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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. That is a definite possibility. It would be interesting development if Luca discovered the hack and set up a firewall to Grace's intrusions...
  2. When considering traditional materials like glass and plastic, weight becomes a factor. High density glass is heavy and warps the perception of the pilot's view, similar to what would happen with a high impact plastic, though weight is not as much of an issue with plastic (although somewhat). A canopy of modern day thickness (1.25") made out of aluminum oxynitride would have at least 4 times the strength of glass and 1.5 times stronger than current polycarbonate plastics with far less flexibility issues, superior abrasion resistance with a melting temp nearly 10 times higher than that of polycarbonates. Couple that with a possibility that an ECA requires metallic surfaces to conduct it's current through.... To me that spells an ideal material for a trans atmospheric fighter craft. It isn't indestructable and would certainly be far more durable with the assistance of ECA, however just like a poly canopy, it can be shattered with sufficient force applied.
  3. One of the best examples of that franchise using real science in a production in the pre-Berman days.
  4. I'd speculate it would be a transparent aluminum (aka aluminum oxynitride - ALON) material giving the pilot maximum protection during flight and re-entry. It isn't indestructible, but certainly stronger and lighter weight than plastic or glass.
  5. Galaxy. NUNS was completely surprised to see it when it first arrived. This is a good question for the Newb thread...
  6. Thanks bud. I will still need a higher resolution one to play with in photoshop...
  7. I hate to break the news to ya son, but Robowreck has no relevance in the Macross World... However in the Macross Compendium Officially endorsed English resource of the Macross Universe, that bad boy has: 2 x Mauler PBG-11 liquid-cooled electrically-charged particle beam gun http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...br04/index.html Any resemblance of Robowreck to Macross is purely piracy on the part of Harmony Gold...
  8. Agreed. There is the engine access panel on the outside and the leg beam and knee hinge on the inside. No internal misslie bays. However with the second set of line art it shows the hip lasers quite clearly. They sit just above the air intakes under the (what becomes) the chest plate section. Together the line art makes a lot of sense, apart, not so much...
  9. I always thought those were cannons, not beam guns on the Tomahawk.
  10. It could be the mounting points for the FAST Packs or possibly pylons for additional missile ordinance... It also appears the that knee hinge and leg brackets are on the inside of the engine nacelle giving greater access to engine repair crews on the outside.
  11. I want a scan of that cover art...NICE!
  12. That's Macross pron if I ever saw it!
  13. Well unfortunately Miyatake wasn't available to design her, so we have to live with what we got...
  14. The Cheyenne looks like its a multipurpose destroid, combining all the elements of the original Cheyenne, with elements of the Tomahawk and the Defender on a single chassis. It would certainly reduce production costs and provide an "all in one" ground unit for NUNS. The only unit not represented in it is the Spartan which was mostly a close combat destroid and that role has essentially been taken over by the VFs anyway. The wheels remind me of the Destroid IIs from Mac II, which provided faster mobility to the units. However I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of a transformation for it, just yet. If there are wheels on the back of the calves or thighs, it could very well transform it's base into a rolling gun platform.
  15. Found it on the Animesuki forums and just had to have it! I luv SD Valks!
  16. The VF-1 could reach space, it's just that it would take a while as compared to blasting off with a booster. If time were not a factor, it could easily reach the outer atmosphere and beyond, it would just take a while, since it's fuel (air) is in abundant supply. In space it would have range limitations as it needs to carry its own propellant gas...
  17. Yeah what he said. However the term ensign to compare the two is my mistake, as per above the equivalent would be a CWO in the US service.
  18. It's a class between non-coms and coms. Like an ensign in the Navy. Probably once he proves himself he'll get a commission.
  19. They are asking about the book, not where to download it... Hence why the question is in the "newbie" thread... fifbeat: If you follow the link I provided it gives you an explanation of what's in the book and why it looks the way it does...
  20. Still looking for an explanation as to why they are no longer equipped with the arm mounted beam cannons?
  21. OK kids, the episode 11 discussion is spilling over into the newbie thread. Could we take the remainder of it back where it belongs? Thanks
  22. Makes sense. Hell, depending on the country the higher the rank, the more different they get and the same goes the closer to the bottom. The only real constants seem to be the lieutenant through major grades, then things tend to veer off from there depending on the nation of origin and in some cases depending on the branch. The most notable changes in the universe is that from Plus onward, only officers were fighter pilots as opposed to the non-coms that originally appeared in SDFM, such as Hikaru, Kakizaki and Max. Now I am not entirely sure if that has been continued in the SMS, but in the UNS it has been the case AFAIK.
  23. All the information you would want to know is in the book section of this site. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/dou_mat3extra.htm I like it, however without fluent Japanese under my belt, I don't get as much out of it as a Japanese fan would...
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