his opponent, so all modes are effective in that environment.
  5. It would be to get the special box that only holds 3 bd's (disappointing when they want an extra 2300 yen for it) and some special artwork cards (not the bonus one). MF had two boxes that would hold the entire 9 volume set when finished ( i missed the second box, which was the one I really wanted afterall ) The special MF movie box had enough room for the second MF movie, so when it cam out you could have the theatrical set in one box (very cool!)
  6. Seems like SK actually studied air to air combat and decided to be more realistic than stylistic. There are plenty of resources on the interweb if you too are interested in aerial combat principles. The space combat uses all modes because there is little disadvantage to change modes in space, it actually is MORE advantageous in space, tactically speaking. As for the other series, I believe outside of Zero, this one has the most atmospheric battles yet.
  7. As stated by other members before, animation quality during the broadcast is not a critical issue and can be forgiven because they always fix it for the home video release. Time is always against them during a broadcast season so they do what they can with the time allotted. Important scenes get more attention, while others less so. The idea of using Battroid or GERWALK modes in a full on aerial dog fight is simply silly. Momentum and speed are essential to succeed in an atmospheric dog fight. Space is a completely different matter and it shows, as we saw a lot more use of different modes in space combat scenes compared to planetary combat. The story telling side does need some refinement since SK is using a format he has never tried before, but over all I am fine with it. There were a few jolts to the system when episode moods abruptly changed from the previous without any warning whatsoever. I expect if he uses this method again, things will be smoother.
  8. True, which is why I never bought that argument. I like to believe the "modular" design of the SDF-1 was due to the fact that the Supervison Army Gunship, it was derived from, was always able to transform. A likely Protoculture design dating back to the Protodevlin War where cap ships would engage PD's the size of Glavil and Valgo along with SA Birdmen and their PC pilots. Since all SA cap ships were commandeered into PD service, similar to what is happening on Delta, the ship started out as a PC Republic battleship. Subsequent Macross ships retained this ability and became more modular as it provided certain advantages. The NMCV carriers and successive Macross warships were totally modular, so that their main components could act as independent capital ships apart from the integrated whole. In Storm Attacker (battroid) mode, the Macross ships could act as planetary sentries and mobile bases. The disintegration of the Macross Quantum Cannon from the body of the ship is the most notable difference in humanity's re-design. Though in my opinion I cannot see how a gunship can have the same power as an integrated cannon that takes full advantage of a ship's main reactor. The Gunship's principle advantages are that it does offer a more precise firing angle when a Macross is in Attacker mode and can fire the cannon apart from the main body becoming a tactical asset in fleet engagements. Granted, all this is my own personal extrapolation and not official.
  9. Maybe, or perhaps, if they are Federally funded garrisons, they are "on the list" for upgrades but simply haven't seen delivery of their new equipment. The Feds are going to equip their own task force fleets first, followed by the larger colonies in the more populated regions, and then work their way backward to the smaller colonies and more remote regions. It could be likely that by the time the Brisingr Cluster received their shipments of new VF-24's, the core worlds would be already beginning to upgrade to VF-30's. Actually from a production perspective, that would be a good way to distinguish between a Federal valk and a colony valk. The Feds would be flying even number designated birds and the derivative craft would have an odd numbered designation in this NUN era. Hmmmm, just a bit of personal musings on my part.
  10. That is not really different in our world. To have a world wide trademark you have to register in every country or have treaties between countries that honor said trademarks and copyrights.
  11. I knew I had the name wrong. I was too tired to do a search at the time...
  12. That we know of, but anything is possible with Macross. To add to my earlier point, I am expecting Mirage to join Walkurie at some point. The foreshadowing regarding Hayate "finding" his bliss with flying before knowing his father was a pilot and the implication that Mirage didn't have that option herself was apparent to me. I would bet that this is the beginning of the set up for Mirage to find she loves singing more than flying and that Lady M is indeed Mylene who will encourage that in her at some point. Perhaps the impetus to have Mirage join Walkurie is for Freyja to sacrifice herself or be captured. However, that would reduce Delta to even less of a contingent so replacement pilots will be needed soon or have Mirage sing from her cockpit. The scene among the Knights highlighted to me a growing crack in their resolve to "take over the galaxy". The region is one thing, but the whole galaxy is quite another for a race who only live to about 30 years. Who would want to spend their entire lives fighting wars of conquest?
  13. Yep and pretty well done. It is rather conventional, but hey this is probably one of the first shows to have that since SDFM. M Plus was all antagonism until it became clear Dyson and Migumo really cared for each other. M7 was left completely unresolved, MF series was left unconsumated (emotionally). Though I expect that Hayate will discovers he has feelings for both just in time for Freyja to sacrifice herself for her world (I agree we may have the first idol death here). I am beginning to suspect Mikumo is actually an orphaned Windermeran, perhaps from the war of independence. I think her memories of singing in the great hall are a childhood memory and she is a Wind Singer like Heinz. She has no memories of this, just like Ranka, she blocked out the traumatic event. Turning her into a PC is akin to arguing the Macross magically transported to Galia 4 in MF, a bit of a reach when the obvious is so much more believable. SK is getting very good at this new format, but he really needs to refine it more. Not enough foreshadowing for successive episodes leaves the audience too often jarred when the mood is changed. I am liking it. OK Junna's English is as good as Megumi Nakagima's. If she has aspirations of making a career in the West she will need that skill. She has either studied very hard and/or converses with English gaijin on a regular basis and it shows.
  14. Um, DAMN! Excellent work dude! How about some hi res shots on the aircraft inside and out without the back grounds? DAMN!
  15. Having studied Greek in another life, the language is very, very specific and equally complex... So the nuances are indeed not served with the "short version" The context and specific word choices associated with the terms matter a lot. Things like, if the words are definite or indefinite, if they are masculine, feminine or neuter, the type of verb used, etc, etc.. all affects how the subject terms are fully understood. In the most broad sense one could understand them in the way Calubin_175 describes, but Sketchley's assertion is certainly correct.
  16. Well let's face it, she was a memorable character and May'n singing for her only punctuated the deal...
  17. Agreed. Any real concerns would come from food supplies after a hasty departure from Ragna.
  18. Well that's the whole principle, "If you love something set it free". So in the similar vein as Misa setting Hikaru free to pursue Minmay; Mirage is doing the same for Hayate and Freyja. I suspect we are seeing a revisit of the SDFM love triangle, but time will tell.
  19. I think the Windermeran race is a perfect creation for a Macross anime. The target demographic for new series' is adolescents thru to young adults. So having a Windermere in any series provides a character with the same age as one of your target demographics and takes away a lot of the criticism anime gets in the West where teenagers are using equipment designed for trained adults. Windies at 15 are middle aged!
  20. That would make for some "interesting art!" perhaps NSFW art...
  21. I am not sure if this has been mentioned but "Kairos" is a related term to Chronos. Each being a Greek term to express "Time". Chronos = Sequential or continuous time Kairos = A period in time, like a season Nice way to tie the VF-31A to the YF-30...
  22. My theory is the VF-22 was the White Knight's SV flown by Keith with either a holo emitter to disguise it or the footage was edited to create a "Cassus Belli" on the planet aka false attack on the world of Windermere to rally the people behind a cause. A similar method used by the Nazi's in the Gleiwitz Incident to justify the invasion of Poland in 1939. The subsequent DE explosion crashed Keith's plane in the process, hence the shot of Keith and Roid huddled next to a downed aircraft.
  23. That was the point I was going to make. Though the flagship of Varauta appears to be a unique instance among colonies. So far as we've yet to see anything like this with the older colonies of the Brisingr Cluster. Perhaps it was a joint defence pact between the worlds that saw no need to build a "big stick" ship like the Varauta Flag Ship. It also gives credence to the idea that when a fleet colonizes a world it's Macross Warship is redeployed to other duties once the colony is determined to be self sufficient. The Macross 4 Global appears as though it was re-purposed to the Galia 4 mission, I would expect it was, at one point, assigned to an emigration fleet.
  24. The episode also established that in the beginning the NUNS fleet was ineffectual due to the Wind Song, even with the Walkurie singing, it was not until Freyja began singing for Hayate did Heinz get overcome by the group. The Macross was not as effective against the SV until the Fold Fault barrier was disabled and even then all she was able to do was damage the bridge ultimately. Granted, this argument also proves how futile Johnson's hail mary attack on the SV would have been prior, but the alternative was a razed earth battle on Ragna. Not a great set of options for any commander tasked with protecting a civilian world. Take the fight to the enemy or be responsible for thousands of deaths on a planet that will be overcome by a superior force. The third alternative is to abandon Ragna (like Nato did with Ruwanda) to Windermere and lose the war, which is where we ultimately have come to anyway. No amount of tactics would prevent this as none of the forces available outside of the Elysion were immune to the wind song mind control affect. So the only ones able to remain effective against the SV and the wind song were vastly outnumbered. The song amplifier is turning out to be a formidable weapon and the only time Walkurie was able to fully counter it was when Mikuno and Freyja were at that shrine at the time of the attack on cat world and when Freyja pulled a Basara during the battle. Unfortunately you are poor at debate... The sarcasm demonstrated that.
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