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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I didn't say it was anything, I said a possibility existed. Until the subs come out or we get confirmation from our Japanese members, AFAIK it's still open ended..
  2. Yeah, gonna wait until the subs come out or one of our Japanese speaking members confirms what happened.
  3. Well the Jamming Birds were largely ineffective. However, having a set of speaker pods is reasonable...
  4. I suspect the Macross is just fine...
  5. Bigger than I was expecting, that's for sure!
  6. It'd be interesting, but so far all we've seen them do is act like onboard FAST pack thrusters...
  7. Only when he's cheeky...
  8. That is so wrong on every level,,,
  9. Too true! I am hopeful anyway...
  10. Hmmm, that is relevant to what? Sorry not seeing any sort of correlation to what has been asked. But thank you for contributing anyway...
  11. I got the same vibe...
  12. Probably more so, as the VF-25 can add mission specific armaments in all modes whereas the 19 was limited in that respect.
  13. My name is Zinjo, and I support this message.
  14. Wouldn't the BFG cause a lot of drag as well?
  15. I'm surprised that the notion posted by a few here hasn't received more love. That being, that there is no Macross in front of them at all. That they are looking at an induced hallucination put there by the green creature in the water... It is as valid a proposition as any other in this thread. Ranka did have a flashed vision, right after the two of them crashed, of the image of the ship they eventually saw. It would be the easiest way for Kawamori to shift the argument sideways instead of answering either camp's question.
  16. Yep and the positive if you will... You took algebra right...
  17. With some individuals would would be dead on... I think it all started with the whole fanboy forum battles between the ATI vs Nvidia camps... Then it evolved into the PS3 vs Xbox360 and into the Bluray vs HDDVD by extension.
  18. Prove it isn't possible...
  19. ROFL. Now enter Kawamori and he tilts everything sideways...
  20. Some would have you believe it is there because once there was a purple dragon there a long time ago and they have records of that purple dragon and pictures too. Is the invisible dragon there because once upon a time an similarly looking purple dragon stood there too or is it indeed the very same purple dragon of yore, just now invisible? Mmmm, metaphysics and philosphy, always fun...
  21. Feel free to prove it, conclusively without resorting to speculation. I'd like to see if it's possible, although I doubt it. In both cases supposition is involved, as no detailed records have yet been published by the show's producers. No published records on what constitued a Megaroad fleet after Megaroad 01, whether new fold systems were installed on the SDF-1 (however logically they should have, but nothing documented), if the Macross ever left the lake after 2040, if it even left the Sol solar system, if more SDF class battleships were built, etc... Nothing, nadda, blank pages in the chronology and official records as we have them (as Kawamori left it).
  22. Indeed it is. Granted there is no conclusive evidence to support either side, but positions are being put forward and defended without it sinking into pages of childish name calling. See we can be adults if we choose to be...
  23. The best place for these in future is in the fan art thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=5
  24. Damn! I am loving the debates back and forth. Real thought is going into some of these posts and all of them are compelling, especially if you step over those who bang on their holy drums shrieking "blasphemy" over and over. So many possibilities! Can't wait to see what the answer will be and how it will be explained... If this little controversy doesn't get MF a better TV market share then there is something broken in the Japanese rating system...
  25. OK, why? Why would there be a need if so many worlds were colonized without incident? The very first emigaration fleet with Megaroad 01 , "disappeared"! No alarm bells go off? Doesn't that seem a bit odd to you? If alarm bells do go off, then it would be reasonable (without SDF class ships) to beef up the escort numbers, but that requires resources too. Yet there is so few due to how long it is assumed it would take to collect them. How is this done without compromising the defence of the home system of humanity? Hypothetically, 4 ARMD class carriers might have the same resource requirements of 1 SDF Class battleship. Which is more effective in a defensive battle situation? The Logistics questions are quite numerous. I am curious how you speculate these issues could have been resolved?
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