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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. "First Generation" is the first generation Macross Class of which there were initially 2. Macross and Megalord according to the Compendium. Then nothing is stated again as to how many or if anymore where built. This doesn't deny the existence of more, it also doesn't confirm it. We know there were 13 Megaroad Class colony ships, but that is not the same class of ship... Island 1 is a New Macross Class City ship, not the same as the New Macross Class Carrier berthed at it's front. I am of the opinion episode 13 will establish how many 1st Generation Macross Class SDFs there ultimately were....
  2. MisaForgotten, I am the misa in your avatar and you are the Hikaru...
  3. Umm, who brought this guy? He's here 5 min and plays at being moderator over a legitimate, flame free debate.... OK, this is assuming that SDFM is "still" the historical depiction of SW1. It has already been floated out there in the CD notes that a TV dramatization of those events has been produced. It has also been stated by Kawamori himself that the VFs in DYRL are the designs he prefers which is why they tend to show up over and over again in various media, since the movie came out in '84. As for the 1st Generation "Macross Class" ship, the Megalord (Megalord) was being built simultaneously on the moon as the Macross was being restored, from all the tech that was being discovered and used at the time. This is canon. The speculation is, that after the loss of the first Megaroad colony fleet, that more of these fortresses were built to accompany successive fleets as added protection. Logically this would account for the New Macross Carriers' existence 40 years later in Mac 7. If such carriers were not beneficial, then why deploy them at all? One could argue that SDF cap ships had accompanied all Megaroad fleets until the launch of the New Macross Class Colony ship in 2038, which integrated the New Macross Carrier into the City ship. That is over 20 years of Megaroad fleet launches before the New Macross ships were launched. Thus if the UNG felt the need to design and build the NMC, then why did it take them 20 years to figure out there was a need to begin with? Considering how many deliberate gaps there are in the chronology, I really don't see this idea as any sort of threat to the continuity at all. As a matter of fact, for me, it is more complimentary and it gives the chronology more believability, than not...
  4. Only if you ignore the canon existence of the Megalord.... (granted it was damaged and then refitted after SW-1, but the plans still existed for a warship based on the Macross). Keep in mind that just like every variable fighter is a "Valkyrie" type fighter, every transformable cap ship is a "Macross" type of ship in the universe... Both are iconic symbols of the post SW1 civilization.
  5. That is where I am at. It seems a bit odd that in Mac 7 there is a Macross carrier attached to the fleet but nothing like it previously. After the loss of the Megaroad it would be practical to continue building Megalord class ships to accompany the Megaroad colony ships as an extra form of protection. The Macross did have a sister ship called the SDF-2 Megalord on the moon. It was destroyed before the initial Zentreadi attack, but it did exist. I am of the opinion that the ship shown on the planet is a Megalord class ship, slightly larger than the Macross and the sillouettes of both ships would look identical from a distance. So by deduction if my theory is correct, the Megaroad 4 that discovered Eden would have had a Megalord 4 to accompany it's fleet. The ultimate evolution of the concept would be to attach it directly to the civilian ship for greater protection.
  6. Why should they? They own the rights to everything but the animated show. They can recycle any designs they like. They didn't hide the Macross in Plus or Mac II so a precedent has already been set. The only sticking point is the TM of the name and BW could dispute that anytime they want or simply rename the franchise in the West. Though with the various retcon changes they've made to this series to minimize any legal claims (though HG has almost none), the implication that the disputed SDFM series could be relegated to a "TV Drama", along with partnering with Bandai who has a strong presence in the Western market, Bandai Visual who now has a US subsidiary, and the anime favorable Bluray region coding gives me the impression that a possible run on the Western market could be planned.
  7. Well it depends on the fleet. Mac 7 fleet had separate task specific ships, whereas the Frontier appears to house those industries aboard the various island ships. Both have defensive fleets accompanying them.
  8. Now you're just being mean... *sniff
  9. Um, actually that is generally referred to as "Sonics" and it's well known in the scientific community. Has nothing to do with rainbow rays or bringing people back from near death...
  10. Pfft, always, they're Zentreadi...
  11. Then I'd have to pat him on the head and say, "Thank you for that George, now please sit down"...
  12. Seems like we WILL get an answer to the question "Why the NEW UN Spacy?" in ep 13... Perhaps the events of VF-X2 will become canonized in this series (makes one wonder if a re-release of the updated game is intended for the PS3?).
  13. I tend to think of NUNS much like the current UN, with an effective military arm. Each colony world and fleet are considered independant "nations" within the Federal umbrella of the UNG or NUNG. Each have their own civilian governments and laws (much like state vs Federal laws) with NUNS forces assigned to that government. All have agreed to certain common federal laws (the centralized authorization to use Reaction weaponry for one), but are free to run their societies as they feel is best. The ban on cyber implants on Frontier as opposed to their free use on Galaxy is a perfect example of autonomous lawmaking. In the beginning all were loyal to their home (Earth) and happily members of the alliance as a whole. Add 40+ years and a new generation has emerged who've only known their own world or fleet and attitudes begin to change toward the Earth based UNG and why it is being supported. Thus it opens up political and idealogical conflicts within the UNG alliance. It is possible that these conflicts are what caused the creation of the NUNS and why we see so few 2040's era fighters deployed. Could there have been a divisive conflict between the member worlds that consumed a large portion of the UNS equipment? A conflict that at it's resolution forced the reformation of Spacy (how the League of Nations became the United Nations after WW2)?
  14. Possibly the current reactors are a single unit that electrically drives the turbines in the engines or they are indeed part of the engine assembly and create a plasma thrust from the reactant gas in space flight.
  15. No, the "p" word you are searching for is Pragmatism. Speaker pods fired into the enemy hull is not what I listed. I listed the speakers built into the fuselage of all the Sound Force valks, including the "Super Sound Parts". What is "song energy"? How does a song convert into tangible, tactile energy? The VF-19Kai did not have radio antenna popping out of its shoulders, but in fact "speakers". The only valk that even remotely supported that notion was the VF-19P with the bolt on shoulder bits that looked more like antennas than speakers... So then it is space static that affects the hearts and minds of Super Dimension beings? Hmmm, sounds like another shoot the gravimetric beam through the deflector dish explanation to me... Riiiiight... Trying to figure out how a shreiking singer and his band possess "weapons of construction"...
  16. One thing that has been established in this series is that for a cap ship to get a "Macross" designation, it must be capable of transformation. That being said, what part of the Galaxy will transform? Does it have a Macross New Carrier or does it have something else?
  17. We call foul to speakers in space, rainbow rays capable of stopping a SD Canon blast and musical instruments used as control sticks for highly complex transforming fighter craft. The idea that songs can change a person's demeanor and attitude or affect non-sentient life is not new. Kinetic energy generators are not new either, ever buy a flash light that you have to shake to light? Same principle. However such an article doesn't remotely support physical energy generation by the use of song... Some people's kids, taking a crumb of dirt and calling it a loaf of bread...
  18. Inconceivable!
  19. That's what I want to get it for. The unpublished line art of the new series' as well has higher quality line art from the older series' Hopefully they'll use mostly glossy paper for those as opposed to the standard news print.
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