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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Keep in mind BigWest owns all the materials that went into SDFM, they just don't own the international rights to the animation itself according to the Japanese courts. Which seems to be why they tend to use DYRL images in subsequent productions.
  2. No. If we were to shoehorn the series into the Nue continuity that could be a possible explanation for them, however as an alternate universe series, it would not happen. The SA are a product of the Nue continuity based back in SDFM and their purpose was to oversee and / or defend the EVIL series project that created the PD. Mac II bypassed that history and based itself on DYRL which essentially stated that the PC civil war never ended. Well I'd have preferred the SA be the antagonists of Mac 7 too, however the Mardook are a product of Mac II and at the time, was not recognized by Studio Nue. You would be correct that the SA has still not been revealed in a Macross production. They are as enigmatic as the PC.
  3. True. All fold capable ships are essentially Super Dimension vessels. I'm not so sure that "Fortress" would denote that, however it is possible. That is why I wonder if the SDF designation is refering to the Macross Class escort, similarly to how the NMCV is referring to the New Macross Carrier in the new fleets. The only notable exception is the Megaroad 01, since we have no evidence that another warship was constructed for that mission (essentially no time before launch).
  4. Ah Togo, you've fallen behind in the discussion again. We've moved on passed the design of the Megaroad herself.
  5. I believed the Global wasn't the Macross and that worked out, so why not continue to challenge the altars of the fanboys... Kawamori strikes me as far to logical to just "toss" on a name and designation without purpose. I could be wrong, but I have faith in him... Togo you have presented little supporting argument to your assertion. It's like talking to a bible thumping christianist. Except you pound on Macross Perfect Memory... By George I think he's got it! As for the Macross-04 Global, that is perfectly resonable as it is a Macross Class ship. However, if Togo prefers we could go back to refering to it as an SDF-04.
  6. Another premise for the movie (assuming it won't be compilation) is the search for the Galaxy fleet. As of yet we still don't know if it has been destroyed or if it's somewhere out there under the command of Grace's accomplices... Would make for some cool Valk on Valk action!
  7. What kills me is all the lineart floating around Yahoo Japan right now, ranging from 6500 - 15000 Yen... Way more than I can afford...Boooo
  8. Not necessarily. If the naming convention is consistent, then the SDF-003 as shown here, could denote a warship escourt, just as the NMCV denotes the Battle 025, not Island 1... The naming convention appears to be the escourt ship type, then the colony vessel name (in the case of Frontier it includes all the Islands), then the designation of the warship. In the case of Mac 25, it is the "New Macross Aircraft Carrier"- "Frontier"- "NMCV-025". If the naming convention is consistent then the Megaroad-02 shows a: "Super Dimension Fortress" - "Megaroad-02" - "SDF-003". It isn't definitive, however it does raise the question of "Were the subsequent post Megaroad 01, Megaroad colony vessels escorted by Macross class warships?" The only exception would be the Megaroad 01 which had predominately Zentreadi escourts. As the Megaroads by their very design were by no means a "Fortress."
  9. What has me the most stoked is that film budget are much higher than TV budgets and we'll be getting even better animation quality from the movie than we saw in the series!!!
  10. You posted that?!
  11. Yes it is! (checked my copy of issue 1) Well that effectively eliminates the "redesign" question. However, I did notice that is isn't given the SDF Registry in the Chronicle, just the Megaroad 01. I believe (and Sketchly can correct me) that the only mention to the SDF-2 appears to be that the Megaroad's origins are from the SDF-2 warship chassis. Therefore (if that is correct) the question of whether it will retain that SDF registry name for the colony ship itself (or subsequent ships) does remain. If the registry name doesn't refer to the colony ship, then it must refer to something else...
  12. I am suggesting it is now questionable, since so far it has only been included in the DYRL entries in Chronicles. It may not have been changed, however unlike some, I am open to the possibility that it may see a design change or what some originally held as sacred canon is now different. I am fully open to all possibilities, those being: that it is the same as we've always thought or that it is somehow different now (whether that be a physical design change or even the inclusion of Macross Class warships like the NMC system utilizes). Challenging convention is not nearly as evil as some might think or want others to believe....
  13. Nicely tied up with a bow... I recall everyone trying to figure out where the Battle Galaxy was and it appears that it wasn't there at all! It would explain why the Galaxy sent out a distress call. Makes me wonder if the Galaxy city ship even survived. The battle we saw in ep 7 was not in an area where the Galaxy fleet was, but a mid point between Frontier and the Galaxy fleet. The broadcast images of the Galaxy battle never showed the Battle Galaxy. It may well have been off looking for the Vajra homeworld while Grace was sowing her treachery on Frontier. Thus not available to defend her city ship. It was cool to see the Galaxy "disarmed" and not totally destroyed. They took out the bridge and the gunship, not much left to fight with when they are gone. The use of the carrier deck like a PPB sword on the Galaxy also reminded me of how Metal Siren used its lance from Mac II. The new take on the Deadalus attack was pretty cool too! Also makes me wonder if Mao was on the Battle Galaxy and if so, if she will be charged along with her cohorts? Interesting twist to take this innocent love sick kid from Zero and turn her into an amoral scientist with questionable professional morals... Was that an avatar or the actual grace who Alto shot in the queen's head? Love the loads of implications and unresolved love triangle. Much better than how Mac 7 handled Basara, Gamlin and Mylene triangle. The enigmas left from this series will keep fans debating this show for many many years. Exactly what is needed to keep a franchise like this alive. Well done! I did expect Ranka would be able to cure Sheryl and laughed when she bitch slapped Sheryl for giving up. I also liked the message that science can be perverted into evil applications. Much more relevant for the universe IMHO...
  14. Got a screenie of the Mac 7 animation or an episode? I'd Love to review it. As for being part of canon, we've already seen "canon" change several times in 2 decades. The author of the universe has also stated he won't be tied to it, so that really isn't a strong argument. You made a similar argument about the Global and well we know how that turned out... As I've said, I will wait until the Chronicle comes out with the write up. With 50 issues coming, I'm sure we'll be getting specs on all the capital ships eventually, including the Megaroad class.
  15. I have to agree with Seto Kaiba on this one. It tracks very well in the context of DYRL being the historical basis for SW1 and the universe. There were no EVIL series created, thus no SA formed to observe / defend the project. With that, no enemy for the Zentreadi to fight with, except each other in a perpetual civil war. Essentially DYRL sidesteps the whole PD war entirely. With the civil war being the reason for the PC demise it is not impossible for a remnant to take control of factions from both camps, brainwash them into obedience and use them in some perverted ethnic cleansing of the galaxy. Their weaponry was superior, yet not very far removed from what the giants were already using, which suggests a lack of adequate resources to produce what the Nue PC did. In the Nue continuity the PC legacy weaponry was substantially superior to what the technologically stagnant Zentreadi had and even the inventive humans were coming up with.
  16. It could be like Dynamite. A new story with the same characters...
  17. I'll wait for the write up in Chronicles before conceading the point...
  18. I was right that the Global was NOT the SDF Macross....FTW
  19. Well the setting, fighter progression and conspicuous absence of any emigration programs invalidates it in the Nue continuity. Kinda big issues. However, as an alternate universe it works, as an in universe movie sequel to DYRL it works in the Nue continuity, other than than it would require rework.
  20. I didn't say it was excluded, I said it's design may be in question. We see icons at the beginning of Frontier, not ships. Exactly what the Megaroad looks like "historically" is still in question. Granted the Chronicle may yet clarify this, but at this moment with the issues thus far published, we can no longer be definitively sure.
  21. Is not the SDF-2 Megalord a copy of the SDF-1 Macross? It is still a Macross class vessel is it not? Somewhat larger, but still a copy of nearly all the elements that went into the SDF-1... To say otherwise is like saying the NMC 13 is not a copy of the NMC 1 because it looks slightly different...
  22. That's not the puzzle. The puzzle is whether the Megaroad depicted is the actual design or was it merely a Macross class ship "called" Megaroad XX... Though, we'll need to wait to see if Sketchly finds the clarification in Chronicles...
  23. That's the point... Was FB2012 similar to DYRL or canon? Already addressed the Frontier footage. We saw a Megaroad in Mac 7??? Any screenies. I don't recall that one... I do enjoy how some will adamantly argue against any notion that they don't personally accept, as non-canon due to their various rules and regulations, but make exceptions for those elements they like or accept regardless of how they may contravine those very same rules.
  24. That's the puzzle now isn't it? In Chronicles it is listed with the DYRL movie ships, outside of the "official" historical reference materials in the officially sanctioned books. There is also the depiction of Hikaru in the movie uniform in the very same prologue. Now as most state, SDFM is the canonical depiction of the the events of SW1, therefore how is it that Ichijo is in a movie costume as opposed to his actual Spacy uniform or flight suit? Is the Megaroad liftoff meant to be real or the in universe movie depiction of the event? Consistency would suggest the latter. Is it real or is it memorex? Until something is otherwise published, the DYRL lineart for the Megaroad 01 design is now suspect, with respect to canon.... Your rules... not mine...
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