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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. LOL, yeah I sometimes catch myself thinking the same thing...
  2. Not a huge issue for a fighter designed for space flight...
  3. I hope someone is adding these liner notes to the compendium... A lot of peripheral information about the universe in the 2059 era there...
  4. True, however together the fighter would stop very quickly. Many of the newer attack fighters and/or superiority fighters are being developed with them, particularly for smaller European countries which would utilize roads as makeshift runways in the event of a conflict. Since the VF already uses them in spaceflight, it would make sense they'd use both systems for carrier landings.
  5. Sigh* Now I'll have to watch the episode again to see if she ACTUALLY IS in the audience. I wouldn't put it past Kawamori...
  6. As much as one person has the right to speak sh*t, another person has just as much right to call them on it regardless of the context of the thread in question. However, gentlemen if you would please continue this discussion via PM, that would be mighty cool of you... Thanks
  7. Apparently it's very good, but takes forever to download. It has also been mentioned in the "News" thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...811&st=1200
  8. I have to agree with Stalker here, It would be nice to get it from a closer source with a better bandwidth.
  9. Thanks Clyde, nice to have a native speaker correcting us, when we go sideways... Though from what we can see, it looks almost identical to the original...
  10. Sooo, what's your point??? Clearly I missed that post or forgot about what?
  11. Doing some surfing, I discovered that by it's capablilities, the VF-27 is more of a "Strike Fighter" than any other. Which lends itself to a more specialized role compared to the VF-25 and does support its basis on the VF-22 since that too was a strike fighter.
  12. It's interesting that the Tomahawk II looks so very much like a resurrected Cheyenne...
  13. That's possible, however she can leave her "wind" at home.... To be honest, if any FB characters came back, Mylene would be the least offensive for me to see in Frontier...
  14. What, like she'll actually use the flight instruments and control sticks??!!!
  15. OK, keep in Mind Hikaru is Japanese! And this isn't the RT casting call... Hikaru - Elijah Wood Young asian actor! Roy - Russell Crowe (Good call, Viggo would also be another great choice if Pitt wasn't interested) Misa - Cameron Diaz (Asian actress - Grace Park maybe) Global - Ian McKellan Global is Italian therefore an Italian or Spanish actor would work best here.(EJO doesn't do SciFi and only did BSG because it's a drama first - I stick with my choice here) Max - Collin Farrell - A young Euro actor Kakizaki - Jack Black or Sean Anstin Only if you were doing RT (again an asian actor is needed) Claudia - Malinda or Vanessa Williams (VW is too old, the list of outstanding black actresses is too long) Minmei - Ziyi Zhang May'n (some voice and acting lessions and there ya go) Ziyi doesn't have the singing voice to carry off the role - well unless it's robowreck, and there my sick cat could sing the songs then... Now if they had Mari Ijima do the voice over singing, then she and Ziyi would be a killer combo... Breetai - CG (voice-Ving Rhames or Vin Diesel?) Excellent choices, but what about James Earl Jones? All good coices - Agreed if they go CG Exedore - Flavor Flav - Only if the film is targetting Gangsta crackheads... Millia - Kate Winslet Right on the money with this one! (too beefy for the role of Millia) I again would prefer a European actress who could bring her accent to the role emphasizing the differences in language. Meltrandi Queen - Meryl Streep (huh?)
  16. The VF-27 seems optimized for space as opposed to atmosphere. I agree the thurst vectoring will help a lot and no doubt the forward canards are there to give it greater stability in atmospheric flight due to the lack of rear control surfaces (though how much is debatable).
  17. Woops, typo.... Maybe, but unless he is preparing for a production he hasn't yet gone back and "filled" in the gaps with designs. Keep in mind that Macross is a Japanese production and Kawamori tends to look internationally for his design inspiration, not only the US... Though he is moving away from that these days..
  18. Boy chasing of course...
  19. I love how "Triangular" is now the theme song to a SDFM TV series, forshadowing for real life? Makes one wonder.... first time that idea has ever been floated about in the Macross universe....
  20. In the Macross universe that is becoming the norm. Aside from the early days of VF development, there is no mention of the VF-8,9,10,12,13,17,18 or 23 loosely implying they may have been prototypes that became other variable fighters. Of course this is not carved in stone since Kawamori would never do that to himself...
  21. Sweet! I love that poster, came damn close to getting one from Yahoo Japan too! Thanks for the scans dude, can't wait to see the scans of the separated pages...
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