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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I suspect it's always been there, but with digital transfers it is much easier to bring it out. I strongly suspect that they re-mastered directly from the film prints, not some broadcast VTR tape. Then did color and audio corrections and various other improvements. Wow, impressive, even if it is Mac 7!
  2. I've sent a message to AmazonJp to find out, but you may be right, considering all the various limited edition merch that is specific to one supplier, the Revoltech VF-1J Max and Millia are perfect examples... However the regular edition appears to have the the access codes to all about VFs.
  3. Could someone verify if this is the same one Amazon Japan is offering? Thanks
  4. Boooo! Now I have to order that one too... I love the Zentreadi text, nice touch!!
  5. Considering we DON'T know what kind of motors are used in the cars that's a HUGE assumption. It is entirely possible that they use a micro reactor to power an electric motor with turbine blades for cooling. This is SciFi bud, anything is possible. Hell Lucas had the Naboo large transport sound like a transport truck's engine brakes in SW Ep2 for God sakes! Until some definitive technical info is given on the cars, it's fine as it is. BTW, you might want to loose the "j*ps" term as it isn't any sort of term of endearment regarding the Japanese. Racial slurs are not tolerated on these boards and you might find yourself on the business end of a moderator smack down... Again, attacking other posters for a difference of opinion is not helping your rep around here. Until something is actually revealed in a story it is considered speculation. I may agree that Agent G is indeed Grace, however I respect the opinions of those who don't share my belief. Try it, it keeps people from ignoring your posts as some sort of forum troll's keyboard diarrhea... You are entitled to your opinion, however I disagree...
  6. Clearly you were out of the LOOP...
  7. Not really. If things were still the same as SDFM then the Island should have been sucked into the gateway as opposed to being cut away from the sea bed as we saw. However it has been argued that there may be point to point folds and moving folds. It strikes me as odd that we really havent seen folds effects like this before if this were always the case.
  8. Well considering SK seems to be going the way of B5 with a Fold Booster being required to open a fold gateway, theoretically only one fighter needs one to get a squad into SD Space. You will notice that the GSL and the VF-25 created separate gateways, unlike in past shows where the booster seemed to dissolve the ship into SD Space.
  9. LOL, with your hair fart combed up from the back of your head... I think I'll go Tuesday nights as it's like a 5:00 minimum donation as opposed to $20.00 to be irritated by mis-information...
  10. Yeah, I heard that too. The errors are what get me... If one is going to put on a show then one should get their facts straight otherwise look like an ignorant fool...
  11. And that matters how? The Geeks shall inherit the Earth, or should I say already own half of it... The beer swilling factory workers can have the sports events and act like total miscreants. The cops are always there to catch them when they fall... That's because you can watch Gundam EVERYWHERE!!!
  12. Wow!! I didn't realize just how much of those "Air Cavalry Chronicle" designs made it into Mac 7 and the Games!! both the A-9B and the III-C Baron Rouge both were re-worked in to the VA-3 and VF-9 respectively. Many of the ZaiBach fighters were re-worked into the Varuata fighters in 7...
  13. Zinjo

    Macross Revoltech

    Wee picked up my YF-19, YF-21 and VF-1J Max last night! The YF-19 sculpt is very very nice... This could become habit forming!
  14. WOW!!! NICE WORK!
  15. At this point it's all plausible, since the crumbs are falling fairly slowly right now. I tend to agree it is some sort of container, who it belongs to hasn't been determined yet. For all we know they could be stealing the LAI parts for the VF-25 to repair the 27 in LAI's own container.
  16. Well, I guess we'll find out next episode if the FAST packs are viable for atmospheric flight...
  17. I gots to see that. No surprise they got the mechanical designer wrong, the curator of the exibit is some guy who did a documentary once. He isn't any sort of fan of pop culture. He's gotten many facts wrong according to a local comic shop owner...
  18. Didn't I just say that? I was mistaken and corrected myself shortly thereafter... I did miss the DVD part however...
  19. Actually it can and has done so on the Frontier Island 1. However it is limited to GERWALK mode for flight. With the lack of effective lift surfaces the armored fighter would essentially be a brick in the air.
  20. That's one of the most irritating resolutions I've ever seen! However, let's face it her choices were pretty weak as well...
  21. Another possibility is that the "spare parts" were aboard the GSL the whole time. Members of that crew could also be the technicians. And yet another possibility is that they cannibalized one of the CF VF-27s we saw folding with Brera at the end of ep 7... It may or may not be Leon's faction as we don't know how much information Grace gave about the VF-27 and if Leon even knows where the fighters are berthed... So many possiblities...
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