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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. True, if that were the influences then why did we not see any in Mac Plus or Mac 7? Votoms is a plausible argument for the destroid designs in Mac II, however. And yes the Tomahawk II is from Macross II.
  2. I was thkinking more along the whole Cylon race idea...
  3. They are similar in the arms, but not much anywhere else... The Tomahawk II uses beam weapons (top) and rail guns (bottom) and large beam cannons on the shoulders, whereas the Cheyenne II uses gatling cannons (top) and beamweapons (bottom) and missiles on the shoulders...
  4. Pffft, That is the GUI for the PS-7, a fully integrated media and game system.... Finally saw the episode. - The opening was fun, but I am doubtful it is nothing more than a novelty opening for this episode. The real opening is still coming. - The Fire Bomber songs were a nice touch, (the way they should have been in M7!) They were integrated into the flashbacks and soul searching of Ozma, an apparent huge FB fan. When he first took Ranka in, no doubt FB was still the great band of the day so many memories would be associated with its music. Since this seemed to be mostly an Ozma episode, it would make sense that "his" music would be playing in the background. - It wouldn't surprise me that the Vajra would adapt to their foes. If they were indeed created by the PC, that would make them a very effective weapons system, capable of adapting and overcoming, essentially the PC Marine Corps... It also raises the stakes a lot. The Frontier fleet is now further back than when they started, defensively. - I still say Grace is an android, with the strong possibility of being an AI. Very sly and apparently far smarter than many give her credit for. - Liked the red herring Pineapple Salad. With SK, often a cigar is not actually a cigar... - The mysteries are evolving very nicely so far. Ozma's recognition of Brera was only a matter of time, but the question is, what will he do about it? - I wonder if the PBB on the VF-25S is part of the fighter's systems or something built into the FAST, Armor Packs? - The hand to hand knife fights were a nice touch, but that can be effective for only so long. - As for Micheal keeping the pill, I wonder if there is a correlation between it and his sister that hasn't been revealed yet. Quite possibly he is just looking out for a friend, but he did seem to recognize it on Galia IV... - Good visual episode. It's full impact won't be felt until we see the subs...
  5. Yes, well what we didn't see is Gov. Ahnold in a cameo scene edited out for time sake, where he handed Ozma the cake and said "Eat it if you want to live..."
  6. Yeah I was thinking the same thing... Unfortunately the series will be over by the time we get a BD version of the episode...
  7. Kawamori made that off the cuff remark because at the time he was finished with Macross, divorced himself from it as it were. Kinda like Dave Chappelle did with his show. Too much attention, too soon. He didn't want to be "type cast" as a person only capable of doing Macross productions. Hence his 10 year uninvolvement with the Franchise. I believe the release of Mac II without him or Studio Nue and his failed attempts at getting Plus produced outside of the Macross franchise contributed to his return to the universe. Macross Plus was his baby and I believe Mac 7 was part of the contract to get Plus produced. I suspect the fate of the original triangle became just another enigma of the universe, much like the SA and the PC are. It has become part of the "magic" of Macross and if you give away the secret it is no longer magic. That isn't to say it will never be revealed, but if it ever is, I'd expect an equally potent mystery to take its place. The relationship enigma has become a trademark of the franchise. What happened to Minmay, Misa and Hikaru, what happened to Basara Mylene, and Gamlin, what happened to Myung and Isamu, etc... I fully expect that the fate one or all three of the Frontier's triangle to become the next mystery for the fans to chew on, because well, that's just Macross... no riding off into the sunset for these folks...
  8. I heard it is supposed to be in the 50 issue range, but they completely weren't sure at the time of the discussion with the bookshop.
  9. Subscribed from the same chain for a year, but will subscribe locally for further issues when the subscription runs out...
  10. I do like the pre-order swag these days. Great value added merch for the fans. Also a good indicator to the studios as to how well the home video sales will be...
  11. If you notice the icon is identical to Frontier's. The Galaxy isn't a NM City Ship like Frontier, it is much different. I suspect it was done this way to hide Galaxy's true appearance from the viewer early on so we'd assume the ships were the same until it's actual appearance was revealed.
  12. They accompanied Brera when he first arrived on the scene... They just haven't been seen till now.
  13. The thing I love about this picture is I can imagine Sheryl doing a picture like that for Alto... She's bold enough to do something like it...
  14. It's similar, but it also is capable of remote controlling 3 Ghost UCAVs and is outfitted with substantial sensory and ECM capablities. It's combat role is more supportive to the squad. It appears the VFs have gone from (at least with the SMS) from squadrons to squads, akin to army soldiers as opposed to traditional flight squadrons. Visually one could make that conclusion, but I expect that internally the RVF-25 is very different from the VF-25.
  15. Some stationary stores have magazine inserts that have holes so you don't have to rip appart the issues. They are not very common, but they are out there.
  16. WHAT!!! I asked them about it a few months back and they had no idea!!! Oh well, I subscribed to a mail order house for the first year of issues, so not much I can do about that now. I'm definitely going to get the rest from Sophia books. How much was the subscription?
  17. Glad they chose this Sheryl song for the bgm of All that VF, it's one of my favorites...
  18. Well frontier established that the SDF-1 type battleships were christened the original Macross Class. With the NMC being their eventual replacement. The island cluster appears to be the latest version of the NMC, since all the original elements of the NMC colonization ship are still present.
  19. That is seems to be an inevitability.
  20. I didn't say it was bad, just not as good as Ranka's and there is a reason for that...
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