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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. That's what I am wondering. Similar to how there was a Battle 7 and City 7, could the SDF designation refer to an attached battleship? Alas we have no way to be sure at the moment, since no other documentation exists on these colony fleets past Megaroad 01. Another thing that makes me wonder is the Galaxy. If that was the galaxy we saw under attack in Bye Bye Sheryl, it seems awfully blocky and huge! Did the Eden ship yards evolve the original Megaroad class and the Earth develop the City ship class? Questions, questions....
  2. Easy now. It's one thing to be right about a speculation, quite another to gloat. This board has hearty debates all the time and I for one am not interested in turning this place into an adolescent flame arena... Is there any mention where it colonized? I thought it might have originated from Eden, but maybe not...
  3. The initial battleship plans for the SDF-2 Megalord were very similar to the Macross. They must have saw some merit in the design otherwise why copy it?
  4. Maybe, but if it's only 25/26 episodes, there are a lot of threads to clean up before the end as well as keep the audience's interest.
  5. A gimmick implies that it isn't real. So far it is beginning to look real. If you mean "gimmick" in creating a controversy that the ship was indeed the Macross, when it wasn't, then I'd agree.
  6. Dude, I thought that after episode 5 of Mac 7... Now we get Frontier and my faith is restored...
  7. Dont' forget the spoiler rule is still in place...
  8. OMG!!! Flashbacks, uncontrollable twitching...
  9. Possibly, and possibly not. We'll have to wait and see...
  10. Not quite. Other "adjustments" are needed to MII to bring it into line with the Nue continuity, however, if SK so desired, he could use this latest revelation as a basis. This is also assuming the idea of multiple SDF battleships wasn't something he envisioned for the Nue universe all along. He isn't one to lay out his secrets until he has reason to. Besides, SK has always publically maintained that he's never seen MII, so had no opinion on it.
  11. Grace is the final Cylon and damn, she looks like the Terminator underneath....
  12. Thanks, it didn't quite sound right at the time...
  13. Unless, for the sake of argument, the SDFs were always like the NMC's post Megaroad 01, which would make the NMC's dual purpose nothing new in the Macross universe. All the NMC's are refered to as NMCs, yet they have two docked ships. So many questions and so few answers.
  14. I have to agree with sketchly that it sounds like this is going to get nothing but better.
  15. If you could find that art, that would be amazing! Remember what book it was in?
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