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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I am expecting Sheryl to sing from the bridge ala Minmay and Ranka to sing from the Vajra side as was hinted at in the original openning, only the two of them together (like Mylene and Basara) will have enough emotional power to stop the war. Then Ranka and Brera will remain with the Vajra as "guardians" and Sheryl and Alto will ride off into the sunset. How? Well I expect the V-Virus will grow into fold quartz (unfortunately only a few are able to survive this transformation) similar to what Ranka has in her system. All speculation of course, but that's all we have right now...
  2. Doubtful. The VF-1 was enshrined on the top of the highschool as it was. If they did make design changes, I'd rather they go no further than the SW-XA Schneeblum. I'd rather they do it so they can have sole ownership of the animated story that started it all...
  3. Actually they are "reimagining" RT for the big screen, so I am not expecting any resemblance to the bigwest owned IP work, such as the valks, SDF-1, story, etc...
  4. Well actually according to the Wiki, retcon originally meant what I thought. The term was eventually co-opted to include other descriptions. Which is common in pop culture these days...
  5. And if past details didn't exist, is it still retcon? My understanding of the term is that an existing explanation is changed to fit a current production, thus changing the history of the universe. - DYRL becoming a movie in the Macross universe to fit Mac 7 when prior to that it was another version of the events of SW1. - The VF-0 pre-dating the VF-1, when at the time of SDFM in the 80's the the predecessor to the VF-1 for the military was the Dragon II fighter. - The fold crystals appearing in the BD of Mac Zero, when they were not previously animated for the original release of M0. *** Actually M Zero was the most retcon the franchise had seen to date. Etc... The weaponry of the PD were never really explained (with the exception of the obvious SD cannon that Glavil had). It came across as magical as Song Energy and for Mac 7 much more wasn't required for the target audience. People on these boards harped that the SDF-4 was retcon, however I disagree. Nowhere had it ever been stated that no more SDF battleships were ever produced, that was an assumption made by fans. For all we know Kawamori always envisioned more SDF ships were built, but there was never a reason to bring it up until now. The universe details are left ambiguous on purpose to allow maximum flexibility to the story tellers of future productions. This keeps "real" retcon down to a minimum, but also allows the new stories not to be shackled to the minutia of overly revealed details, which is where Star Trek ultimately ran into trouble. Sometimes technobabble doesn't serve the story and thus isn't necessary.
  6. Well, wouldn't YOU?! They've done that throughout the whole series. The web text that Klan was looking at in the library were instructions on how to perform some functions in After Effects...
  7. How so? If Gigile's weapon was revealed or previously explained, then I'd agree, but as far as I am aware it wasn't. Just the results were shown to everyone's horror.
  8. Since it is not stated "what" Gigile's weapon was, it is entirely possible for him to be a living DE weapon. You posted yourself that the fold crystal ear rings in the Mac Zero BD must have been left by the PC and yet this race that "grew" it's weaponry and developed space fold technology were not aware of the properties and capabilities of fold quartz? That strikes me as highly unlikely. Fold Crystals are not an energy source but appear to be a focusing agent similar to how ruby is a focusing agent for lasers. The LAI fold booster uses Fold Crystals to cut through fold faults and the DE uses fold crystals to, by all appearances, create a dimensional singularity that sucks all matter into it. Since space folding requires SD energy to power it, the need for an SD reactor is apparent. Hence Gigile, having SD organs could easily power a DE if it were "grown" into his body by the PC. If as a PD your weapon is a DE, you become a living bomb and to set off said bomb would naturally be self destruction. Evidently none of the other PD would want that since Gigile wasn't only an EVIL series weapon anymore, but a unique being from their home dimension. It is my contention that Kawamori is attempting to further explain the nature of the PD weaponry. The DE was what Gigile used to destroy Rax, the tendrils coming out of the Vajra ships are what Glipernich used to pull the Mac 7 fleet down to Varuata, the back mounted SD cannons on the lobsters are what Glavil had in its hand and the barrier used by the Frontier City ship is the type Sivil used to generate around herself. That is an assumption, considering Song Energy successfully protected them from multiple blasts from Glavil's SD cannon weapon over the course of the series. The most powerful type of weapon known to mankind at the time. Unfortunately that return is not supported by the chronology timeline. It is possible however, that a small contingency were left behind to monitor humanity and eventually they made contact 10,000 years before the events of Mac Zero or the birdman cannot be accurately carbon dated due to its alien nature. As of yet that has not yet been included in the official chronology. Possibly that answer will lie in the Macross Chronicle books.
  9. I think they felt bound by their contracts to assist the military. Since they were training the NUNS on the new VF-171EX, it only makes sense they be given a couple to stop the commandeering of the Quarter. They'd have the best chance of surviving and engagement with the VF-25s. Though, one thing that puzzle's me, is where is the pilot of the last VF-27? Brera had two wingmen with him when he arrived and he and Grace both took one. Where's the last one?
  10. Actually in terms of gear, I'd say Ozma has the advantage, but Alto is capable of making a lesser aircraft at least keep up with the VF-25 and even score a few hits. I doubt either were shooting to kill, if they were one would be dead.
  11. And where did they get the idea from? Perchance Gigile's ability to swallow whole planets? Exactly how do you know for sure that Gigile didn't use fold quartz to initiate the reaction? It was never explained, we only saw that it happened. We went through this type of debate when trying to figure out the SDF-4 Global. Now with Kawamori adding the fold quartz earings to Zero in the BD release one could reasonably surmise that it was something left by the PC survey team when the AFOS was left behind, thus indicating that fold quartz WAS indeed known to the PC long before humanity learned how it could be used. As a matter of fact you made the point yourself: If you do the math, the compendium's timeline would put the ear rings (or rather the quartz) closer to about 497,000 years as that was approximately when the PC survey ship stopped at Earth. At that time, by your own conclusion the PC knew of Fold Quartz. I've never needed to before and have no intention of starting now.... According to the compendium after 9 months only 85% of the PC are wiped out due to the PD war. A year afterward the PD are sealed. 3 years after that the PC loose total control of the Zentreadi and 25 years after that the Zentreadi / SA war begins. 2000 years after that all but outposts, colonization fleets, colony clusters and worlds at the fringes of PC space are wiped out. Out of the billions of PC only a small number appear to remain in pockets around the galaxy. Now that isn't to say that if this is a PC world, they weren't victims of the PD war (collateral damage so to speak). However if they did create the Vajra out of the indigenous life (or grow them entirely new as weapons), the Vajra by their very design appear to be more tool like. Similar to Luca's ghosts than the sentient thinking Zentreadi. More like a product of a race who had been twice burned by "thinking" weaponry. Yet we can't entirely rule out humanity playing PC and the Galaxy creating these weapons. My only skeptisism of this notion is that the Vajra control systems seems far too advanced even for the Galaxy's techno addicts... Actually I did err in the sense I didn't mean the civil war, but the PD war and the subsequent Zent / SA war. However that is ultimately not relevant to my point. That makes the most sense, considering the Zentreadi's "Prime Directive" was not to interfere with the PC and with homeworlds being populated by PC they wouldn't touch them.
  12. I still think there is a story to be told between the events of Zero and SDFM, Since the AUN has matured into an "alliance" (retcon, since it was originally described as a terrorist group way back in the day) and they took the time and resources to develop two variable fighting craft (Octo and SV-51) I find it hard to believe that the events of Mayan Island would be the end to the hostilities. Granted, it definitely looks like some sort of secret (quiet) war, however it is a hot one. The official explanation of the UN Wars "just stopped" seems a bit trite and not very plausible considering mankind's ambitious and greedy nature.
  13. No doubt the VF-25 is superior however, Alto is a gifted natural pilot so being able to maximize the capabilities of the VF-171EX is no surprise. Keep in mind he knows what the VF-25 is capable of and can compensate for it in the VF-171, unlike the NUNS regulars.
  14. Found it. Original Scene: Blue Ray Retcon:
  15. Then explain how Gigile destroyed Rax? The destruction affect is extremely similar to what Grace did on Galia IV, except Gigile's was total destruction, not just a chunk. The PD were living weapons, the pinacle of PC technology. So was Glipernich to an extent. The PC were never totally wiped out. The majority of them were during the post PD war, but no mention is made that ALL were wiped out. The PC were part of the SA thus they did dirty their hands, although not by their own will. Don't confuse the PC Civil War with the first PD war. The EVIL series were created to end the Civil war and after the PD were imprisoned the war continued with the Zentreadi. With the giants having no limitations against attacking their masters the PC were no longer safe from their own army or the SA. They had lost control of their army and their civilization paid the price. All OTEC is reverse engineered from PC tech, thus a weapon as advanced as the Dimension Eater is not something humanity is capable of imagining on its own, no matter how smart the scientists are. It is my assertion that the DE is a product of the reports from the second PD war with the Mac 7 fleet.
  16. You got a screen shot of that?
  17. Doubtful this is the PC homeworld. A world affected by the PC perhaps, a forward base, perhaps, but not the homeworld or rather, central government world. I suspect that world was one of the first casualties of the Zentreadi / SA residual war and considering Dimension Eater technology existed back in the ancient times, it may very well have been destroyed like Rax was. At best, I'd expect that whatever remnants of the PC still exist are scattered throughout the galaxy and are well hidden from any outside contact and they want to keep it that way. The cloud formation definitely seems to indicate the PC insignia found on both the birdman and the Vajra. The insignia in DYRL could be considered an "artistic" interpretation of a symbol treated as top secret by the government and not generally known to the populace. The UNG would have certainly kept that information confidential as to avoid anyone knowingly stumbling upon an ancient PC facility. Kawamori isn't going to give up the PC enigma that easily!
  18. So are the grey VF-171's the VF-171B's? They are definitely upgraded from the ones we saw up until now. At the very least with newer weapons packages.
  19. That is very true. For the actual events of the war the series could be condensed down to about half of it's length, IMO. I think Mac F did a better of job with the music, by introducing a new song every other episode it keeps the musical monotony down to a minimum. Mac 7 is not a favorite for those who enjoy the Macross mecha pron! Unfortunately the suspension of disbelief and acceptance of the incredible was too often stretched to its limits... I enjoyed Mylene the most and Basara the least.
  20. Just reinforces the fact that the man had no taste! The show he did was a trashed version of the original with lame a$$ dialogue and surprisingly, the SC movie done recently was WORSE for dialogue than Macek's hack job! Sometimes Westerners really shouldn't try to adapt anime, especially if they don't have a clue about the cultural context of the original show...
  21. Anyone heard what's going on with the AIA-IZ fansubs? They've been pretty quiet since episode 10. Are they continuing with the project or abandoned it?
  22. Very Sexy! I could see Roy riding that...
  23. If they ever should re-do SDFM to get out of the legal mess they've gotten themselves into internationally, they'd have to tread very carefully. The best possibility would be to simply re-animate the show with modern techniques, possibly update the music (though that would probably hurt me... ) and maybe toss in an episode or two as harmonizers to the current chronology. Most importantly pace the episodes out better so that that last few don't appear slapped on like the original. I can't say I'd be a strong advocate of a re-animation, but I also can't say I'd oppose it either. Kawamori has done a fairly admirable job with the Frontier story thus far and we know he can direct well if he's given control to do so.
  24. I have no doubt Hasegawa will captialize on the success of Frontier with new decal and color schemes of their same kits. They are already releasing Valks with insignia from other squadrons only seen in lineart of TIA books. I expect we'll be seeing several versions of the YF-19 (VF-19A), YF-21, SV-51 and Zeros soon (possibly the color schemes we saw in "All that VF" for Zero)... A real boon would be for them to release a VF-4 model kit for the masses...
  25. Dude he's already touched it. The liner notes of the first Frontier OST suggest that there is a TV series about SW1 and Triangular is its theme! I am expecting BW and Kawamori to be quietly relegating SDFM as a TV series within the Macross continuity, so they can avoid further legal entanglements with the Tatsunoko evil alliance. However I've noticed they've firmly hung on to DYRL (at least the art from it). The contract to produce that movie must have been much more clear than the series was. Hence the conspicuous absence of the TV version of the SDF-1 (thus far) in the Chronicle... It would also allow them to tweak the history to better harmonize with what has come afterward. No more conflicts between the histories presented in SDFM and Mac Zero for a start.
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