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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Then it is like "couple" or "coupling" for us English folk.... Outside of the story outline and mecha designs, Kawamori didn't have as much to do with Mac 7 as some might want to believe. He was working on Plus at the same time and much of the silliness of Mac 7 could probably be attributed to the series' actual director...
  2. Well considering the magazine is still being published, I wouldn't in good conscience post scans of the pages. This is BigWest's bread and butter and I want to see more Macross productions. When it's out of print, then nobody but the re-sellers and auction sites make money on the books and all bets are off then... Maybe members will privately share their scans, you may want to ask around...
  3. That is some but ugly case art in the Chinese release!!!
  4. No it's his buy in to Grace's master plan. His personal motivations are unclear and are best left that way IMO...
  5. I suspect the Galaxy City ship survived. "IF" Mao was aboard the Galaxy City then she was in contact with Grace at the end of episode 13 (I think that was the episode). If not then she probably went down with the Battle Galaxy when the Battle Frontier hit it with it's Daedalus punch. Where Mao ultimately was, would provide our best guess as to if the Galaxy City actually survived the Vajra attack. I suspect the Galaxy City did and the attack was staged to draw the Vajra attention to the Frontier fleet. After seeing Battle Galaxy in ep 25 it made sense why we never saw it in episode 7. It simply wasn't there for the broadcast to Frontier. With the ship still around it keeps another enigma for the fans to speculate about, which is something Kawamori seems to enjoy when doing a Macross story. As for the Dulfim, I suspect it's the same ship that was docked with Island 1. However it really is difficult to be sure that the Galaxy fleet only had 1.
  6. Who's to say they aren't in the fuselage itself?
  7. Nope. There was a Region 2 International Version about half way down the page: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/video/_video_dvd.htm Except I was mistaken about the subs, they are Japanese subs for the English sound track.
  8. To utilize the new BD region coding to bypass any HG interference in marketing the product to North America. Granted the pricing can be a bit prohibitive for most. The international version of Plus came with English subs and a dub. A similar method could be employed for the BD releases to increase disc sales and gauge Western interest in the show. In a world economy this does make sense, otherwise why bother combining North America and Japan into the same region code if none of the studios have any plans to potentially market their shows directly to the old Region 1 customer base?
  9. Yes but the lineart of the legs shows no room for internal pallets there.
  10. You know we should create a thread for this....
  11. Very Nice! Where did you get your avatar from?
  12. Agreed! Looking good so far...
  13. Sure if you want to irritate the enemy into sepuku....
  14. I am Zinjo and I endorse this remark....
  15. In the Nue universe with the Galaxy network, it would not be unecessary. However in a "movie" or for a colony world cut off from the Galaxy network, that only ever knew of the Zentreadi threat, it would be. A war doctrine of taking out a superior force while sacrificing the least amount of resources would make sense if you are all alone. That was the thinking behind the Grand Cannons... Only problem with the Grand Cannons is that they were a stationary target and invited counter attack on the planet they were situated on.
  16. Actually that is a common fallacy. The Macross Cannons had Zentreadi type Macross cannons for sure, but they weren't attached gunships (no propulsion sections - the graphic shown earlier is a cut and paste job that doesn't show how the ship was really constructed.). There are several ways to shoehorn the series into the Nue continuity, but as an "in-universe" movie is the only way to keep its story intact as it is. I found it totally unecessary. The fact that the characters bought into the idea that the ship had some super powers and found out that it really didn't was message enough. That the power of the Alus was not in a legendary ship, but in the power of songs of the emulators to inspire their people to resist their slavery to Ingues...
  17. I kinda like it actually. Its a turnabout on the Lucifer story. This Lucifer went from bad to good...
  18. We only see the Global in Attacker mode, and we've only seen the Megalord in cruiser mode, so that is not conclusive. The bridge difference is certainly apparent. Only Kawamori knows for sure which ship chasis the Macross class warships are patterned after and that hasn't been revealed yet. I suspect we'll know for sure when the Global is featured in the Chronicle.
  19. I dunno about that so much as seeing additional bolt on equipment for the VF-25 and maybe even the VF-27! Much like how the Strike PACKs made their debut in DYRL...
  20. THAT is soooo wrong on every level....
  21. Cool. Thanks for the references.
  22. And Guantlet goes down... Prove it! Plot point for plot point...
  23. Yep and a red one with yellow lightning stripes, is the Nightmare Plus EX Kai....
  24. AHA! Dodged yet another punch doo of my supeerier intelleckt....
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