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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Marchalongcassidy, there is a couple little reveals in this episode in that Ranka, in a terror induced flashback, reveals she has a brother who was mortally wounded at some point. When she comes to after the attack, her amnesia about her past returns. We are also given an insight into the possibility that Brera suffers from a similar affliction...
  2. Mac 7 spends a lot of time in the first half setting up the characters and playing music. The historical meat really starts to show up half way through, particularly when they come across the PC ruins. The final battle will seem quite fantastic and it will stretch your disbelief to it's limits. I personally hated M7 after I first saw it, but over time grew to appreciate the music outside of the series and the more meaty parts later on. IMHO, you could boil down M7 into 26 episodes and it would really not loose much in terms of story, mostly music. It struck me as a vehicle for Victor and Bandai to slog their merchandise in the first half and became the story Kawamori intended it to be by the second.
  3. True and VTOL aircraft are relatively simpler compared to let's say a variable fighter.... Keep in mind as well that an Osprey is not the only conception of a utility VTOL aircraft, it is only the first one actually built. There have been dozens of various designs over the years. I know, I've seen them all.
  4. This is the Region 2 release. I have not heard of any R1 english sub version coming out... You can thank HG and Tatsunoko for that...
  5. Shinsen releases in both MKV and AVI formats, just different resolutions.
  6. We are stubborn and too often self righteous beings who tend to NOT learn from our own history, nevermind an alien one...
  7. That is the remastered DYRL DVD set. There is a disc with the remastered movie on it and the rest are like bonus discs with extra content. One of the books is filled with various lineart from the movie books and I don't recall what the other one is (possibly a script book, but I'll have to check when I get home.)
  8. I'd be willing to wager Kawamori himself would love it too...
  9. THAT is brilliant and funny as hell!! Nice work
  10. The other way round. We have been told that the Lobsters are essentially mindless bioweapons. The control I speak of is similar to Luca and the Ghosts. I am doubtful a Lobster can act independently for an extended amount of time (depending how detailed any existing program parameters are). I will concede that it is possible for them to act without direction IF they have pre-programmed mission permeters, but in a large fluid combat situation or for an extended period of time, I am highly doubtful that is possible.
  11. It's the same crystal, but I'd be surprised if it was from the ear ring...
  12. That is assuming they require line of sight to be able to control them. We simply don't know what range is required to control them. This isn't discounting that they could have artificial programming for limited missions, however we can't be sure of it. When the lobster had it's head shot off by Micheal the hammerheads and the lobster bugged out pretty quickly. Why? We don't know yet, possibly the primary transmitter is located in the head. That is possible, but not confirmable at the moment. If you ignore the Zolan... Was it really human culture or just culture itself? The PC had culture, however the Zentreadi were deprived of it since they were "tools" and I suspect the PC knew that any sort of culture would make them less maliable for their purposes.
  13. If you mean 1280x720 then you will have to wait, since Lunar and Shinsen both release in those resolutions, but they just aren't speed subbers. There is no way to burn the higher res files to DVD as hires files. The DVD format doesn't support it, max res is 720x480 (relatively), however with a hires source file, you will get a better picture quality than if your source was at a lower resolution, as it would be compressed into the max screen res of DVDs. However you have to watch for overscan which cuts off the ends of the actual picture. Certain authoring programs allow you to adjust that, others like Nero Vision do not....
  14. Makes sense to me. Nuclear electric motors to turn the rotors would give them unlimited flight time and the Seahawk was a reproduction of the original. Hard to say what rotory craft it was initially based on. Is it necessary or efficient anymore? Probably not since they could get the same results from a wing mounted turbofan aircraft or many other variations on VTOL aircraft using nuclear powered electric motors.
  15. Quality takes time. Sinshen is only up to Episode 7!!!
  16. In terms of a squad based system. They could just as easily have their fighters (Hammerheads) and mobile artillery (Lobsters), similar to the set up the SMS uses. That's a testament to the Lobster's superiority as a fighting unit. It has both long range and close combat capabilities. The Koenig isn't far behind, but not nearly as versatile. That is not supported by what has been revealed. The unit requires external input to function. When in the lab it was cut off from it's control source and essentially shut down, but when it was activated inadvertently by Ranka and Sheryl it began to react, possibly by some very basic, almost instinctual programming, like "Escape and return to base". We have no idea how far away they can be controlled, so it would be difficult to prove the idea that they act independently.
  17. More like a homage to Zero. Hey Brera and Nora had the same autobody painter!
  18. I was thnking of added "wrecker" to the end of that for Nora's fighter...
  19. Exactly! Even the Skull Squad has the VB-6 Koenig, "big gun". How is it so incredible that Vajra would have the same?
  20. Yeah, it is the most likely place. Give 'em all government jobs and then keep an eye on them, so they don't blab.
  21. Well considering in Mac 7 Hikaru had a hair fart and glasses,a red VF-19 and cardboard FAST Packs and Minmay had pink hair, you probably already know how Frontierwood changed Zero...
  22. If that is true, then it does explain why there are so many Japanese women who tend to live abroad in the mid twenties. In the West 24 is pretty young... However, I'm with Togo ( ) on the whole intrigue aspect of the show. The reformation of UNSpacy and the UNG is a result of previous political events or possibly a civil conflict. The story thus far and particularly the absence of the Galaxy fleet and the independently designed and built VF-27 leads me to believe that this may be the continuation of or initial birth of a cold war in the Macross universe, between the UNG allied worlds and the colonies. It may tie into VF-X2 with the political side of the story being that the encounter with the PD by the Megaroad 13, Mac5 & 7 fleets and then the discovery of the Vajra had colonial members of the security council feel that better defensive measures were needed to combat such threats. That could only come through cybernetics allowing personelle a more symbiotic interface with their equipment. A crude version of what the PC had achieved without implants in their bio-mecha like the AFOS. Other members felt that this was not an option and banned such practices on their worlds, thus causing a serious rift in ideologies. Ultimately this rift lead to the uprising of the Vindirance group (whether this group was actually an independant group or secretly supported ala AUN army [like Mac Zero] is another question). Since the Vajra have been known about for 19 years already and first major attack by them was 11 years prior, something had changed in their regard to humanity. They were possibly provoked into attack by activities of the Research fleet or maybe by the activities of another fleet nearby. It appears the purple crystals are at the heart of things. These crystals clearly have special properties and may in fact be the way the Vajra are controlled. I believe the Hammerhead Vajra are not remote controlled bio weapons like the Lobsters, but are in fact piloted bio-mecha that control the lobsters. It is possible that the crystals are in short supply, or the Vajra simply want to control all the known supply for their own purposes. As for Sheryl, Ranka and Brera, I tend to believe they are related. They are either siblings or at most cousins. Direct descendants of Mao Nome, thus most likely her grandchildren. With Episode 10 finally revealing that Shin and Sara folded into space, I am still not sure if they will return in this series, but I do get the impression that their story is not yet finished.
  23. These are SWEET! Thanks Now I just have to figure out how to upload it to my phone!
  24. Cyborg by its very nature means a person with mechanical parts. He definitely has a lot of implants, as does Grace. Um, you are aware that siblings don't always share the same bloodtype right? I'm expecting Grace to be a dark hearted spy underneath that sweet demeanor...Whether she was the one in the cafe with Leon has yet to be revealed.
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